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line check, did I do anything wrong here?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesherifoo7Small blind 20.0020.002328.00zeecoBig blind 40.0060.006645.00 Your hole cards1010 partialRaise 80.00140.001620.00kirkystarCall 80.00220.001300.00silver_aceFold SlykllistRaise 120.00340.003354.00sherifoo7Fold zeecoFold partialCall 40.00380.001580.00kirkystarCall 40.00420.001260.00Flop 675 partialBet 120.00540.001460.00kirkystarCall 120.00660.001140.00SlykllistRaise 500.001160.002854.00partialCall 380.001540.001080.00kirkystarCall 380.001920.00760.00Turn 9 partialCheck kirkystarBet 200.002120.00560.00SlykllistRaise 760.002880.002094.00partialCall 760.003640.00320.00kirkystarAll-in 560.004200.000.00River J partialAll-in 320.004520.000.00SlykllistCall 320.004840.001774.00partialShow6A kirkystarShow8J SlykllistShow1010 kirkystarWinStraight to the 94200.00 4200.00SlykllistWinPair of 10s640.00 2414.00
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On the flop, if you're raising I think you should be raising more. Considering their stacks, you've got to be willing to get it in here, hoping to see drawing hands. If you get two folds, that's fine: Your hand isn't super-strong.
The alternative would be just to call and reassess on the turn. After a bet and a call on the flop, this wouldn't be too bad but I think it's best to raise while you're probably ahead.
3-bet bigger pre-flop is the main thing, though.
But even repping a huge hand, we basically say run with your equity and crack me please as cheaply as possible.
I'd prob prefer a flat pre here.
Such an ugly flop given pf action. Vs 1 2 seats stacks I just shove and hope to isolate, but sometimes myeh fold flop.