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Hi folks,
Playing in bh....see if you can guess the hand i faced or guess the range of hands i should have faced? It'll be fun seeing if there's a concensus. I'll put the hd up tomorrow night. No reads but table have had a lot of limpers.
If you think i've played it poorly please say how i should have approached it too.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceshaggy68Small blind 40.0040.003020.00profman15Big blind 80.00120.004100.00 Your hole cardsKA
Call 80.00280.002940.00salz7312Fold 5558
@ 688
Bet 480.001600.002060.00profman15Call 480.002080.003220.00Turn A
All-in 1020.007360.000.00profman15Unmatched bet 1160.006200.001160.00profman15ShowKA
Show8Q River 6 Win 6200.00
0 ·
Alright. I'll take 5c7s... What do I get if I win?
When you shove the turn what do you think he has :S
As played i think you have to fold to his bet on the flop when you check call for turn and then its just getting it in and losing to a guy who called with q8 for who knows what reason ul
Are you all related to Daniel Negreanau?
Sorry for wasting your time but at least it gave you a chuckle, eh?
Its not a bad beat story and i'm not sobbing. I was having a bit of a laugh (which i messed up!)asking the forum to guess the hand but was asking the forum what i should have expected when i got the call after raising all the limps. I expected a pocket pair but not AA or KK really. What range would you put him on? It was a surprise as odds were against pocket 8's so i diregarded the trips TBH. It was a solid problem asking advice.
So in future, don't bother taking your valuable time to answer a problem you feel is a 'bad beat story' as its obviously beneath you. My apologies.
I would have cbet flop, then folded to a re raise.
If he then flatted a cbet then unlucky.
The OP was putting it up for a bit of fun for the forum.
Try another one Prof.
'Oh I have no post flop skillz so i'll just er......... wait............ all in 50bb!'
I wouldn't expect call of 320 more with any 8 or 6 unpaired. So what is the range of calling hands in this position from the bb.Thats why i made the raise so big to get rid, hopefully, of people fishing with weak hands. He now has a idea i've got a premium hand so surely he should only be set mining or reraising with AA/KK? Yes? Is this logic flawed?
Also with the pre flop action I wouldn't even raise it pre, as you will have to put so much in to get all of them to fold! But there is always one donkey that come along and you don't have a made hand. So I would just flat behind and keep the pot small even if I do hit. It seems quite early aswell so no need to go crazy yet.
Last time I checked raising with AK isnt 'crazy'.
The point which I made is that you are not getting rid of these limp callers pre in a £2.30 BH and AK isn't that strong if you have 2 set mining and the others coming along with any 2. If you miss you have to c-bet to continue showing strength but if a limp caller gets any part of this board there shoving, and this early in a tournament it isn't worth risking your stack with AK.
AK is overplayed way too much by cash players in MTT's, it's a good hand but I would rather have 78 suited early in a tournament when the blinds are this small lol AK is a nice shoving hand when blinds are big but not now.
I don't see the point in throwing 20% of your stack in and probably have to fold to most flops. IMO
Some really good points made in your posts especially concerning early stages play. (by the way i'm not a cash player). I thought my raise wa big enough to get the fisherman out of the pot and maybe get me plaing v 1 other whoi would assume had a pocket pair (hence my check on flop which would have been a fold had he bet)or win the pot. So would you have just checked and saw the flop? I didn't honestly expect someone looking for flush draws to call after my raise. That was the way i looked at it and it was obviously wrong. Ta for your help guys. lets just try to keep the debate well-mannered and lacking in angst....after all we have enough of that at the tables!!
I appreciate ur reply mate. I think the check on flop was that i had it fixed in my head that he had pocket pair and was going to all-in. I was 'lucky' if you can say that to catch Ace so thought i was then ahead with two pair and top kicker. It was just one of those hands but you can see there's been a variety in people's opinions. If i'd done it right and blotted out his hand , i'm sure some people would have guessed at pocket pairs or maybe AJ+. Bad beat stories are a bit of a bore. I only give them back in return. cheers fella...say hello if we sit at a table together eh?