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Take On Tikay But he never Plays???
Hi why is the Monday DTD tourny at 830 called Take On Tikay... as he never plays in it?
in fact can anyone remember the last time he played in it?
bit misleading......
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It is a bit of a silly name but I don't think you can force the poor man to play, lol. It would be nice if perhaps one of the on-screen folk was asked to play in it every week but it's only a couple of quid so I doubt that's going to happen.
What's in a name?
From the first night it was ever run:
First: 20/5/2009
Last: 24/7/2012
I'm pleasantly surprised, & a bit humbled, to have been "given" the new "Take-on-Tikay" tourney tonight.
It's at 8.30pm, costs £5.50 to enter, & is a really playable structure.
It's not tonight's Main Event, but I am hoping for a sizeable field. It already has 102 runners, so I'm hoping we can get more than that - a LOT more than that. So tell your mates, & friends, to sign up & play this, the more the merrrier.
The Prize Pool is already £510, with two Swansea SPT Seats as Added Value, worth, in total, £220, so the value is now £730, not bad for a fiver jobbie.
Anyone wanna take a stab at guessing the total field size in this?
The chat issues Solack alluded to above started from day1!
Re: Take-on-Tikay
First: 20/5/2009
Last: 24/7/2012
I am OUT of the 8pm Main. I shoved with A-J, & I never noticed that the BB had already raised. He had A-K, taxi 4 tikay.
The chat-box in the "Take-on-Tikay" is like a Customer Care Online Help Facility, & it's a real struggle to cope. But at least I only have one Tourney to worry about now.
I do feel that Tikay goes above and beyond what he needs to do at Sky Poker. I respect and thank him for his efforts. He loves poker and maybe once in a whle he fancies a game where he can focus on himself and playing without fielding q's, good wishes to him.
Keep up the demands and we'll burn out an asset imo.......
PS He even donated a % of his winnings to the DTD forum. Be grateful....
I don't think anyone's really criticising Tikay for not playing.
I don't really care what the tournament is called but let's not get the debate mixed up.
Take on tikay is misleading.
Have never seen his name in lobby.
Turn chat off crying out loud.
Rant over!
For those that don't know the history, there used to be four Take on Tikay Tournaments throughout the week (Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri) with different buy in levels. I think they started about 18 months/ 2 years ago. Tikay designed the tournament and when they got up and running he played nearly all of them. He did so for quite some time. Next in our timeline the DTD started by DTWBandit and Scouse Red, which incorporated two deep stacks and the monday ToT MTTs into the forum competition (still IMO the best achievement by any forum members on Sky).
If you notice the other ToT MTTs have been discontinued. The only reason the Monday one is still there IMO is for the DTD. And I would surmise the only reason it's still called that is for the DTD. So if you look at it you'll see the run of Take on Tikay tournaments, and his involvement in playing them has stopped really, but Sky have kept that one in with that name for the community.
What worries me is that if Sky done away with or renamed the Monday ToT there would be a ton of members, more than likely including the OP, who would be on a thread asking why SkyPoker would break up/interfere with the DTD.
Good morning.
The OP makes a fair point.
"Take on tikay" may be misleading to many, especially newbies here, & anyway, if I don't play it, it's just wrong to call it that.
No idea why we never changed it before, just one of those things really, never really gave it any thought.
I am actually in Leeds today, at Head Office, so I'm going to speak to Adam & ask him to remove the "Take on tikay" "Title" from that Tourney with immediate effect.
For the record, there used to be three "TOTTY's" (take on tikay's), & I played every one, for a very long time, don't exactly recall for how long, but maybe a year or two. I have not actually played on the site in 2012, for a variety of reasons, some of which have been alluded to in the thread. The main problem is I find it hard to play 4 Tables AND field the innumerable questions at the same time, especially "Customer Care" type questions. Turning my chat off is not exactly "on-Message", either, people say "why does he not reply?", so a bit awkward really. AceBarry, God rest his soul, used to act as my wingman, too, & help me field questions, but sadly, that is no longer possible.
I plan to start playing on the site again very shortly, but to begin with, it will be mainly Omaha, & Omaha Hi-Lo, which, whilst in Vegas recently, I promised I would do. Quite looking forward to it actually, though "chatting" whilst 2, 3 & 4 Tabling Omaha & 8 or Better will probably be beyond my abilities.
I'm sure we can think of another name that begins with the letter T and retain the same structure so the DTD can continue without interruption..
Going off on a tangent; I always find the name DTD a bit confusing because the UKs biggest and best cardroom (where the SPT final is played) is also known as the DTD. I've always thought the 'Monday Forum League' or similar would be a more apt title, although I realise that as somebody who doesn't participate my opinion won't carry much weight.
Its 3 sided , hard to crack and contains nuts !