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Saturday ME

edited July 2012 in Sky Poker Tournaments
Has this stopped being a rebuy?  Seems out of sync with mini if so


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    edited July 2012

    Morning Paul.

    Umm, it looks like it, but I was not aware it had.

    I have fired off a note to Upstairs, & I'll let you know soonest.

    I can't quite figure out why that would be, but lets wait & see what they say. There's usually a reason for everything, even if it is just a mistake, I just can't guess what it is yet!

    I'll get back to you soonest.
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    edited July 2012

    And I now have the answer........

    It's actually a bit complicated, so bear with me please.

    "Late Reg" arrives on Monday, 24/7 we hope, & it will apply to ALL main Events EXCEPT, "Rebuys".

    Late Reg for Rebuys is stll under consideration, & MAY be introduced later, but no decision has yet been made.
    Anyway, tonight's 8pm BH, & the Saturday Night Main Event every week going forward, will become a Freezeout, but with Late Reg.
    The Friday night Rebuy will remain a Rebuy, but WITHOUT Late Reg.
    Hope that makes at least some sort of sense.....;)

    Short version - the Saturday Night BH Main Event is now a Freezeout!
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    edited July 2012
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