Mr Rutter and I will appear on channel 861 at 7pm and on Sky Sports 4 HD at 10pm.
The line-up looks like this:
7pm Live coverage of a £600 Gtd Timed Tournament
8pm The Poker Clinic (please send in your Hand IDs)
9pm Sky Poker School (see below)
10pm Top of the Pots
11pm Live coverage of the £12k Sky Sports Bounty Hunter
In Sky Poker School, we'll discuss playing an "awkward" stack in multi-table tournaments. I would define "awkward" as 20-35bbs - too big a stack for open-shoving, or even re-shoving, but probably too shallow to allow anyone to three-bet/fold, or play intricate post-flop poker. Please contribute your questions, opinions and experiences.
Obviously, London 2012 is currently at the front of most people's minds - especially those of us "lucky" enough to live on the ORN! So, our on-air competition will have an Olympics theme. We'll be playing 'Going for Gold'. Actually, to avoid a lawsuit from Henry Kelly, we'll call it 'Going for Copper'. It'll take the form of a poker-related quiz. It'll run between 7pm and 9.30pm, and will see the winner competing in next Tuesday's £5k Open.
Finally, if No Limit Hold'em were an Olympic event, which MTT specialists would you select to represent the following countries in this year's games...?
Great Britain
Twitter: #SkyPokerTV
Anyway, good evening James and Stuart. I hope the days are treating you well.
On your Poker School "awkward stack" topic; I generally think of my 3-bet shoving stack size as being between 15BB-25BB. Even facing just an opening min-raise there's still going to be at least 14% of my stack in the middle. That's not to say I consider 3-betting for 25BB as my only move but I think it's legitimate.
I'll make this shove with quite a wide portion of my range against light openers, or big hands like AA and KK if my opponents have seen me do this before and if I think they're tight. It's totally player and position dependent - I won't be shoving 25BB with Ten high into a super-tight player and I wouldn't necessarily 3-bet as big from the button as I would from the blinds.
Have a great show.
(I had posted a hand history but, after thinking about it, it's not really relevant due to the effective stacks involved)
What's wrong with a tram or a donkey? Nothing! That's what!
Mtt olympics i can only comment for GB and USa as simply i only have one other name for the other 3 nations combined. So as my effort.
Chris Brammer
Marc Wright
Julian Thew
I dont care whos argueing my point with me, i fully believe i;ve picked 3 of the best British mtt players.
Vanessa Selbst
Phil Hellmuth
Phil Ivey
Again 3 top players.
In honesty i think a team Canada would be strong aswell.
When I saw the competition name I thought the prize was going to be a policeman!
For the mtt Olympics is it just NLH being played? If there is an Omaha event then surely our very own Tikay should be considered? If not then he can at least keep the bench warm, by sleeping on it! lol
Have a great show and I'm looking forward to the poker school as playing that size stack is part of my game that definatly needs work on
hand from master cash 1
I just didn't understand the play so i just wanted to see the hands they had
and can the reraiser on the flop ever fold let alone the sb ???
Question for Stuart. Re: the Q4 v J6 hand. Stuart said on the turn if we lead flop and c/r turn we're only repping a flush. Would he ever use this line as a bluff?
Issue in this hand is AK early stages. In particularly wanting to my line here, on the river i made the sigh call with my hand. Struggling to see much i beat there apart from bluffs given action.
I'm such a spoil-sport. Sorry Stuart.
Its not even 20 minutes in and the guy with 10 chips now has nearly 6k and 2 bounties
Whats the biggest come back yourself and Stuart have come back from ?
Enjoying the show and seeing some of the cards face down
Congratulations to:
Who won free entry into the 5K Open on Tuesday (31st August) @ 20:00
Good luck!