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What would you have done?

edited July 2012 in Poker Chat

There was a fairly well documented hand in the $1m buy-in Million Pound Drop WSOP event where somebody folded quads to an all-in bet when a potential straight flush came on the river, there were no other possible higher quads, only the straight flush to beat them.



  • edited July 2012
    would have to watch the hand in question first before i could answer yes or no.
  • edited July 2012
    Not being results orientated but i dont fold quads ever, if they have the old straight flush good luck to them
  • edited July 2012
    do you know now what the other hand was out of intrest cba to look,voted call
  • zzrzzr
    edited July 2012

    never folding quads, who won the hand?

  • edited July 2012
    In Response to What would you have done?:
    There was a fairly well documented hand in the $1m buy-in Million Pound Drop WSOP event where somebody folded quads to an all-in bet when a potential straight flush came on the river, there were no other possible higher quads, only the straight flush to beat them. So....
    Posted by Sky_Poker
    Definitely a fold given dynamics that I've read. Online poker I'd snap call. Live you can soulread this in my opinion.
  • edited July 2012
    I'd definitely call, never folding quads.
  • edited July 2012
    Phoned a friend, asked the audience or taken a 50/50
  • edited July 2012
    The day I fold quads is the day I give up the game forever!
  • edited July 2012
    I think hes a fool. U can never fold there. Have read this plenty and i think the other guy had KK BTW.

    I snap him off quicker than you can say fold!!!
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: What would you have done?:
    In Response to What would you have done? : Definitely a fold given dynamics that I've read. Online poker I'd snap call. Live you can soulread this in my opinion.
    Posted by patwalshh
    Theres a degree of truth to this and dynamic would obv be nice.

    But still never folding.  All dynamic can really tell us is how much we are sigh calling if higgs - boson soul reading
  • edited July 2012
    I'm not good enough to fold...
  • edited July 2012

    I,ve heard about this hand somewhere before and if he had the str8 flush then its one of the best folds ever, but i,d have to call.

    I may be wrong but i beleive the same guy went on to cash as well

  • edited July 2012
    Tom Dwan opened to 32,000. Smirnov called from the small blind with the 8h8d, and businessman John Morgan called from the big blind.

    The flop fell Js8c7s. Smirnov bet 50,000, Morgan called quickly, and Dwan folded.

    The 8s hit the turn. Smirnov bet 200,000. Morgan called instantly.

    Smirnov said Morgan looked very excited on the turn.

    The Ks landed on the river, and Smirnov bet 700,000, which was more than the pot of 600,000. Morgan thought about it briefly and then shoved for about 3.4 million total, which was about the size of Smirnov’s stack. Smirnov folded the quads face up.

    I have problems folding 3rd pair, never mind quads.
  • edited July 2012

    Dont chat s h i t  to me, who ever voted fold... wouldn't

  • edited July 2012
    lol crazy ben folding is beyong crazy 
  • edited July 2012
    He flatted a button raise from dwan in the sb with 88............................. He deserved to run into quads lol
  • edited July 2012
    he turned th quads pat not run into them.
  • edited July 2012
    Don't think I can ever fold quads here (or anywhere else come to think of it), if the guy did have the straight flush it's got to be one of the greatest laydowns ever
  • edited July 2012
    he commented afterwards it was "a very easy fold" to me that is an unbeleivable comment. just my opinion but i dont fold there. what hands shove the river there? kk,jj,910ss 77 so even if you put him on that very small range i still think folding is wrong. if you read through smirnovs take on the hand he says morgan calls the flop very quickly and insta calls the turn. so hes flopped the nuts and someone is betting into him, insta call? then turns the str8 flush and someone betting large into him insta call? would he not take time to think on flop or turn? 
  • edited July 2012
    Given the pre-flop action, I think I discount KK as surely there would be a 3 bet if holding KK in BB with a perfect squeeze situation?

    So in reality, there are probably only 3 holdings that can jam that river - JJ, 77 or 9 10ss.

    7's I don't think jam here as they know JJ is a realistic possibility for the opponent so we're down to 2 possible hands...... the fold is starting to look alot better.  Still don't think I could make myself do it though!
  • edited July 2012
    I think you can fold quads...

    Say you have 10101010 on a 10QJ910 board where the 10QJ9 are all one suit...

    Obv rare but it's possible

    But in this hand in question, 8888 is only the 2nd nuts... So it's kind of irrelevant that it's quads.. Say you had the King high flush in this same spot, against the same player, and you are convinced he must have the Ace high flush. Considering reads/action. You can fold!

    So im gonna say the quad 8s was a great fold, because if you put the guy on the nuts you gotta fold... (its like folding KK preflop against one opponant in a deep game) Not that i'm good enuf to fold it, obv...
  • edited July 2012
    After reading the comments of the other player, i actually believe he had the nuts, but there is no way on this planet i'd have folded..even if the winner got 18 million dollars..
  • edited July 2012
    I listened to a couple of podcasts discussing this hand, one of them with Eugene Katchalov who was at the table. According to him Morgan (s/f guy) got quite excited and started looking all around the room once the 8 came on the turn, almost as if he was looking for reporters/cameras, instead of paying attention to his opponent. He did the same after the river.

    Smirnov (quads guy) explained to Katchalov later that on the river he was considering checking or betting small, but figured that if he did so and got raised he probably couldn't fold, while if he bet big and got shoved on he had his answer and could. And so he did, fair play to the man. He had a plan, stuck to it and was right (there have been multiple sources stating that Morgan talked to friends about how he missed out on a double up).

    All that said I don't think I can make that fold. Even if I had the same reads, due to lack of experience and self confidence I wouldn't trust them enough to lay down quads.
  • edited July 2012
    Couldn't bring myself to fold
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