In Response to Re: Serious question : Ace gives some great advice!! So, if you have high savings, & mum does not, just top both accounts to the required max! heaven forbid, someone suggests, several accounts, but a good financial adviser will help with legal alternatives!! GL!! Posted by HITMAN_RV
ANY SAVINGS count. Doesn't matter what accounts they are in. If you have over 6k (based on last information I had) will effect benefits you claim. And this INCLUDES money on your poker account. Yes impossible for them to know that, but not if someone one day decides to turn you in for whatever reason. I'm not sure what the exact effect it has, but over 6k they do a sliding reduced scale of benefits you recieve, but as said if not claiming yourself, and your mum not planning to claim for you I doubt you have an issue. But checking is worth while.
As I said before they can ask for your bank statements, and even if you choose to not give them some of them (IE you decide to try and hide savings) they may well catch you out. Reason being that while they can't get access to what your bank account holds without asking you for a statement they can find out the interest that accounts have made and what names those accounts are under. So if they know the interest rate an accout is getting and the interest it recieved they then know the amount the account actually has. And if they find one suspect and believe it is yours they will come and check.
In short its never wise to try and hide or lie to the government. They don't take it well if they find out!
Ok, so my mum just handed me a form. She has applied for some sort of benefits (idk what exactly) and basically the council are wanting to know where my income has been coming from. because i am unemployed and dont claim benefits myself. my income for the last 20 months or w/e has been soley from poker. So yeah, i have a form basically asking what my job is. I know poker winnings is non-taxable, although im pretty much a noob when it comes to life stuff like this ha. Now, serious question (maybe pretty dumb) but say i just basically say i earn money from poker, this wouldnt come back to bite me in the rear end would it. like theres nothing they can say? and would this affect my mum with her claim? Cheers in advance. x Posted by hurst05
get yourself a job,and stop sitting on your backside sponging off yer mum!. if you think you can make a living of poker your in dream land my friend!
In Response to Serious question : get yourself a job,and stop sitting on your backside sponging off yer mum!. if you think you can make a living of poker your in dream land my friend! Posted by windamon
You sir are an idiot. He does make a living from poker .... and as said above , he does not claim benefits when he could easily collect his £55 a week "job seekers allowance" .
MY Thoughts!! Point 1, Does any Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker, Managing Director or Poor Soul on benifits, ever walk out of a bookies, casino, with a little win & break a law, by NOT letting tax office know........NO!! Conversley, same scenario, if they lose, are these loses tax deductable on future winnings or earnings.... NO!! Has the government any way of measuring gambling winnings or loses .... NO!! So that solves that, YOU SAY NOTHING ABOUT POKER!! Read Ian's, [Macmonster's], &others, advice regarding any future taxable poker earnings tho! ie Sponsorship, appearance, journalistic income! Point 2, Has your mum, her family, her forefathers, lived worked, fought for, paid dues when they can in This country, in past & Now? ......Now i dont know......but the answer for most of us families is ...YES!! If your Mum needs the benifit at this time, what really the F. has it got to do with anyone, OR HOW YOU Earn your income!! They will have a clever answer, but really the form situation is shocking!!! They need to look at area's where non tax payers are earning fortunes out of renting accomadation to benifit claimers and the like, & at other end, Bankers retired away on massive pensions after fooking our country over! I feel i can comment on this issues without anybody making any assumption on my politics as i run & own a company which probably contributes over 100k every year to system in various taxes!! When i see the waste of goverment money in benifit fraud & banks & finance institutions running & robbing our country it sickens me!! However, I know Your intentions here, are honorable hursty, but in your situation, i would defo be 'signing on' without embarrasment, and meybe just give ALL the money to your Mum, SHE deserves it!! The future will be tough, LOOK AFTER YOUR FAMILY & YOURSELF mate!! if in future, some taxable Poker income may come your way, {PS, it defo will mate!}, then you will be in a position to easily become self employed or other!! if you have an employment 'HOLE' it will only cause you possible problems!! PS dont answer this, as some will not agree with MY advice, regarding it maybe immoral, THE MORAL THING IS TO LOOK AFTER YOUR OWN & FAMILY!! Run GOLDEN, WITH TAX-FREE WINNINGS!!!!! [but go easy on me as i'm a lil' poker HitDonk} Who knows what may happen in future!! ps my politic is complicated & obtuse, like me, which is why i rarley touch on it, so i wont comment further!! LOL!! PPS Hursty, will always dance you off the floor mate!!! lol Posted by HITMAN_RV
In Response to Serious question : You may not pay tax directly but it is taxed the operator of the online site pays it. if you claim benefits you should declare it as income if you are in profit. they may or maynot alter your moms benefit if she is claiming for you. Posted by drumahai05
In Response to Serious question : get yourself a job,and stop sitting on your backside sponging off yer mum!. if you think you can make a living of poker your in dream land my friend! Posted by windamon
fwiw my aim is to get out of poker (for a living) anyway. The only reason i began was how hard it was to find a job after uni. I felt i could do it and the results have spoke for themselves. i however dont live in dreamland and realise longterm for me it isnt sustainable. i aim to travel in the next year and onto a career that holds potential for longterm progression and success. what that is yet i do not know. if anyone in this thread needs a very hardworking employee *cough* ha.
thanks again for all the replies. i sorted the form out.
As I said before they can ask for your bank statements, and even if you choose to not give them some of them (IE you decide to try and hide savings) they may well catch you out. Reason being that while they can't get access to what your bank account holds without asking you for a statement they can find out the interest that accounts have made and what names those accounts are under. So if they know the interest rate an accout is getting and the interest it recieved they then know the amount the account actually has. And if they find one suspect and believe it is yours they will come and check.
In short its never wise to try and hide or lie to the government. They don't take it well if they find out!
Loopholes ftw
shhhh!!..... No-one else knows, only me & you!