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Head up in a 5.50 velocity is this a call on the river
He is tight aggresive player twokingsSmall blind 1000.001000.0048840.00IDONKCALLUBig blind 2000.003000.0035160.00 Your hole cards2K twokingsCall 1000.004000.0047840.00IDONKCALLUCheck Flop J75 IDONKCALLUCheck twokingsCheck Turn K IDONKCALLUCheck twokingsBet 2000.006000.0045840.00IDONKCALLUCall 2000.008000.0033160.00River 9 IDONKCALLUCheck
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Raise pre-flop as A) your hand is better than average and
Bet the turn because your hand now should be best and you need to start looking for value. Checking just gives him a free card to look for some sort of draw and then fold if he misses, without paying you off. He'll call a bet with any pair after you checked the flop and by betting you're protecting your hand as well as defining your opponent's range a bit more.
On the river I can't give an answer. I wouldn't think he'd bet full-pot with worse than K2 here, considering how short you both are, but you haven't defined his hand at all. He could be bluffing... or not.
My reasons for thinking this are that if he had a flush draw he would have bet on the flop to build a pot I would think and likewise if he had paired the board. So when he bets on the turn I have to wonder if he's just trying to steal the pot, because surely if he had a king he would have raised pre-flop unless as I said he was trapping with something like ace king. When you check to him on the river his pot size bet could easily be seen as someone betting strong when their weak.
My reason for agreeing with, Borin, is that you have made life awkward for yourself in knowing what sort of hand he has. I'm not sure if you checked on the turn to induce a bluff instead of leading out, but if this is the case then I think you do have to call the river, as I would be quite surprised to see a flush if I called. I could see him may be having K9 perhaps, but again I would have expected more of a value bet than a pot sized one after you checked.
I guess I could be wrong and I would have played it a bit differently myself because it does make the river call a little more difficult, and more so with no reads on how he would play a flush draw etc.
By the river he could have absolutely anything because he's limped and you've not put a single bet, so can't be that sure of his strength. I probably bet about 1/2 pot because you can still get called by worse, if you get raised you can fold easily.