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dym bubble play, what would you do?
£1 dym on the bubble, big blind 300, big stck opens for 900, i intend to shove my last 650 or so chips, but another short stack shoves for around 900 chips, i thought for a minute, and decided to let it go, and hopefully the ss gets knocked out? what would you do in this spot?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedragon1964Small blind 150.00150.005925.00JAM888Big blind 300.00450.00650.00 Your hole cardsK8 felly777Raise 900.001350.003220.00glynkAll-in 855.002205.000.00
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If you're the shortest of the lot and will need to beat both players to survive, then fold.
A) you fold, and big stack wins, so you've cashed but would have lost nothing anyway by calling if you're not the shortest stack.
C) You call and the shorty happens to beat you both and you get knocked out, but as he was gonna win the hand, he'd have doubled up and you'd have 2BB left so you're pretty much screwed anyway lol.
It's pretty standard to attempt to 'double team' against the shorty because even if he has a complete monster like QQ, against 2 opponents the odds aren't that bad of it getting cracked. I know it's all your stack with a junk-ish hand but if shorty wins, you're as good as out anyway, so you're massively improving the odds of shorty getting knocked out.
i probably call, as your equity in the DYM is so low anyway and this is a good opportunity to bust. you only have to worry about the shortstacks hand not holding up and even if he has AA his equity against 2 players drops dramatically.
so - what happened?
Double up tourney i think you must fold i can't see a good reason for calling i know if you call it's more chance of the ss getting knocked out if you have more chips you can take the risk but if you call and ss wins you will be the next one gone and if he wins when you fold you still have good chance to make the money
Fold everytime
Sorry Button player i mean not the SS
Assuming you have the shorty covered, it doesn't matter if you're a 20% dog, you don't need to win, you just need to beat the shorty.
K3s v A9s = pretty decent chance of winning
K3s v K8 v A9s = VERY slim chance of winning.
1) If you fold, he will lose 60% of the time, but if you call he will lose about 80%+ of the time (I know what I prefer).
2) If you fold and he wins, then you're gonna cash a VERY small amount of the time anyway.