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Good morning.
As some of you know, in gratitude for the support of them & others, & because I think the whole ethos of the Monday evening Forum DTD Tourneys sums up the Sky Poker Community so well, I said I would donate 5% of my profit from the WSOP 8 or Better to "Forum DTD".
To this end, I wrote to Scouse Red (Chris) & DTW Bandit (Michael) last night, an extract of which is as follows.
"....I detailed on the Forum how much it was. From memory, 5% x $13,500 = $650, then translated into £ sterling. I THINK it is about £420.
How do you think we should best, & most fairly, do this?
It COULD be the overall winner on any given Monday.
We COULD run a, say, one month "league".
Or any other suggestion you have.
Then, how to share the money out?
Winner takes all?
Top 3, 50%, 35%, 15%, or whatever?
Some other distribution?
Can you have a think, please, & let me know?
I'll start a Forum thread tomorrow, if I have time, to let everyone know that I have sought your opinion......"
0 ·
Chris then replied, & the relevant part of his reply was as follows.....
I would like Chris &/or Michael to have the final say in the decision, but it IS open to reasoned discussion, from which Chris & Michael may be helped to decide how best to do it.
As things stand, I would propose a one month DTD League, for the month of August. (It could be delayed until September if too many regulars are on holiday in August). The August dates would be 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th. If delayed until September, it would take place on 3rd, 10th, 17th, & 24th.
The Top 20 would then go into an Invite Only Freeroll a few days later, with the £420 paid in prizes to the top three, or whatever is decided.
Any suggestions or thoughts to assist Chris in his decision would be welcome. Chris may also need some help in setting up & runnning the League.
Feedback as to how points would be awarded in the League are also welcome, though there seems to be a well-regarded system in place already for the weekly events, which just needs turning into a 4 week League.
Please note this is NOT a Sky Poker promotion, it is to be organised & run by the players in exactly the same way as "Forum DTD" always has been.
EG 1. First to win a hand with 72
2.First straight flush.
3. First to get 77(lucky svens)
4. First to win with a Tikay nominated hand
I'm sure people could think of some good ones. It's really just to keep the fun in and not be solely results orientated. As you say and i endorse 100%, it's meant to be FUN, FUN, FUN!!!
Could just spread the amount across the top six spots of the monthly league, or final table of the proposed freeroll
Thanks for the genorosity Tikay. Maybe you should play in the freeroll and stick a £50 prize up for the chap/ladie that knocks you out (assuming you don't go and win all your own money back lol).
p.s. ty vm tikay for this kind offer
I have never taken part in the DTD but intend entering soon.
Tikay's very generous gift is in my opinion meant for players who have been loyal to the event over the years.
Should it not be a proviso that to win a free roll place you must have entered competitions prior to the WSOP.
As I stated previously I don't want to offend anyone but, say I entered and won in September. I'd feel guilty about taking a regulars position.
turkeys... christmas...
christmas... turkeys...
turkeys... christmas...
if i had a vote i would say it should all go to the person on skypoker who was born in the most southerly city* in the world.
* excludes new zealand.
But a big thankyou to Tikay for the gesture, it's much appreciated by all I'm sure
My suggestion would bethat this freeroll should only be valid for people who have played in at least 2 DTDs, or you are likely to get every one jumping on the band wagon, which would be unfair to the regulars!
I like the original freeroll idea (and another vote for September as I and so many other folks will be on hols/off to the olympics).
I also like the idea of a jackpot, but it should be a one-off - this encourages ongoing participation.
Or, in recognition of the NHS' valiant efforts in bringing Scouse back to us from a brush with the orthopods, you could give it all to his favourite doctor
Whatever, it will be fun.
I like the idea of a freeroll for the top 20 in the monthly, encourages regular participation.
I also really like the idea of a bounty on Tikays head if he's able to play. It used to be great when Tikay, Hartigan and Orford found time to play the DTD as it added a little extra edge to it.
1. Stick to top 20 in league - 4 x 5 handed at start is fine
2. Don't make it more complicated straightford deepstack format as per 7.15 jonnie
3 Everyone gets paid something like:
11th to 20th = 1% £4.20
6th to 10th = 2% £8.40
5th = 4% = £16.80
4th = 8% = £33.60
3rd = 13% = £54.60
2nd = 20% = £84
1st = 35% = £147
+1 to this.
Would also like to add my Congrats to young TK on his bink and say TYVM for the donation.
PS September would seem like the sensible choice and scoring to be as per DTD rules.
And once again, very generous of you Tikay and congratulations on your cash.
Good evening.
Great feedback, thank you.
It will be for Chris & Michael to make the final decision, they run Forum DTD, & we know they are a safe pair of hands, & will make their decision sensibly, & with good intent, though it's unlikely it will please everyone.
It seems September, rather than August, is favoured, & that is fine by me. There seems to be concensus on most of it, just bits & pieces of detail need resolving.
I will address a few of the other question later, or tomorrow.
Quite a tricky one.....
This is NOT a Sky Poker promotion to increase the number of players in the Forum DTD, but equally, Chris & Michael work tirelessly to increase the weekly numbers.
I think, marginally, that it should be open to anyone & everyone, because that should, ultimately, increase the popularity of Michael & Chris's "baby", but it's their decision entirely.
I think the main thing is that new players understand the spirit of Forum DTD, & if they enter into the spirity & ethos of it, then that would be the nut result.
Good morning.
Chris wrote to me last night, on behalf of himself & Michael, they have had a chat, & a think, about this, & come up with the following.
The "Top 20" idea is agreed.
It will be based upon the regular Monday Night "Forum DTD's" in September, using the scoring system already in place. The Top 20 will qualify for the "Play Off".
The September "Forum DTD" dates will be.....
September 3rd
September 10th
September 17th
September 24th
They wish that ANYONE can enter these & qualify for the "Freeroll PlayOff", PROVIDING they play a minimum of three of the 4 nights in September.
The Play Off, for the Top 20 from that League, will take place on Friday 28th September, as they think most Forum-DTD-ers are on site that night, playing the Orfordable.
Payout structure? They believe, based on the ethos of the Forum DTD, that EVERYONE should get a payout if they qualify for the Top 20 Play-Off, as follows....( I have not checked the maths).
11th to 20th = 1% £4.20
6th to 10th = 2% £8.40
5th = 4% = £16.80
4th = 8% = £33.60
3rd = 13% = £54.60
2nd = 20% = £84
1st = 35% = £147
These are Michael & Chris's views, & it is their call, but I'm sure they'll listen to constructive feedback.
Game on, then.
i don't normally play on monday, nor friday, so unless i become a single bloke i will not be free to participate. hang on a minute... there's a thought.
good luck to those who enter.
this sums up everything that is good about the forum, chris and michael's efforts, skypoker and of course tikay who has been magnificent by magnifying events by a magnitude.