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Design your own tournament - with prizes

edited July 2012 in Poker Chat

Hi everyone

A fun suggestion competition where we will give prizes for the ideas we like best.

There are no restrictions on what you suggest, but we do ask you think about buy-in, when it should run (and how often), what the structure should be.

It can be any tournament format you like (bounty, timed, rebuy, turbo, deep etc). Just to be clear, we are talking about an MTT not STT. Please also give it a catchy name.

We'll lool to trial the winning tournament to see how it goes.
The prizes are:

1st - £55 Primo Seat
2nd - £33 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter Seat
3rd - £11 Thews at Ten Seat

Please post your ideas on this thread.

The deadlines for submissions is 12noon on Friday 13th July

Sky Poker


  • edited July 2012

    SkyPoker Olympics. 

    Events mirror the real Olympics with the SkyPoker 100m being a Velocity event with heats on Saturday and Final on Sunday evening.  Other events could include a 1500 metres final (normal freezeout) Boxing (heads-up tournament) Marathon (a deepstack running all day from 2pm on Sunday) Decathlon (multiple games played) and so on.  Every game will be £5 to enter. Over the week we could have, say, 20 Olympic events and limited only by our lateral thinking to devise more.

    In addition to the normal prize-money I would like to think that SkyPoker will sponsor games by awarding a Primo seat for each gold medalist and others prizes for Silver and Bronze.  Gold, Silver and Bronze medals being announced (anthem, graphics, podium) on the Sunday programme with a "SkyPokerlympics" Medal Table.

  • edited July 2012
    A two day event.
    Buy in £275 (£250+25) Starting stack 10k blinds 30 mins.
    DAY 1: Starts at 7 in the evening and runs until level 15 (2:30) (This can be earlier e.g. level 13 which is 1 o'clock)
    DAY 2: Starts at 7 and runs until finish.

    It can run once a month (Preferably the end of the month where alot of players are on the site getting the C4P's up) 1st day saturday - 2nd sunday!

    This would also make a great TV show with loads of hands which can be used as a good replay show in the week. Mayble a replay of the final table aswell throughout the week to fill the gaps in shows. 

    The format would be a regular MTT prizes paid to the top 10% or 15% whichever sky prefer.
    Sats can run all month and start at very low amount to allow all BR's the chance to get in, and enough time to grind in. This would also earn sky a fortune in rake.

    E.G Sats start at £2.00 +0.40p 1 in 5 get a seat to a £10+1 sat where one in 5 get a seat into a £50+5 sat where one in 5 get a seat into the tournament.(These can be run consistently as no seats are guaranteed unless it makes the runners so there could be quite a few a day) These can be run all day every day with a big semi each night aswell, probably another £55 one which you can sat into throughout the day aswell.
    Also there could be a few £25 + £2.75 buy in where 1st and 2nd are guaranteed seats.

    This would be and absolutely brilliant tournament :)

    Name "THE SKY SUPER DEEPSTACK" courtesy of Batkin88 lol
  • edited July 2012

    Introducing the...


    2000 chips, 2 min blinds, 6 max, 10 second timebank (freezeout)

    and so on...

    Can put these on all day, at all levels. with small guarantees, would defo fill imo

    But i would suggest doin a main Hyperblast every day at 8pm to go alongside the main event. £11 entry, 1k gtd, reckon it would be very popular! shovefests ftw!

  • edited July 2012
    One for the gamblers;

    Bounty Bingo

    Standard Bounty Hunter format (50% of prize pool on heads). All players are automatically put all-in every hand, ie it's the MTT equivalent of Russian Roulette. There must be cheap rake or nobody will enter (5% max).

    If you win the first hand outright you will bust 5 players and make an instant profit. Will be more exciting than RR HUs because the prizes will be bigger.

    Could also be used as an alternate to frenzies for last chance satellites to big events.

    Might work as a SnG too. Maybe starting when 10 runners sit, top 3 paid.

    PS A version of this was trialled as a freeroll during the Euro Champs, soon after I'd posted the idea in Community Suggestions
  • edited July 2012

    Gahhhhh! So rigged :(  Mine shudda won  :'(

    Hyper mtt ftw then as above ^^^^^^^ #RakeSpinnerz

  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Design your own tournament - with prizes:
    SkyPoker Olympics.  Events mirror the real Olympics with the SkyPoker 100m being a Velocity event with heats on Saturday and Final on Sunday evening.  Other events could include a 1500 metres final (normal freezeout) Boxing (heads-up tournament) Marathon (a deepstack running all day from 2pm on Sunday) Decathlon (multiple games played) and so on.  Every game will be £5 to enter. Over the week we could have, say, 20 Olympic events and limited only by our lateral thinking to devise more. In addition to the normal prize-money I would like to think that SkyPoker will sponsor games by awarding a Primo seat for each gold medalist and others prizes for Silver and Bronze.  Gold, Silver and Bronze medals being announced (anthem, graphics, podium) on the Sunday programme with a "SkyPokerlympics" Medal Table.  
    Posted by aussie09
    Rob, you've stolen my idea I was planning on posting something very similar in the forum over the next few days, I even have all the events worked out!
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Design your own tournament - with prizes:
    In Response to Re: Design your own tournament - with prizes : Rob, you've stolen my idea I was planning on posting something very similar in the forum over the next few days, I even have all the events worked out!
    Posted by Slykllist
    hi simon... yep, i used time-travel to go into the future to see your idea.  then travelled back in time to august last year to start the "skypoker olympics" thread. 

    incidentally, whilst in the future, i used my time-travel ability to see your all-in triple barrel bluff with 86o shown on tonight's show. 


  • edited July 2012

    how about a tourny where you do a freeroll or £5 entry first, and like you did in the euros the higher you come the team you then get.but instead of a team you get skypoker players and presenters for example.                                     
    2nd yoyo
    3rd orford

    say if you get 20 places, if you have enough players or presenters to do that?

    then once the first stage is done and people have won their players you then do a tourny and you and your player/presenter are together as a team and the winners are who get the better placings as a team so if theres 40 runners

    and maybe a spt seat to the winner and the player/presenter has 50% of any winnings in nottingham??

    just an idea you can tweak it if you want
  • edited July 2012


    £1.10 entry fast structure say 1000 chips 2 min blinds

    Player on button is forced to call any bet, they can't fold and they can't raise they must call any bet

    (not sure how u get the software to do this but it is great fun live)


  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Design your own tournament - with prizes:
    In Response to Re: Design your own tournament - with prizes : hi simon... yep, i used time-travel to go into the future to see your idea.  then travelled back in time to august last year to start the "skypoker olympics" thread.  incidentally, whilst in the future, i used my time-travel ability to see your all-in triple barrel bluff with 86o shown on tonight's show.  rob.  
    Posted by aussie09
    Well frankly that would seem to be cheating, can we have him disqualified please Sky?

    What's more concerning is that I would not be in the slightest be surprised to see me try to triple barrel with 86o, are you really Marty McFly?
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Design your own tournament - with prizes:
    Bounty Bingo Standard Bounty Hunter format (50% of prize pool on heads). All players are automatically put all-in every hand, ie it's the MTT equivalent of Russian Roulette. 
    Posted by GaryQQQ

    Isn't that a normal afternoon BH Gary ??  ;-)

  • edited July 2012
    Love the Olympic idea! but waiting four years for the next one! not so sure.

    I'd like to see a bragger stagger!
    Sunday Mid Day start
    Buy in begins at £1.10 Then every 90 minutes the tariff goes up. eg, £3.30. £5.50, £11, £22 £55 culminating in a £110 buy in at 21.00
    Players buying in to intermediate stages receive average stack rounded up to nearest 1,000 chips
    Player busting out in early levels are allowed to re-enter once more between £3.30 and £55 levels but anyone can buy in for the maximum £110 at 21.00 hrs
    To ensure everyone has a chance of a return I'd like it to be a Bounty Hunter with Heads increasing every 90 minutes in line with the increased prize money.
    Hopefully this will mean that dedicated micro players cash on the way and don't get to 21.00 then see players with bigger bankrolls take all the glory!

    I like this idea but have to say the Olympic Idea does sound good!
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Design your own tournament - with prizes:
    One for the gamblers; Bounty Bingo Standard Bounty Hunter format (50% of prize pool on heads). All players are automatically put all-in every hand, ie it's the MTT equivalent of Russian Roulette. There must be cheap rake or nobody will enter (5% max). If you win the first hand outright you will bust 5 players and make an instant profit. Will be more exciting than RR STTs because the prizes will be bigger. Could also be used as an alternate to frenzies for last chance satellites to big events. Might work as a SnG too. Maybe starting with 10 runners, top 3 paid.
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    Noooooooo frenzies take skill those would be completely random :/
  • edited July 2012
    I've always thought it would be interesting to have an MTT that would have bigger risk and bigger reward....Most people play MTTs because they want that big bink not for min-cashes

    So 'Winner Takes It All'

    Say you get a £2 DS with 100 runners, rather than 1st getting £50 ish, first place gets £200 and no-one else gets anything. Sure alot more variance, but teach people to go for the win and every night someone is gonna turn £2 into £200 (or whatever the case may be).

    I do have a better idea which I'll type up once I've got blind levels etc sorted but just thought I'd stick this up for now.
  • edited July 2012
    Multi table SNG Connect 4

    £20 + £2 entry

    £10 to main Event
    4 x 10 seat rings split £2.50 each
    BH, Timed, Holdem and Omaha

    Players play all 4 Tournaments at the same time £25 prize per table allocated in the normal way.
    but the top 2 positions qualify to play in a holdem freeze out for the big money
    obviously if you won all four tournaments you wouldn't be able to qualify for the Main Event four times but you would eliminate 3 positions from the Main event and increase your chances of cashing!
    the benefit would be a modest investment to experiment with the different tournaments on offer and potentially five opportunities to cash.

    If you have set up problems we could always revise the name to disconnect 4 lol
  • edited July 2012
    "Blind Mystery"  Basically a deepstack, 5K chips, where the blinds "change" every 10/12 mins BUT the blinds are random, ranging from 10/20 to 400/800. 
    Buy-in : you could have tourneys at all levels £1.10 - £11. 
    When  : whenever, try it and see?

  • edited July 2012
    £50 guaranteed Mixed Game Mashup

    Round up, round up, new game in Town :) . . . so this is how it goes . . .

    In the Mix we have HOLDEM (NL)+ OMAHA HI (pot limit) + Omaha HI-LO (pot Limit) you start with 3000 chips with 10 min blinds. Starting with Holdem the game will change every 20 min (every 2 blind changes)

    This game will hopefully introduce you to the less popular games out there and enhance your overall poker skills.

    Additional details;

    Buy In                             = £5.50 (£5 + 50p)
    Approximate run time = 3 hr
    Start Time                      = 7:30 pm (if it makes the guarantee im sure it could go on every day or every other day)
    Blind structure as follows . .  .
    110.00 / 20.0010
    215.00 / 30.0010
    320.00 / 40.0010
    430.00 / 60.0010
    540.00 / 80.0010
    650.00 / 100.0010
    775.00 / 150.0010
    8100.00 / 200.0010
    9150.00 / 300.0010
    10200.00 / 400.0010
    11300.00 / 600.0010
    12400.00 / 800.0010

    Also the First place winner will receive a Sky Poker T-Shirt and a Mug signed by Tikay.....:)

  • edited July 2012
    deepstack quickdraw on ya marks get set goooooooooo  rebuy :)  10 k starting chips blinds up every 3 minutes blinds start 25/50 £10 buy in rebuys for 1 hour only and 1 add on for 10k chips 
  • edited July 2012

    Ill agree with Greghogg im a big fan of quick formats!

    3 minute blinds

    3k starting stack

    Bh format so percentage on heads n rest in prizepool

    Rebuys for first hour! then addon at break

    £11 buy in

    It shall be called umm "Speed Heads"

  • edited July 2012

    Couple of ideas:

    Antes Only - Regular structure but instead on blinds, every player at the table posts an ante right from level one, idea blatantley stolen from WSOP event #49

    Face Value - Again a regular structure NL Texas Holdem game, but every player is dealt 1st card face down and 2nd card face up.

  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Design your own tournament - with prizes:
    Ill agree with Greghogg im a big fan of quick formats! 3 minute blinds 3k starting stack Bh format so percentage on heads n rest in prizepool Rebuys for first hour! then addon at break £11 buy in It shall be called umm "Speed Heads"
    Posted by kidwiz10
  • edited July 2012
    Please no more tournies that involve bounties!! lol.

    A timed tourney, HU, Turbo with Bounties and shuffle the players every 2 hands.... I jest of course lol.

    Now the real idea, Emma had the beginnings of an idea as soon as this thread went up and she's asked me to run with it...

    Beat The Clock

    3000 starting stack

    20/40                                 The first 5 levels will be at 5 min blinds

    75/150                             The second 5 levels will be at 8 min blinds

    250/500                          All levels from 150/300 onwards will be at 12 min blinds
    and so on....

    It'll suit alot of people who wanna get stuck in early doors to either build up a stack or bust out and move on to the next one. It get's the early levels out the way quickly and should hopefully allow for a bit more play in the latter (far more important) stages.

    They're probably best suited for evenings where they can get 80-100 runners or more to give the full benefit of the structure.

  • edited July 2012
    How about a tournament called SLAPHEAD!--- 10 min blinds freezeout-- Everyone is issued with a robotic arm plugged in to their computer, -- if they lose more than 10% of their chips, they get to slap one person round the head.

  • edited July 2012

    Keep the ideas coming!

    Thank you.
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Design your own tournament - with prizes:
    Keep the ideas coming! Thank you.
    Posted by Sky_Poker
    Everyone has given up because my idea cannot be beaten, I would get the technical team onto it right away if I were you!!
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Design your own tournament - with prizes:
    £50 guaranteed Mixed Game Mashup Round up, round up, new game in Town :) . . . so this is how it goes . . . In the Mix we have HOLDEM (NL)+ OMAHA HI (pot limit) + Omaha HI-LO (pot Limit) you start with 3000 chips with 10 min blinds.  Starting with Holdem the game will change every 20 min (every 2 blind changes) This game will hopefully introduce you to the less popular games out there and enhance your overall poker skills. Additional details; Buy In                             = £5.50 (£5 + 50p) Approximate run time = 3 hr Start Time                      = 7:30 pm (if it makes the guarantee im sure it could go on every day or every other day) Blind structure as follows . .  . 1 10.00 / 20.00 10 2 15.00 / 30.00 10 3 20.00 / 40.00 10 4 30.00 / 60.00 10 5 40.00 / 80.00 10 6 50.00 / 100.00 10 7 75.00 / 150.00 10 8 100.00 / 200.00 10 9 150.00 / 300.00 10 10 200.00 / 400.00 10 11 300.00 / 600.00 10 12 400.00 / 800.00 10 Also the First place winner will receive a Sky Poker T-Shirt and a Mug signed by Tikay.....:)
    Posted by WHOAMI196
    Like the idea of mixed games but maybe start with basic Holdem (NL) + Omaha (NL) as not many people will understand Hi-Lo , Pot limit , etc...
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Design your own tournament - with prizes:
    In Response to Re: Design your own tournament - with prizes : Like the idea of mixed games but maybe start with basic Holdem (NL) + Omaha (NL) as not many people will understand Hi-Lo , Pot limit , etc...
    Posted by VespaPX
    I think people are more used to PLO than NLO and NLO could definitely turn into a bit of a crapshoot with some maniacs who don't know what they're doing.
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Design your own tournament - with prizes:
    How about a tournament called SLAPHEAD!--- 10 min blinds freezeout-- Everyone is issued with a robotic arm plugged in to their computer, -- if they lose more than 10% of their chips, they get to slap one person round the head.  
    Posted by oynutter
    I actually laughed out loud , what a geek
  • edited July 2012
    No one want bigger structure then?? Get a two day one, let the skill run the show not some HYPER donk fest which cuts the edge down to a min.
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Design your own tournament - with prizes:
    No one want bigger structure then?? Get a two day one, let the skill run the show not some HYPER donk fest which cuts the edge down to a min.
    Posted by Batkin88
    I just think no-one wants to pay £250 lol.

    Plus with it being online and you playing probably 3 times as many hands per hour compared to live, what would be a live 2day event, could easily be done in 1day online.
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