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This is getting ridiculous!
I can take beats but now its happen like 50% of the time!
Last 2 heads up SnGs I've played...
I raise button with Js Jc, I get reraised, I re reraise and get called with half my stack left...
Flop is 10s 6s 3h.
He shoves I instantly call. he has Kh 3s.
Turn is Kc and River is 2h.
Im BB with 5c 5d, villain min raises, I re raise and he calls.
Flop is 5s 9c 6c.
I bet 1/2 pot he re raises to pot and I shove. He has Ac 8d.
Turn is 7c and River is 2c.
This is happening way way too much for my liking... I mean come on!!
This is probably just a small percentage of the beats I've took over about 100 heads up SnGs and I'm still massively in profit which is shocking but now I'm on tilt.
I know badbeats are a massive part of poker but its happening time after time!!
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