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DYM........"Ace rag"?????
HI folks,
Someone was a bit unhappy with this play by myself as i mentioned pot odds as well as it being a good enough hand in the chat box when he was upset with me calling his 4xBB raise with "ace rag". My play was a little reserved on turn as he may have had a set or flush at one stage and then i gave him chance to bet on river as i thought ace must have hit him by then but surely the call with one other caller already is fine. What do you think as i invited him to see what the forum thought but i don't see him involved in it at all?
It may be early but its relatively cheap and can win me a big pot with odds of 3 to 1. I cant honestly understand his grievance or his attitude. He tilted and went out in sixth....silly IMO.
layerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceaces-steSmall blind 25.0025.001345.00profman15Big blind 50.0075.001895.00 Your hole cardsAJ WAGGO31Fold rob1nson13Fold suzy666Fold
Raise 200.00275.001565.00aces-steCall 175.00450.001170.00profman15Call 150.00600.001745.00Flop 3JA
Call 300.001200.001265.00aces-steFold Turn K
Check River A
Check profman15ShowAJ
ShowQQ profman15WinFull House, Aces and Jacks1200.00 2645.00
0 ·
yes i fold pre....
but then u no how tight i am. lol
idcu is right...every chip matters later on.
play that hand 1000 times over,how many u going 2 win?
be lucky,
Bet the turn.
All-in on river
He shouldnt be criticising you but thanking you for letting him off so cheep cheep
I've read the ABC article which is excellent as well as Moshman's sitngo book too. There were reasons for my play which i see as logical including checking etc late on so i can see that my poker is improving after my ist year anniversary at Sky and indeed poker too.
Its gone from basic preflop hand, fit/fold and 'guess' from then on in to a bit more considered and 'logical'. Still enjoying it immensely which is the aim, isn't it?
i don't see a raggy ace
After that though, definitely bet turn and river.
I agree totally with the importance of chip stacks but feel that my play was balanced.
A consensus feel i should fold which was a surprise but thats what the hand was flagged up for...people's opinions. I was just floored at the players comment of "rag ace"...its suited and can give me the nut flush. Maybe the chaps haranging in the chat box was justified in some way but if i'd not hit so well i was in check/fold mould. even TPGK wasn't going t see anymore money from me.
TBH, after being callid AI by someone with 22 on a board with 5 higher cards incl A (i had AA)tonight this chap must have seen worse plays than this. He even had a go at the dealer!!
As played, I'm ok with the call on the flop, though think a lot of the time I'd raise as its a very draw heavy board. Still as played checking the turn is ok as well. However checking the river is really bad. His check back on the turn means good chance he will check back the river as well unless he has AK or AQ maybe, and even then you never know. Got to bet taht river for value, as with QQ he would call that fair amount of the time, and quite a few other hands as well. So don't give him the option to check behind here ever, as fold or check back you win the same amount as if he folds, so better to try to get some more by betting.
Betting the river is a fair point.... i tried to trap but should have bet something for sure. cheers
TBH, with 40BB, shoving here isn't really looked upon as good play, i feel, as the only players to definitely profit will be the other four. Their equity will undoubtedly go up as i will be short or a player will be out. DYM's tend to have a bit of a 'chicken game' late on with lots of AI's but here it's too early IMO. After all he's lowish and may call w/TT+, AQ+ so i could even be behind pre quite easily. I agree to the bet on river but saw him betting by then so slow played. He didn't but the chip gain was ok for the risk taken, IMO.
I'm not saying its wrong just that i wouldn't do it without a premium hand QQ+ at least at this stage but each to their own...Ha, i may have to now as players may fancy shoving after reading this!.....
Good luck
Fold preflop usually.
call is fine, as long as its only to hit diamonds/2 pair against fishy opponants
As played just get as much money in as possible as early as possible...
Personally I can't see anything wrong with the hand as you played it. Only fold pre if you have a very good read on your oppo and never fold after that flop
TBH i really thought i'd done absolutely the right thing by looking for the nut flush or two pair. I was surprised at my opponent but, some opinions lead me to think he had a point, though small IMO.