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Technical Problems.

edited June 2012 in Poker Chat
Hi Everyone,

Please remember that we cannot provide direct technical assistance on the community, queries need to be channelled through customer care for us to help you.

If you feel that you have a technical problem that isn't anything to do with your computer, internet connection etc, then please get in touch with our customer care team with the following information so that we can assist you.

The information we need to help you is:

Poker Alias:
Hand ID(s):
Full details of the problem you experienced:
Internet Service Provider:
Browser/Download Client:
Operating System:
Anything else you  feel important or useful:

Please email this information to:

Sky Poker is committed to providing a stable gaming platform for our customers and apologise for any inconvenience you may experience while using our service.


Please note: This thread is here to help you. Any negative comments/trolling will be deleted.



  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Technical Problems.:
    Hi Everyone, Please remember that we cannot provide direct technical assistance on the community, queries need to be channelled through  customer care  for us to help you. If you feel that you have a technical problem that isn't anything to do with your computer, internet connection etc, then please get in touch with our customer care team with the following information so that we can assist you. The information we need to help you is: • Username: • Poker Alias: • Hand ID(s): • Full details of the problem you experienced: • Internet Service Provider: • Browser/Download Client: • Operating System: • Anything else you  feel important or useful: Please email this information to: Sky Poker is committed to providing a stable gaming platform for our customers and apologise for any inconvenience you may experience while using our service. Thanks. Please note: This thread is here to help you. Any negative comments/trolling will be deleted.
    Posted by Sky_Sam
    Thanks Sam i have repoted this from last night still waiting for response
  • edited June 2012
    Thank you Sam I know how hard it can be to find out problems that we are all having at the moment.

    One thing I have found is when there are updates esp adobe thats when the problems hit there worse.

    I hope you get to the bottom of the problems as Sky has so much to offer us all and will be great to just get back to normal play
  • edited June 2012
    Largearce are you running a mac? 
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Technical Problems.:
    Largearce are you running a mac? 
    Posted by Pipunch
    Yes im running a mac why ?
  • edited June 2012
    Just sent a message to Sky concerning sign in problems which have just started for me after having the latest Adobe update, took me 3 or 4 attempts to log in.

    So if anyone else has a similar problem then it might be worth sending an email so that they know how many are being affected.

  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Technical Problems.:
    Hi Everyone, Please remember that we cannot provide direct technical assistance on the community, queries need to be channelled through  customer care  for us to help you. If you feel that you have a technical problem that isn't anything to do with your computer, internet connection etc, then please get in touch with our customer care team with the following information so that we can assist you. The information we need to help you is: • Username: • Poker Alias: • Hand ID(s): • Full details of the problem you experienced: • Internet Service Provider: • Browser/Download Client: • Operating System: • Anything else you  feel important or useful: Please email this information to: Sky Poker is committed to providing a stable gaming platform for our customers and apologise for any inconvenience you may experience while using our service. Thanks. Please note: This thread is here to help you. Any negative comments/trolling will be deleted.
    Posted by Sky_Sam
    The only problem i have with this is.When you get the "no one else is having this problem" or "it must be on your end"and you have seen red bar's galore how are you supposed to gauge if that is true(not saying there is a conspiracy) unless you ask on general poker chat that everyone reads.
  • edited June 2012
    Because JockBMW had this problem too and so do i.....we're all running macs. I tried my windows laptop and it was fine.
  • edited June 2012
    Guys another little tip if you lose connection and cant get back onto sky poker ie you keep getting loading CM menu
    sorry if this a bit over basic
    leave sky poker trying to start up
    press ctr alt delete then start task manager
    scroll down until you find sky poker
    then highlight and click on end process tree
    you should then be able to start up normally

    I use a desktop with windows 7 home premium
  • edited June 2012
    Just sent a message to Sky concerning sign in problems which have just started for me after having the latest Adobe update, took me 3 or 4 attempts to log in.

    So if anyone else has a similar problem then it might be worth sending an email so that they know how many are being affected.


    takes me 3-5 time to log on -ie loading cm menu..
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Technical Problems.:
    Please note: This thread is here to help you. Any negative comments/trolling will be deleted.
    Posted by Sky_Sam

    I have submitted this info to the email address suggested.

    This is the first time I have done so despite having probably at least 100 disconnestions.  So thank you for the encouragement.

    However, I would likely to very politely say that the last sentence in your post is uncalled for, and like a red rag.

    For every one time I have mentioned a problem on the forum, I have probably been cut off about a dozen times.

    And when you say "help" us, I know you are being sincere.  However, at the end of the day, your site is a business which makes money from people being connected.  If I am disconnected you are not making money.  If I get so fed up I leave completely, then one of your competitors makes money.

    People do not complain about disconnections because they like to complain for the sake of it.  They complain because it ruins their enjoyment to the point that there is no point in trying to play.

    The people who will be "helped" if this issue is resolved is Sky.  

  • edited June 2012
    is this skys way of distancing themselves from connection problems?? send a link to this thread then say negative post will be deleted.. i know sky are trying to help, but where do you stand as a customer when you get disconnected due to no fault of yours.. when u ring cs all u get is "noone else has the problem" (im not saying they have.. im saying I have) or it must be a problem with your internet when everything else is working fine!!

    also because i had 1 refund a few years ago because sky thought it may be their fault.. they cannot be responsible anymore... joke imo

    get nowhere with cs and deleted off forum??????
  • edited June 2012
     On a positive note, the deleting of "negative comments" seems to have helped solve the issue, I've only been disconnected once so far tonight--- that's good innit!
  • edited June 2012
    It is stupid that you can't post negative comments though. What is it? We're allowed to say what they tell us to say? Constructive criticism is good. I thought that's what having a community vibe around here was about.

    Well after 40 minutes on live chat and countless emails being told it was definitely my problem and still not resolving the issue or even helping me with it, i decided to turn my mac off and watch the footy. Turned it back on without changing anything and hey presto it's working fine now. Definitely can't have been sky, because more than a million people have to report the issue before it exists. 

    Appalling customer service from Sky and i'm sure a forum ban awaits me for not brown-nosing everything Sky Poker. Especially seeing as though i had other posts deleted entirely for saying their software was rubbish. (It is rubbish, btw).
  • edited June 2012
    I have played for roughly 9 hours today playing 4 tables.

    I have had no issues with the connection.

    I have ran bad and lost a bit though so can I have my money back please?? ;)
  • edited June 2012
    No disconnects tonight, first time for a while.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Technical Problems.:
    Because JockBMW had this problem too and so do i.....we're all running macs. I tried my windows laptop and it was fine.
    Posted by Pipunch
    well you can't expect Sky to support Macs as well as real PCs. This is about real equipment not some geeks plaything.
  • edited June 2012
    Yeah but 10 years worth of laptops = £3500ish

    10 years worth of mac = £999

    Money left over = spends!
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Technical Problems.:
    I have played for roughly 9 hours today playing 4 tables. I have had no issues with the connection. I have ran bad and lost a bit though so can I have my money back please?? ;)
    Posted by donkeyplop
    what,you lost money,you ran bad,i dont believe you ;)
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Technical Problems.:
    In Response to Re: Technical Problems. : what,you lost money,you ran bad,i dont believe you ;)
    Posted by stokefc
    Lol! Yes I ran bad something's clearly wrong! ;) 
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Technical Problems.:
    In Response to Re: Technical Problems. : well you can't expect Sky to support Macs as well as real PCs. This is about real equipment not some geeks plaything.
    Posted by GELDY

    Thems fighting words SIr.... Pistols at Dawn ;o)
  • edited June 2012
    would like to say thanks to sky for resolving my issue. So thanks very much well handled. Credit where its due they looked into my case and came back with the right outcome in my opinion.

    Thanks Sky

  • edited June 2012
    Care to share the response? It might help me too as i've heard nothing back off them.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Technical Problems.:
    Care to share the response? It might help me too as i've heard nothing back off them.
    Posted by Pipunch
    Yes in short they refunded my entrance fee, but admitted nothing.
  • edited June 2012
    Ahh. I usually recognise sarcasm! I sent them data logs and everything. When they've finished picking fleas off each other they'll get back to me i presume.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Technical Problems.:
    Ahh. I usually recognise sarcasm! I sent them data logs and everything. When they've finished picking fleas off each other they'll get back to me i presume.
    Posted by Pipunch
    i must say when i spoke to someone on chat i got nowhere, when i sent an email the sorted it with in an hour, thats all i can say credit where its due.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Technical Problems.:
    In Response to Technical Problems. : I have submitted this info to the email address suggested. This is the first time I have done so despite having probably at least 100 disconnestions.  So thank you for the encouragement. However, I would likely to very politely say that the last sentence in your post is uncalled for, and like a red rag. For every one time I have mentioned a problem on the forum, I have probably been cut off about a dozen times. And when you say "help" us, I know you are being sincere.  However, at the end of the day, your site is a business which makes money from people being connected.  If I am disconnected you are not making money.  If I get so fed up I leave completely, then one of your competitors makes money. People do not complain about disconnections because they like to complain for the sake of it.  They complain because it ruins their enjoyment to the point that there is no point in trying to play. The people who will be "helped" if this issue is resolved is Sky.  
    Posted by Padzz77

    Haven't bothered saying much about this up till now but the above post is spot on. Customers will be getting annoyed but it is Sky who will be losing money. 

    For my case, I have been getting loading CM menu for months, up to 10 attempts on most occasions to get in. And getting disconnected at the tables, more so recently. Just been playing on another site if I get too sick of it or lose money because of it. Basically sky are just screwing themselsves over, gg wp, and along the way infuriating manier customers.

    But on a more constructive note... We are moaning I guess because we like or prefer playing on sky so I do hope it can get sorted for all parties' sake.
  • edited June 2012
    I've been waiting over 24 hours for a response via email. Which means i won't get it until tomorrow now probably.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: Technical Problems.:
    People do not complain about disconnections because they like to complain for the sake of it.
    Posted by Padzz77
    Believe it or not, they do - and this is who that sentence is aimed at. 

    Agreed, it probably didn't need to be pointed out. By negative comments/trolling I was strictly referring to the minority of the community that like to have a dig at every available opportunity. I should have been more clear.

    Keep those emails coming in all.
  • edited June 2012
    How long do these disconnections last on average?Have been sat out on 2 hyper hus and a 1 min roulette.Not big bucks but frustrating all the same.This has been from 5 this evening.:((
  • edited June 2012
    How long do these disconnections last on average?Have been sat out on 2 hyper hus and a 1 min roulette.Not big bucks but frustrating all the same.This has been from 5 this evening.:((

    well u get the trying to reconect to sky it cant,so u log off ,try to load cm menu cant, restart pc, load cm menu 4-5-6-times trying,, password-my sky poker my tables etc etc,,,back on tables loss of chips.  takes about 7-10 mins time u get back on your tables... lol got back on a dym table just in time to see in chat, away man lets blind him out  bless
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