I was having a chat , via twitter with Mewillows. Some of you may remember mewillows taking down the SPT Glasgow a few months back.
Anyway Jamie, Mewillows, suggested that if anyone wins the Jackpot which now includeds a seat at the SPT grand Final, who already has a seat, then they might want to consider donating the additional seat value to charity.
Jamie and I started talking and came up with the following idea.... Giving Day
What we are proposing is that on a selected day, people donate a percentage, decided by them, of their winning on Sky Poker that day to any charity of their choice. It will be completely voluntary and it's up to the individual what percentage of their winning they will donate.
I think that the best way would be if, rather than have a specific day, we select a week. Then anyone who wants to partake can pick a day within that week that will be their "Giving Day"
At the end of the week we can tot up the contributions and see how we have done.
Poker gives a lot of us a great deal of enjoyment and for some a nice little side income. We thought it would be nice to give some of it to worthwhile charities.
So this thread is not kicking it off, it's just to get some idea of wether this would be a popular activity.
I'm off on holiday for the next few days but I'm back on Sunday. I'll leave this thread up and if enough people express an intrest then we can set it up when I get back.
Hope you like the idea, if you do please add to this thread.
I would do this but i believe theres some leagal implications in play with that, i suggested a charity tourny ages ago and it wasnt possible due to legal implications.
Count me in too please.....May I suggest giving too 1 or 2 charities as apposed to having a long list of them....Just an idea!!!!! Posted by GliterBabe
I'm up for this and like Wayne said we should choose a charity to all donate too. Maybe put a few up and have a forum vote or something.
In Response to Re: Giving Day - Changed first post : +1 I'm up for this and like Wayne said we should choose a charity to all donate too. Maybe put a few up and have a forum vote or something. Posted by Curt360x27
Count me in too please.....May I suggest giving too 1 or 2 charities as apposed to having a long list of them....Just an idea!!!!!
I'm up for this and like Wayne said we should choose a charity to all donate too. Maybe put a few up and have a forum vote or something.
Would be good if we all pooled it together and gave it to one charity, but guess this would be hard to implement?
I'm only a low stakes player, but pledge to donate £5 and 50% of anything above this if Im lucky enough to win anything on the day lol!
Hope u have a good holiday Mr BMW!