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Tues night Live Show with Fowler and RyRy aka Ryan Spittles 7pm Ch861 ***official show thread****

edited July 2012 in Poker Chat

have a good show tonight anna.

neighbours giving you grief?  have you been playing your bay city rollers greatest hits cd too loud again?



  • edited July 2012
    Hey everyone,

    sorry for the late post, dramas at home. Living next to the worst neighbours in the world! Jeremy Kyle has nothing on these people. So life has been turned a little upside down at the moment :(  
    Very glad to be getting away from it all, with you guys tonight and RyRy, who I have missed :)

    So the change in weather is just in time for the Olympics then.  London is getting pretty busy already, anyone going to watch anything?? If you were going what would you like to watch? the pokerz!


    7pm  Mastercash tables live
    8pm  Ask the Expert - Ryan is ready for all your questions!
    9pm  Sky Poker School- playing wet/draw heavy boards in MTT and Cash.
    10pm Chat Box
    11pm  Mastercash Live

    gossip from Vegas..
    out of Runitsran, Pryce6, Scotty77, Sam1986 and Beaneh
    1. who won the most money?
    2. Who cleaned the most in the house?
    3. Who was in the hot tub the most?
    4. Who lost the most flips?
    5. Who was nicknamed Lumberjack?

    It's not a trick question by the way. Each question has a different person as the answer. Get your answers in before 11.30pm, for a chance to win a Thursday night BH seat worth £33!!!

    Very much looking forward to a nice chilled out evening with you all, much better then home at the moment!!

    A xxx
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Tues night Live Show with Fowler and RyRy aka Ryan Spittles 7pm Ch861 ***official show thread****:
    have a good show tonight anna. neighbours giving you grief?  have you been playing your bay city rollers greatest hits cd too loud again?  
    Posted by aussie09
    lol, how did you know!!
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Tues night Live Show with Fowler and RyRy aka Ryan Spittles 7pm Ch861 ***official show thread****:
    Hey everyone, sorry for the late post, dramas at home. Living next to the worst neighbours in the world! Jeremy Kyle has nothing on these people. So life has been turned a little upside down at the moment :( 
    Posted by MissFowler
    Have they just moved in? Is the bloke called TommyD? ;-))
  • edited July 2012
    gossip from Vegas..
    out of Runitsran, Pryce6, Scotty77, Sam1986 and Beaneh
    1. who won the most money?
    2. Who cleaned the most in the house?
    3. Who was in the hot tub the most?
    4. Who lost the most flips?
    5. Who was nicknamed Lumberjack?

    It's not a trick question by the way. Each question has a different person as the answer. Get your answers in before 11.30pm, for a chance to win a Thursday night BH seat worth £33!!!

  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Tues night Live Show with Fowler and RyRy aka Ryan Spittles 7pm Ch861 ***official show thread****:
    have a good show tonight anna. neighbours giving you grief?  have you been playing your bay city rollers greatest hits cd too loud again?  
    Posted by aussie09
    Don't worry.  On "Saturday night"  you can watch them leave and say "bye bye baby" then have some "shang-a-lang" with your fiance!
  • edited July 2012
    Hi Anna.
    Just a quick question..............................

    WHO THE HECK!! is RyRY and where the HECK!!! is Jen Mason? :)


    Tell that Spittles fella, if he turns up in anything other than a Ra Ra Skirt tonight, i'm turning it right off lol :)

    Also looking forward to the 9PM section of the poker school.....
    9pm  Sky Poker School- playing wet/draw heavy

    I wasn't aware that Ryan was into this sort of thing :) but he does always say "Our Game is Constantly Evolving"
    Have a great show and turn the volume up a bit just to annoy the neighbours :)

  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Tues night Live Show with Fowler and RyRy aka Ryan Spittles 7pm Ch861 ***official show thread****:
    COMPETITION TONIGHT: gossip from Vegas.. out of Runitsran, Pryce6, Scotty77, Sam1986 and Beaneh 1. who won the most money? 2. Who cleaned the most in the house? 3. Who was in the hot tub the most? 4. Who lost the most flips? 5. Who was nicknamed Lumberjack? It's not a trick question by the way. Each question has a different person as the answer. Get your answers in before 11.30pm, for a chance to win a Thursday night BH seat worth £33!!!
    Posted by MissFowler
    1.  Scotty
    2.  Pryce
    3.  SAM
    4.  Beaneh
    5.  Runitsran
  • edited July 2012
    1.  Scotty 77
    2.  Pryce6
    3.  sam1986
    4.  Beaneh
    5.  Runitsran

    just a guess haha 
  • edited July 2012
    1. Ryan
    2. Sam
    3. Prycey
    4. Beaneh
    5. Runitrann

    Looking forward to the show.
  • edited July 2012

    have a good show 
  • edited July 2012
    Hi Anna and Ryan, is it possible to get Ryan to analyise a hand from the mini primo 22/7?
    If so Hand no. 544989811 it kinda hits the wet criteria till the river,if so, after Ryans had a laugh at the complete lack of action( untill the river) Here are my simple minded thoughts as the hand progressed   
    1st need chips as very short stacked around 10 bigs couple of small connectors in big blind not really the spot im looking for however 1 limp caller rest all fold, free flop, slight interest on the flop, no bet from caller another freebie, turn a brick for me, no bet again river a freebie makes my striaght, i think oppo call weak ace medium pair, so i put in a small value bet, he raises, i have a 2 second think maybe hes hit a set 10s poss, at no time did i think he had the JQ NEVER ENTERED MY FEEBLE BRAIN, Bit long winded but my question to Ryan is had he played the hand was there any point he could or would have put oppo on that hand? ps i min cashed so all good!       
    Have a brill show and ty ryderroo alias Phil  
  • edited July 2012
    gossip from Vegas..
    out of Runitsran, Pryce6, Scotty77, Sam1986 and Beaneh
    1. Scotty77
    2. Runitsran
    3. Sam1986
    4. Pryce6
    5. Beaneh
  • edited July 2012

    Hi to anna and ryan looking forward to the show as you two make a great double act,anna's wit and ryans wisdom :).

  • edited July 2012
    See you in a bit!! 

    Ooh good answers :)
  • edited July 2012
     Competition Tonite.
    Q1:Scotty 777
  • edited July 2012
    1. Scotty 77
    2. Beaneh
    3. Pryce6
    4. Runitsran
    5. Sam 1986

    Have a good show
  • edited July 2012

    1) Scotty77
    2) Pryce6
    3) Beaneh
    4) Runitsran
    5) Sam1986
  • edited July 2012
    my guesses

    1. Sam1986
    2. Scotty77
    3. Pryce6
    4. Beaneh
    5. runitsrann

    gl me!
  • edited July 2012
    1. Scotty 77
    2. Pryce6
    3. sam1986
    4. Beaneh
    5. Runitsran
  • edited July 2012
    I assume the #1 topic for chatbox is:

    Team Knight Poker wins back to back main events!

    Congrats to GregHogg and Solack, couldn't have happened to nicer guys.
  • edited July 2012
    yes its absolutely boiling hot wish my poker was! i cant breath. If your having trouble with your neibours go to your local biker pub buy um all a pint and ask um to have a word, im sure 20 bikers knocking on there door telling them to stop misbehavin would make most people behave.

    Question about chat. If your playing live whats the best response to someone that tells you that you played a hand badly without getting into a heated argument and all defensive?

    1. Scotty 77
    2. Pryce6
    3. sam1986
    4. Beaneh
    5. Runitsran
  • edited July 2012

       Have a good show Anna & Ryan, here are my Comp Answers
    1.  Runitsran 
    2. Scotty77 
    3.  Sam1986 
    4.  Beaneh 
    5.  Pryce6

  • edited July 2012
    Hi Anna and Ryan,the covering up of the cards is an excellent feature so i am looking forward to this later.However we have got to be realistic,if Ryan was asked to comment on hand ranges concerning players he plays against regularly we would get a more accurate read.
  • edited July 2012
    hey anna and ryan

    great show

    my guesses for tonights competetion


  • edited July 2012
    Hi guys, 

    loving the show, 

    545540292 is a hand from 5K open 

    Having bet flop & turn am I right to  bet river Ryan,  when called down the streets ?

    Was putting player on flush drawer or worse ace but surprised he called 


  • edited July 2012
    Does ryry have a catchphrase? Apart from um and ar!!
  • edited July 2012
    Hi Anna,

    Just had to go back & check my hand history as moved table.

    Fair play I hadnt noticed  -  Honest!!

    You could just tape over his name lol

  • edited July 2012

    Thanks alot for analyisis of that hand

    Ryan is spot on about the reason for my fold.. the 4 bet sizing.

    reason for my 3 bet sizing is cos of the effective stack sizes... it does not make me totally committed, yet also, if he flats i can afford at least 1 barrel and still fold. I believe i 3 bet that size with all my range there.

    been on mewillows table in open again tonight and he tells me the reason for his 4 bet sizing is cos he put me on kings lol

  • edited July 2012
    Question for Ryan

    I know Ryan has admitted from suffering from tilt in the past, what advice would he offer to other players who do?

    In the last year i've tried taking breaks, reading the mental game of poker, and even keeping a spreadsheet for all situations involving variance (i know he wasnt a lover of this idea). Ive found nothing has helped.

    Is there anyway i can solve this problem, or am i just a typical angry Scotsman?
  • edited July 2012

    1. who won the most money? Scotty77
    2. Who cleaned the most in the house? Sam1986
    3. Who was in the hot tub the most? Runitsran
    4. Who lost the most flips? Pryce6
    5. Who was nicknamed Lumberjack?Beaneh
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