Hi guys have a great show.
Got a hand request for you.
This hand was off a small stakes table on friday night and i am in serious danger of making myself look like the biggest idiot on site by requesting this hand but here goes

My reason for folding on the river was totally down to the notes i had on the player i was up against who i have played 100s of times since joining the site and who i have down as being very tight and i have never seen raise on the river with less than the nuts ( can i just add that v most players here i would insta call).
He told me after the hand he had a bare 2 and put me on a flush but i dont even think he would call my turn bet with only a 2 and i would be astounded if that was true and i actually put him on one of 3 hands which were 55, 54 or 22 all of which were beating me and i thought at best he had a loan 4 which i was only chopping with and seeing as i only had about £3 invested didnt think it was worth chancing.
I know the straight flush got there aswell but didnt put him on that because i felt if he had it he would of had to have floped the straight and didnt think he would just flat call my turn bet in that case.
In hindsight my value 1/2 pot river bet may have looked weak but i would still be amazed if he had what he said he did in the hand.
The guy i was up against didnt believe i had folded a 4 so i told him i would request the hand on the show.
Try not to be to harsh on me James mate because as you know ive only been playing a few months
HAND ID: 541666844 action table 24 13/7/2012.
7pm-8pm – Live cash action from the Master Cash tables.
8pm-9pm – Analyse My Play – James looks at my play this week in Timed Tournaments.
9pm-10pm – Poker School – Playing heads up shuffle tournaments – This will be based on a live tournament happening at that time on the site- check the lobby to reg up!
10pm-11pm – Live coverage from 9:00pm 5K Bounty Hunter
11pm-12pm – Live coverage of the 10K Primo
We also have a seat to give away into Tuesday's Open (worth £22)
and to win it, simply give us the caption to this photo of our very own James Hartigan taking on (and eventually losing to) to Tikay at a pugil sticks fight at the WSOP 2009.
Wouldn,t get affected by pepper spray at the tables and he,s a multi billionaire anyway so playing the main event would jut be a bit of fun and no jokers in the pack to deal with
Have a good show guys -
Ps - Do you know which mastercash tables you will be featuring yet?
Quite simply i'd have black robes and a hood so dark that you couldn't see my face. With great difficulty (as anyone whos sat at a table with me will know) will remain complete silence. Only moving to look at my cards and act accordingly.
Can anyone tell i have a facination with a certain mythalogical being here.
It was a action table Rich mate with a TV symbol so will be ok
Just a quick list of personas for the Sky Team:
Tony Kendall - in the style of Old Mother Riley - Sarah C can be Kitty
James Hartigan - in the style of Jack Nicholson playing Jack Torrance - He would smash every table
Richard Orford - in the style of Pinocchio - he can carve out a living at any poker table
There's more but I'll leave you to make some up of your own.
See you guys later.
My ego... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I would take an oven mit with me and everytime I win a pot heads up, I would throw an oven mit at the villain and tell them it's so they don't get burned again!
I will give myself the nickname Kalie "The Heat" Batkin!!!
Have fun tonight! Hopefully will be on a few times as playing the tourneys you are covering!
Kalie x
Are you suggesting there are marriage rumors ?
~~~~~~~ WONDER WOMAN ~~~~~~~~
Yep, My Alter Ego ..... I would arrive at the table, when I have their attention I would spin round and round to reveal Wonder Woman . With their eye's popping out of their heads they are never looking at my poker face. When Ace's are turned over I can deflect the Bullets with my magic Bracelets to win the Game. Good stuff. Pick up my winnings twirl round walk out before they knew what hit them. Wonder Wooooman.!
I Wanted one of my hands Analysed so I went to a Palmist, she said I had dry skin.? ;o)
Have a great show I will be watching, so no mistakes. ?
Hugs Annie xxx
Here's tonight's caption competition to win a seat into Tuesday night's 5K Open.
It's a photo of James Hartigan taking on (and eventually losing to) Tikay in a pugil sticks fight at the WSOP 2009.
So what's the caption?
Fill ya boots!!!!!!
Tikay saying "I know the food portions are bigger over here, but these frankenfurters are massive!!"
james saying to tikay.... "ok next time a chop is good for me"
"Yes Tikay as interesting as you are i am just going to step off now"
The Budget for the new series of Gladiators was VERY low ......
Luisa and Sarah :-)
I honestly believe coverage of the WSOP this year was the best ever!
When will the interviews be aired?
Caption Competition
Competition for the analyst seat on live shows reaches an all time high!
I don't know why Richards smiling, he's taking on Anna at the next SPT
and she's chosen "Hand bags at Dsk till Dawn"
When the river came i was confident i was ahead a decent percentage of the time and i didnt think there was value in raising.
"the loser has to work with Orford next"
Sorry Richard, love you really.