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should i have raised the turn? and is it a call on the river
The reason i didnt raise the turn i was abit worried i would get shoved on and get put in a tricky spot so went for pot control i know its a bad call pre but i like this hand shawsokSmall blind £0.25£0.25£75.07IDONKCALLUBig blind £0.50£0.75£124.50 Your hole cards7J dannyhac21Fold breakstuffRaise £1.50£2.25£67.87britrockFold Joker1981Call £1.50£3.75£24.76shawsokFold IDONKCALLUCall £1.00£4.75£123.50Flop 97K IDONKCALLUCheck breakstuffBet £3.00£7.75£64.87Joker1981Fold IDONKCALLUCall £3.00£10.75£120.50Turn 2 IDONKCALLUCheck breakstuffBet £4.00£14.75£60.87IDONKCALLUCall £4.00£18.75£116.50River 9 IDONKCALLUCheck breakstuffBet £12.00£30.75£48.87IDONKCALLUCall £12.00£42.75£104.50breakstuffShow65 IDONKCALLUShow7J IDONKCALLUWinFlush to the King£40.95 £145.45
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As played, all the money should get in on the flop or turn . Both flopped pretty massive