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Sunday Night Live with Rich and James ***IMPORTANT*** See revised opening post, if you'd like an hou

edited June 2012 in Poker Chat
I like it -  Sky Poker : The Movie!  So much scope with that one.  I'll get my director's hat on me thinks.


  • edited June 2012
    ************IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT**********

    3.40pm Sunday June 24th

    Are you playing in tonight's main event- the 8pm 5K GTD Primo?

    Would you like a whole hour of the show dedicated to your play tonight?

    If so, email in asap your name, Sky Poker alias and telephone number to

    We'll pick 2 or 3 players and follow their progress LIVE between 8pm and 9pm tonight, and if you're up for it, have a quick chat with you on the phone too during the show.

    If you haven't had your play on the show before and fancy your 15 minutes of fame, now's the time to get in there!

    With the footy on, it should be a cinch to get picked!!!

    Look forward to hearing from you :-)

    The proper opening post is below....


    Greetings gang,

    Hot off the back of last night's show, we have another live night upcoming on Sky Poker TV very shortly. 

    It's Sunday. Yes I know, that Sunday. The one when the England quarter-final is on. So I appreciate you probably won't be watching for the first couple of hours but we'll definitely see you from 9.30 onwards!

    The last England game I did on Tuesday actually had a very healthy contingent of viewers who weren't into the football watching us, so it'll be nice to have those guys back with us as well.

    On the sofa all night, will be myself, Richard Orford and staying in his very successful analyst caretaker role for a second show on the bounce- Mr. Hartigan.

    I have 3 Tuesday night Lucky 7s tournament seats once more to give away- and they'll go to the best responses to this...

    Sky Poker: The Movie

    Tell me about this film!

    e.g. if they made this, which real-life stars would be in it? 
    And which Sky Poker players or presenter/analysts would they be playing? What would the plot be? 
    Would it be an arthouse flick or a big budget blockbuster? What would all the budget mainly go on? (Tikay's makeup?)
    What would the tagline be? (e.g. "In SNGs no-one can hear you scream"). Would there be a classic line of dialogue in it?
    What would be the standout scene? How would it end? etc etc

    You don't have to answer all or any of those particular questions- you might think of your own stuff. I'm just giving you some ideas. Just tell us something about how you'd visualise that movie turning out and you can make your answer as long or short as you want.

    The 3 best answers win prizes! Post anyway between now and Sunday, even if you can't catch the show, as I read them all out and 3 winners will still be announced on the thread, so be sure to check back on here.

    See you at 7pm Sunday!
  • edited June 2012
    Thankyou Padraig! 

    I look forward to your input!

  • edited June 2012
    Doom Switch starring Tony K.  'Yippy Ki Jam mother folder.'
    The sequel, Doom Harder.  'How can the same beat happen to the same guy, ran twice?'  

    Lethal Wazzock.   'I'm to old for this bink.'
    Tony as Danny Glover (aka Murtaugh, both keep trying to retire unsuccessfully) and depending on how harsh James is tonight he can be Mel Gibson (Riggs). Let that sink in.  Don't get offended by the Gibson jibe, obv kidding and worst things happen at sea.  Like Speed 2 for instance.  

    Congrats on the PLO Tony.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and James ***official show thread***:
    Movie Doom Switch starring Tony K.  'Yippy Ki Jam mother folder.' The sequel, Doom Harder.  'How can the same beat happen to the same guy, ran twice?'   Lethal Wazzock.   'I'm to old for this bink.' Tony as Danny Glover (aka Murtaugh, both keep trying to retire unsuccessfully) and depending on how harsh James is tonight he can be Mel Gibson (Riggs). Let that sink in.  Don't get offended by the Gibson jibe, obv kidding and worst things happen at sea.  Like Speed 2 for instance.   Congrats on the PLO Tony.
    Posted by Archangel
    lol, very good.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and James ***official show thread***:
    Movie Doom Switch starring Tony K.  'Yippy Ki Jam mother folder.' The sequel, Doom Harder.  'How can the same beat happen to the same guy, ran twice?'   Lethal Wazzock.   'I'm to old for this bink.' Tony as Danny Glover (aka Murtaugh, both keep trying to retire unsuccessfully) and depending on how harsh James is tonight he can be Mel Gibson (Riggs). Let that sink in.  Don't get offended by the Gibson jibe, obv kidding and worst things happen at sea.  Like Speed 2 for instance.   Congrats on the PLO Tony.
    Posted by Archangel
  • edited June 2012
    24 hours to go- make sure you have your entry in for the competition, even if you're not watching the first couple of hours due to the footy!
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and James ***official show thread***:
    24 hours to go- make sure you have your entry in for the competition, even if you're not watching the first couple of hours due to the footy!
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    Had a "script-writer's" meeting earlier and it didn't go well!  The best we could come up with was a Sopranos film with Tony (TK) Soprano, Anna (Carmela) Fowler, James (Hitman) Hartigan, Richard (off the record) Orford, Carlo (Cosa Nostra) Citrone, Redmond (Junior) Lee,  & Ryan (Numbers )Spittles.  I didn't think it would work so it's back to the drawing board! ;-(
  • edited June 2012

    Sky Poker The Movie


    It's important to note this would have to be an Art House Movie not a blockbuster!

    6 Max wouldn't achieve the Box Office revenue!


    The Title: Pack To The Future


    The Plot: A David and Goliath scenario. Sky Poker taking on the on line giants and beating them in every department. Dicky Mc Fly by night (Richard Orford) having to go back in time to make good a space time continuum error.

    The clock in Timed tournaments has stopped and can't be put right until Orford sorts out the Evil Lothario (Carlo) who has eyes on Orford's mother (Anna Fowler) and coming to think about it, anyone in a skirt, to be honest!

    Hartigan with his geekish comments, uncomfortable laugh and ability to look awkward in any company. Makes an excellent Super Villain side kick to Carlo.

    Scotty 77 as Hagrid Mc Flybynight. Dicky's shy unassuming, timid father. Who transforms into a self confident, fashion conscious, aggressive winner thanks to Dicky's Tutelage  

    Sarah Champion is everyone's choice for Dicky's future love interest. She wouldn't even need lines to win an Oscar!

    Tikay's role would be that of Mad Professor / Child Catcher. Come on! you'd save a fortune on wardrobe! He's worn most of the outfit's on live shows already!.


    The ending would be Dicky ensuring his mother marries the man she should be engaged to, Carlo and Hartigan end up on the TV Channel Dave. Tikay invents a system that ensures him success in US Omaha tournaments. The Timed Tournament Clock is restarted ensuring Sky Poker's future success and popularity.
    Dicky and Sarah live happily ever after! Even though Dicky never got to see a televised sporting event, ever! Because fate always conspired to have him presenting a live show at the same time!


    As the film was expected to be an international success all Carlo's lines were put in speech bubbles so the English could understand them!



    Richard Orford (Dicky McFlybynight) – Michael J Fox

    Tikay – Benny Hill

    Anna – Barbara Streisand (Younger Version)

    Carlo – Marty Feldman

    Hartigan – Jerry Lewis

    Scotty 77 – Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane)

    Sarah – Any spectacular actress with great eyes and amazing figure


  • edited June 2012
    Unfortunately , viewing figures will be at an all time low !  

    I heard theres a football game on or something ........

    Run better guys.  

    Will obv be watching the re-run tho,  have a good show.  

    Question for James :  When does NFL season start and have you got any tips ?
  • edited June 2012
    These are great- keep them coming!

    There's a football game on, you say?

    I hadn't noticed...

    See you all at 9.30. Sigh...

    Unless there's penalties, in which case see you at 9.45...Sigh again...

  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and James ***official show thread***:
    These are great- keep them coming! There's a football game on, you say? I hadn't noticed... See you all at 9.30. Sigh... Unless there's penalties, in which case see you at 9.45...Sigh again...
    Posted by RICHORFORD

    Unless you're in Scotland or Wales or Ireland....................................
  • edited June 2012

    Richard and James, have a good show tonight.

    As nobody will be watching, tonight is your big opportunity to finally broadcast all those thoughts and opinions that you have hesitated to express previously.  For example...

    Richard, what do you think of female Assistant Referees?
    James, Miss World, discuss.

  • edited June 2012
    im sure u could even get away with a swear word as no 1 will be watching till 9.45 :) 
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and James ***official show thread***:
    im sure u could even get away with a swear word as no 1 will be watching till 9.45 :) 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    I'll be watching Rich! I've even invested in a new set of headphones, so I can multi-task again.  I asked my son for advice "You can't go wrong with xxxx (insert Bose)"   How much I asked. "Well the ones I loaned you last Tuesday to watch your poker show, and you somehow managed to break cost me £50!"  OH!  I managed to pick up a perfectly adequate new pair of headphones this a.m. for £4.99 at my local garage!  BTW Theres another script writer's meeting scheduled for after the F1!
  • edited June 2012
    Evening Guys,

        Isn't there still time for a "technical hitch" tonight that get's fixed for 10pm?, but just in case here is a film plot:

        Have a guess on what's the film I'm thinking of:

    Upon arrival at a mental institution, a brash rebel rallies the patients together to take on the oppressive Nurse, a woman more a dictator than a nurse. They recreate the 1975 final table of the WSOP Main Event, which had a staggering 21 entrants with only 1 prize being paid, a thrilling winner takes all.

    Epic one liners ensue:

    Which one of you nuts has got the nuts?

    Hit me, Chief, I got the Cards!

    You're not an idiot. Huh! You're not a looney now, boy. You're a fisherman!

    Cast Members:

    Tony 49 cards Kendall   plays  Randle not Hopkirk

    Claire Jack Boots Cook plays  Slimline Nurse tonic

    Carlo plays Shaken not stirred

    Julian plays Mad Max

    you get the drift?  so the film is:


    Have a good night with all the football fans who's teams are out, or even didn't get to the finals


  • edited June 2012
    ************IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT**********

    Are you playing in tonight's main event- the 8pm 5K GTD Primo?

    Would you like a whole hour of the show dedicated to your play tonight?

    If so, email in asap your name, Sky Poker alias and telephone number to

    We'll pick 2 or 3 players and follow their progress LIVE between 8pm and 9pm tonight, and if you're up for it, have a quick chat with you on the phone too during the show.

    If you haven't had your play on the show before and fancy your 15 minutes of fame, now's the time to get in there!

    With the footy on, it should be a cinch to get picked!!!

    Look forward to hearing from you :-)
  • edited June 2012

    Oh why is spagbol still moaning
    Ah what a beautiful play -
    I've got a wonderful feeling
    Sky Poker's going my way.

    To the tune of  "Oh What A Beautiful Morning" 


    Fish and Sharks and Trolls better scurry
    When they deal the cards in a hurry
    When they play the "wheel" in a flurry
    With my ACE on Top.

    To the Tune of "Surrey With A Fringe on Top"


    Don't throw your cards at me
    Your hands are just like mine
    Don't fold your raggy Ace
    People will say we're in love.

    to the tune of
    "People will say we're in love"


    Oklahomaha!  the cards are falling down the drain (down the drain)
    Oklaomaha only team 51 are not insane (not insane)
    Where the flushing flop is a delightful crop
    And a Straight comes on the turn again....

    O -- Oklaomaha - just play the game and see
    it's the greatest game - with a lot to gain
    Oklahomaha's there for me - Yeehaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    To the tune of "Oklahoma!"


    Starring the Cast of Team 51

  • edited June 2012
    greetings gents. i'll be watching again, mostly!

    my movie would be 'alices adventures in wonderland' renaimed 'alices adventures in pokerland'. instead of a tea party there would be a cash table.

    alice... sarah champion
    white rabbit... jen mason
    tweedledee... rich
    tweedledum... ryan
    queen of hearts... anna fowler
    mad hatter... tikay
     cheshire cat... carlo
    knave of hearts/dealer... james

    have fun
  • edited June 2012
    Second script writers meeting went worse than the first! It was decided that after his recent Vegas win TK’s bank ability/equity has risen SO much we simply couldn’t afford him. We‘ve gone for Tom Cruise instead!
    TBH when the screenwriter saw the strength of some of the other poker-related film’s being put forward he hit the bottle! HIC! Oh and could you ask your sound engineer to increase the volume in the left hand speaker tonite as the earphones I bought this morning don’t work in the right ear!!
    p.s. I’ve e-mailed a film related Q for James.
  • edited June 2012
    (Richard, since you have an ipad in front of you, why not use it to take a look at the BBC's iplayer... it shows live programs too, you know? I'm sure James can do the show for a couple of hours without any input from you)

    Anyway, good evening chaps.

    I'd bought into the side event at the SPT today but I woke up not feeling very well so didn't make it. It was a good couple of hours yesterday, though. I was coolered really early on. Lovely to meet Anna, although I don't look forward to seeing my exit interview with her... Everybody cringe at how awful I look and no doubt sound. Also, threatening to injure her might have been a step too far. Funny story, that.

    It really is nice here today. Anna no tell lies.

    Have a good show gentlemen. I won't be watching for a few hours. Sorry.
  • edited June 2012

    Evening Gents,

    Good sales job guys....have now signed up for the primo and mini primo!

    £10k will be good spending money for Vegas!


  • edited June 2012
    I don't think this is embarrassing:

    S Club 7's "Seeing Double" is in my DVD collection. I'm cool.
  • edited June 2012

    You can follow my play tonight if you want (mainly so that you can say you helped a WSOP main event winner when I take it down later this year!)


  • edited June 2012
    Rich do you need a score update from the forum, what a choker to be working tonight ehhh ;)!
  • edited June 2012
    I'm watching up til kick-off...

    My name is descriptive of my character as I'm sure will be confirmed by anyone meeting me yesterday.
    I wish I could say I didn't go into detail about my exit hand... but that's what Anna asked me. I do fear that actually the jokey nature of the off-screen threat of violence might not have translated properly on screen. Never mind, there are worse reputations to have: At least nobody is accusing me of a slow-roll. lol

    Off to enjoy the football now. Have fun.
  • edited June 2012
    I've got rid of the wife for the night, £30 well spent. The children are asleep. Normally a night's poker would be on, unfortunately other events take precedent tonight. Fortunately Sky+, as always, comes to the rescue. As the big man said, "I'll be back."

    Unlucky Richard, I missed the last game due to work. Never mind IF we win tonight maybe you will have next Thursday off, or have UEFA conspired against you. Come to think of it why are all our games on on Sky Poker nights? lol.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and James ***IMPORTANT*** See revised opening post, if you'd like an hour dedicated to your play tonight:
    I've got rid of the wife for the night, £30 well spent. The children are asleep. Normally a night's poker would be on, unfortunately other events take precedent tonight. Fortunately Sky+, as always, comes to the rescue. As the big man said, "I'll be back." Unlucky Richard, I missed the last game due to work. Never mind IF we win tonight maybe you will have next Thursday off, or have UEFA conspired against you. Come to think of it why are all our games on on Sky Poker nights? lol.
    Posted by MIKE1_
    Yeh! SORT IT OUT SKY!!
  • edited June 2012
    My Sky Poker movie has a Spaghetti Western feel, including the music:-

    The Title:  The Good, The Bad and The Lucky

    My Director is of course James Hartigan (previously Sergio Leone)

    The plot is as in the original - Bounty Hunting of course!

    The Cast:-

    The Good - is played by Carlo (previously Clint) - can see him with a big cigar and he does the raised eyebrow thing very well.

    The Bad is played by Richard - (prevously Lee Van Cleef) he's a sharp shooter and always hits is target.

    The Lucky is played by Julian Thew - (previously Eli Wallach) - say no more really.



  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night Live with Rich and James ***IMPORTANT*** See revised opening post, if you'd like an hour dedicated to your play tonight:
    My Sky Poker movie has a Spaghetti Western feel, including the music:- The Title:  The Good, The Bad and The Lucky My Director is of course James Hartigan (previously Sergio Leone) The plot is as in the original - Bounty Hunting of course! The Cast:- The Good - is played by Carlo (previously Clint) - can see him with a big cigar and he does the raised eyebrow thing very well. The Bad is played by Richard - (prevously Lee Van Cleef) he's a sharp shooter and always hits is target. The Lucky is played by Julian Thew - (previously Eli Wallach) - say no more really. Regards Ruth
    Posted by Deja_Vu
    I'm sure I've seen this before? ;-))
  • edited June 2012

    Is the Luke guy who lost his fingers in the skating accident now called Luke (knuckles) Shwartz?? ;-))
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