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Very situational spot, in a pure vacuum: Best line for value :
We are in best seat after UTG lead.. I'd see how many ppl flat the £10.. if it's like UTG and 2 other callers, then i'd make a small raise to £30 and jam turn. unless its a spade i'd check fold.
If it folds round or only gets called in 1 spot (never happening) i'd just call to crai turn.
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Lost 1st BI when some guy called my 4bet shove with Q's w A4.
second when guy limping into everypot outdrew my K's on turn and I was a non believer. (A7)
3rd by calling a huge squeeze shove w 9's and oppo getting there on river..... (A6) sigh.
Am by far tightest player remaining (now 6 handed) Have about £110 and am the shallowest stack. Counting down last orbit.
Very Last hand. Laggy UTG makes it £5, all seats call, I call from BB with 6s7s.
£30 in pot 5h8c4s (ty poker gods). SB checks I check in BB UTG opener makes it £10. All seats call, comes back to myself in BB.
£80 in pot. All oppos sat quite deep: this is obv a gift to get even on the night. What lines do we like?
Remembering in a pure vacuum and obv a very situational spot. All our showdown hands having been pretty huge and table knowing we have been playing pretty snug......but obv final hand remuddies water. Oppos are bad but given image c/ring 5 people.....................
All opps are deep & very laggy
Its a rainbow flop. PF UTG opener leads flop, all seats call. Am last to act on flop
easy get stack in on turn + river
So we flat flop: £90 in pot 5h8c4s 3c Just the perfect card in alot of ways.
6 players involved, we check behind flop in BB. UTG Opener makes a strange bet of £20: again all seats call round. Bloating pot to £190, ourselves having £90 back (£70 if we flat, being one third pot).
What do we like?
Have to apologise, didnt really set out to be a brag post but blatantly is: was nice to breakeven+ after very frustrating session - especially so on agreed final hand).
i.e. no broad pairing
Obv a set, will not be folded if we c/r turn, but given spot I think only hand we really need to fear is a likely 2club hand or 2pr hand. (Although odds of oppo improving are relatively equal with all those ranges of hands.)
If we can fade trouble on river think we can stack multiway, rather than just get value from maybe one/two oppo's on turn when we crai. Also fear of getting isolated vs one opponent if reshoved on by all the hands we crush. But equity aside, we kind of turn our hand face up when we crai vs 5 oppos, forcing alot of spewy hands to muck.
We are down 3BI's and if can fade hands of maybe 20% equity we will hold the SCN on river in a bloated 6handed pot vs players that stack light, only holding a 1/3pot bullet........ Hmmmmmmm
(Obv gritting our teeth and being prepared to not hate ourself too much if one of those hands with equity do get there on river.)