Hi folks, sorry for the late one, I have not been able to log in at home, so this is the first time I have been able to post. We are making history tonight on the show. 3 ladies... yes 3 of us. No boys allowed! We will be welcoming Dana, a good friend of Jen onto the sofa tonight, avec amazing hat and banjo! Coming up for you tonight: 7pm-8pm Tonight on Skypoker 8pm-9pm Ask the Expert.. We are looking some of the DYM hands Jen and Dana played last Thursday, plus we welcome your hand ids 9pm-10pm We continue to look at DYM hands, fi you have any questions about playing DYMs, please get them in! 10pm-11pm Chat Box 11pm-midnight Mastercash hand ids please skypoker@bskyb.com twitter: #skypokertv @annafowlerphoto Also tonight we ask you...do you have a hidden talent? Plus we have a picture coming for another caption comp Look forward to seeing you in a bit A xx Posted by MissFowler
after a wild night in the back alleys of vagas and tikay getting a giant buttercup tattoed onto his scalp. fearing embarrasment tikay begs lil dave to kindly lend him his cap in return for 25% of all profits.
play alot of low level d.y.m's and have to agree with both ways of playing dependant on the players and the table dynamics,sometimes tight is good but doubling up early can sometimes be a big advantage too,but i am no expert hence the reason i play low level lol
all your poker advice is great advice but wouldn't you agree that poker advice is relivant to the persons sitiuation for instace the correct way to play A'Q might not at the time be relivant? and a diffrent move may be required which may possibly be seen as a bad move but also the right move if that makes sense lol
Yeah, I've got a hidden talent - I can always sense it just before I get a bad beat. Seriously, I think I'm psychic or something... or maybe I'm just getting unlucky all the time...
Anyway, good show and it's nice to see some DYM analysis!
In Response to Re: Tues night Live Show with Fowler, Jen Mason and special guest Dana Immanuel ***official show thread*** : That's amazing! Any tips for the under-30's? :P Posted by BorinLoner
Evening Ladies! Great show as per usual. I'm assuming the make-up dept get a night off when Rich & James are on?? Re DYM play, personally I think the shove with 1345 left by Jen seemed too early. In an MTT yes, but theres still a lot of play left with 1345 in a DYM. (Depending on blind levels - which I missed!)
Caption Comp "Crikey! Vanilla Ice has let himself go!!"
It's me Tikay at the WSOP I'm doing lots of updates but I'm dying on a wee Outside its boiling but inside I'm toiling 'Cause there just aint enough, hours in the day To cover all the hands, that our boys play I've seen some crazy action that would leave you in traction Some of it's just batty but I'd rather have a latte Peace!!!
Ive never played a dym in my life but in the hand where Coxy raised with 5 10 of diamonds on the button and Jen was sitting with AA in the big blind Jen said there was absolutely no reason Supersnedd should have called a extra 40 chips on the small blind with JQ suited out of a 2000+ stack.
Can you explain why he shouldnt be calling there with a hand so strong because to someone like me who plays cash it would be a no brainer to get involed there.
It will only gain you a small number of chips in one particular hand by 3-bettin in the early stages but you'll be winning alot of these small pots. So if you win four or five of those small pots, it will equate to one or two blinds in later levels. That's going to be big for you later on. So yes, in one individual pot it's not going to seem like it's worth it but across a longer period, it will make a difference against these tough fields.
What the ladies are saying is totally appropriate against weaker fields but when you can't count on your opponents to make mistakes, as in this field, you have to look for an edge elsewhere if you want to beat the rake. You all pick up the same proportion of big hands so if you're all playing the same super-tight strategy, you won't win in the long-term.
tikay just looks like the kinda man that went drunk enough could be easily peer pressured into getting a giant buttercup tattoo + just had my 1st tat today a silouette of a child blowing bubbles across my leg
Coxy could well have done it with A2, A3, A4, A5, all of which Dana was in good shape against with her 55s, by the way
"Tikay looks a bit shifty after failing to stash his stolen umbrellas under the table"
Has JohnConnor's guide been given a mention on the show yet (I missed the start). That was virtually 100% to thank for me turning a nice profit from them when I gave them a go for a few hundred games.
Do I get a prize for having the best hidden talent
Evening ladies, great show as always and Jen I'm sure you look more fantastic everytime I see you on the show.
Just a note about the Sam Tricket incident, I watched an interview with him on Youtube earlier and it seems the incident was nothing to do with his $10million win but actually an arguement over a limo that he was trying to get back to his hotel.
He seemed to think that the six guys didn't know him and they were just drunk and leary, he reacted to one of them spitting at his girlfriend which is very understandable and the six of them set upon him. I agree it's surprising there was not more security on the scene to put a stop to it.
hello again lovely ladies. loving the show, should do it more often! all the caption contests have been men so far, isn't it about time for a picture of a lady? (carlo in drag wouldn't count!) keep having fun laurie Posted by lozgo
Most of the captions for these competitions are a bit mean and it's really hard to be mean to a lady. It took me years of practice to learn.
Great show as always
Caption contest
Here comes our hidden talent
aka Stu
after a wild night in the back alleys of vagas and tikay getting a giant buttercup tattoed onto his scalp. fearing embarrasment tikay begs lil dave to kindly lend him his cap in return for 25% of all profits.
play alot of low level d.y.m's and have to agree with both ways of playing dependant on the players and the table dynamics,sometimes tight is good but doubling up early can sometimes be a big advantage too,but i am no expert hence the reason i play low level lol
enjoying your show Nikki x
Yeah, I've got a hidden talent - I can always sense it just before I get a bad beat. Seriously, I think I'm psychic or something... or maybe I'm just getting unlucky all the time...
Anyway, good show and it's nice to see some DYM analysis!
Caption Comp:
Tikay's Tilt Kap
Hartigan told TK he looked like Robert De Niro so he's practicing .......... are you lookin at me .....are you lookin at me.?
Cameraperson " Yes you look like a big bum in that."
Tikay " I said , does my bum look big in this ? , not...... , oh forget it. You can get the staff."
Phil Boyle
The Tikay Rap
It's me Tikay at the WSOP
I'm doing lots of updates but I'm dying on a wee
Outside its boiling but inside I'm toiling
'Cause there just aint enough, hours in the day
To cover all the hands, that our boys play
I've seen some crazy action that would leave you in traction
Some of it's just batty but I'd rather have a latte
Ive never played a dym in my life but in the hand where Coxy raised with 5 10 of diamonds on the button and Jen was sitting with AA in the big blind Jen said there was absolutely no reason Supersnedd should have called a extra 40 chips on the small blind with JQ suited out of a 2000+ stack.
Can you explain why he shouldnt be calling there with a hand so strong because to someone like me who plays cash it would be a no brainer to get involed there.
I've learnt a lot! and been smiling loads! keep up the good work!
Caption Competition!
If this is Tikay living the dream,
why is his photo giving me nightmares?
It will only gain you a small number of chips in one particular hand by 3-bettin in the early stages but you'll be winning alot of these small pots. So if you win four or five of those small pots, it will equate to one or two blinds in later levels. That's going to be big for you later on. So yes, in one individual pot it's not going to seem like it's worth it but across a longer period, it will make a difference against these tough fields.
What the ladies are saying is totally appropriate against weaker fields but when you can't count on your opponents to make mistakes, as in this field, you have to look for an edge elsewhere if you want to beat the rake. You all pick up the same proportion of big hands so if you're all playing the same super-tight strategy, you won't win in the long-term.
Often. (I'm never going to say that word again)
caption competition
The "Release Your Inner Child" therapy session was going well until someone spiked the latte
Have a good show!!
Caption contest
Kalie x
"Tikay looks a bit shifty after failing to stash his stolen umbrellas under the table"
Has JohnConnor's guide been given a mention on the show yet (I missed the start). That was virtually 100% to thank for me turning a nice profit from them when I gave them a go for a few hundred games.
Do I get a prize for having the best hidden talent
Caption Competition
“They told me I'd been given a complimentary seat in this years WSOP.
They didn't tell me it was in the broom cupboard!
And I'd dressed up specially!
Ladies you should work together more often. Best show in ages!
Caption Comp
I thought Carlo lost the prop bet with Sam Razavi
Bro's Me Down!
Evening ladies, great show as always and Jen I'm sure you look more fantastic everytime I see you on the show.
Just a note about the Sam Tricket incident, I watched an interview with him on Youtube earlier and it seems the incident was nothing to do with his $10million win but actually an arguement over a limo that he was trying to get back to his hotel.
He seemed to think that the six guys didn't know him and they were just drunk and leary, he reacted to one of them spitting at his girlfriend which is very understandable and the six of them set upon him. I agree it's surprising there was not more security on the scene to put a stop to it.
Why wouldn't Carlo in drag count?
Eminem's not having a good day
Caption comp:
Bosley looks at a loose end in vegas as the angels do a fantastic job of running the show in london