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Tonight's live Sky Poker TV show with Rich and Ryan ***official show thread***

edited August 2012 in Poker Chat
Hi gang,

Lovely weather, eh? We must be on the eve of August or something.

Right, I'm at the helm again tonight, aided and abetted by Sky Poker uber-player/analyst Ryan Spittles (Scotty77).
I'll post the schedule later this afternoon when I have it.

Meantime- here's tonight's viewer comp with a free seat into Thursday night's Sky Sports Bounty Hunter for the answer we like best.

Describe the worst acting player you've ever played live poker against!

Ok, now let's get this one clear. No naming names please! Secondly, we're not necessarily looking for stories of playing rank beginners who are still learning the game, unless it's somehow particularly strange or funny.

We're talking about those people you occasionally come across that really tilt you because of what they're doing at the table.

e.g. holding play up, immersed in an ipod/ipad/iphone, calling the tournament director over on a ruling every few minutes, berating players for bad play, doing laps of honour whenever they win a hand, bad personal hygiene, disgusting eating habits, or some really off-the-wall bizarre story that's not even covered here.

Here's your chance to have a good old rant about those individuals who simply just don't get it. Go on, get it off your chest!

I'm sure you've all come across one person that really sticks out in your mind! (Remember, no names though please, let's keep it friendly).

Looking forward to your answers to this!

See you on Channel 861 at 7!



  • edited July 2012
    And here's the schedule:

    7pm – 8pm – TONIGHT ON SKY POKER

    Live cash coverage from the Master Cash tables.


    8pm – 9pm – Ask the Expert

    With Ryan Spittles. 3betting and 3bet sizing in early tournament, as demonstrated using live hands from the 5k Open


    9pm – 10pm - Sky Poker School

    Final Table play. From last night’s 4k Bounty Hunter (Ryan was on that table!)

    10pm – 11pm – Chat Box

    The final episode of Chat Box, with a round-up of all the poker news from around the world.


    11pm – Midnight – Master Cash

    Live action from the Master Cash tables

  • edited July 2012
    Worst acting players imo are those that have had way too much to drink. Now i dont mind people having a pint or three while playing, ill sometimes do that with them but when theyve had that one bit too much, its just irritating (spelling?)

    I was once on the final table of a casino game, one guy i think he was on holiday though to be fair as he certainly wasnt a regular, had drank past his limit. He no longer cared about the game raising bling every hand, acting out of turn. At one point took 15 minutes before clock was called, house rules meant only one other person in the hand could call the clock, when the clock ran down he was folded and said he didnt know what to do. He requested the dealer to show his cards which turned out to be a set of 7s on a board that read 7A39Kr. Not only that but every pot he went into he splashed his chips meaning we had to wait for the dealer to tell us what the bet sizing was.
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Tonight's live Sky Poker TV show with Rich and Ryan ***official show thread***:
    Worst acting players imo are those that have had way too much to drink. Now i dont mind people having a pint or three while playing, ill sometimes do that with them but when theyve had that one bit too much, its just irritating (spelling?) I was once on the final table of a casino game, one guy i think he was on holiday though to be fair as he certainly wasnt a regular, had drank past his limit. He no longer cared about the game raising bling every hand, acting out of turn. At one point took 15 minutes before clock was called, house rules meant only one other person in the hand could call the clock, when the clock ran down he was folded and said he didnt know what to do. He requested the dealer to show his cards which turned out to be a set of 7s on a board that read 7A39Kr. Not only that but every pot he went into he splashed his chips meaning we had to wait for the dealer to tell us what the bet sizing was.
    Posted by The_Don90
    Great, thanks Don! Sounds like a nightmare!

    Keep 'em coming, everyone!
  • edited July 2012
    Worst acting players imo are people who just don't know when, or how, to stop talking and are just contantly talking when you are trying to make a decision.

    I had one player berate me when I had just moved tables, and that was before I had even sat down to play a hand. "Oh, by the way, you can't have your big chips at the back" he said. (I had just taken them out of the chip holder) "I replied, "well when i'm actually in a hand and ive finished stacking them up, you are quite welcome to check them again"

    I wasn't on my own, he seemed to annoy everyone on the table, including the dealer, who gave him a warning because he kept announcing his play or pretending to muck his cards out of turn. He then just kept shaking his head and staring at the dealer for quite some time after.

    Some people just don't know when to shut up :)
  • edited July 2012
    worst acting players imo are the players who say what cards they have folded and the flop woulda hit them they would say i had a set or str8 etc this really tilts me 
  • edited July 2012
    Great responses thus far. Let's have some more, please!
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Tonight's live Sky Poker TV show with Rich and Ryan ***official show thread***:
    In Response to Re: Tonight's live Sky Poker TV show with Rich and Ryan ***official show thread*** : Great, thanks Don! Sounds like a nightmare! Keep 'em coming, everyone!
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    It was rich, when he busted we done a deal for the full prizepool with 7 left (5 where meant to cash) because the time had got that late we where all extremely tired, and average stack was a massive 3BB. 

    Have a good show tonight, 
  • edited July 2012

    Hi Ryan & Rich   (could be two TV characters from the Simpsons),

          2 years ago on Day 5 of the WSOP ME a middle aged french lothario moved to my table, and proceeded to chat to "friends" on his phone, oblivious to what was going on around the table,holding up hands whilst he chatted. Asked by the dealer to stop using his phone, he immediately called for the dealers "supervisor".

           Getting the same "stop using your phone" he asked for his boss,and his boss, and his boss; and this continued for 15 mins until the tournament director arrived to exclude him for  20 mins so he could calm down.

           So it's people who act as though they are above the rest of us, and treat people like dead money, that gets my goat; it's a game with benefits we should all enjoy it.

    Love Sue

  • edited July 2012
    It has to be live players in local bars around my area! Basically its at least 8 people limping every hand with any 2 cards then i make a big raise and there annoyed because they want to see the flop then usually like 6 people call anyway!  Then they proceed to say they dont understand my strategy raising before the flop!
  • edited July 2012
    Hi Rich & Ryan

    Have a great show guys

    Rich, can you give a shout out to the ladies taking part in the Forum Pokerlympics Artistic Gymnastics ( £3.30 Mini open)

    Tomorrow night the Cycling Time trial is the 21:20 £5.50 @ £400gtd Timed tournament in your Timed tourney night.

    And a big thanks to Slykllist who has put a massive effort in organising this & its proving to be incredibly popular.

    Cheers Mike
  • edited July 2012
    evening anna and ryan

    without being rude anna your looking a bit rough this evening :)

    live poker experience a guy who plays in a cash game i regularly play in everytime he has a hand that goes to the flop he shouts "FLOP ME BABY" this doesnt sound much but i have never heard him say anything else in four years. Grates a bit.

    What does ryan think about the f tilt/p stars news? should kickstart the poker economy? 

    have a good one guys

  • edited July 2012
    Hi Rich and Ryan looking forward to a great show,i mostly play online and although i have heard Carlo says every player tilts i honestly dont.I am a recreational player who plays well within my bankroll and that is the secret for me,there are a lot worse things happen in  life than losing a poker hand believe me.

    However after what Ryan said about the guy kissing everybody at the table,this would tilt me for sure,i think i would end up giving him a Glasgow kiss and get thrown out of the venue lol.
  • edited July 2012
    Can i ask Ryan in regards to 10x'ing in a live game where we get lots of callers so we raise more. I got critised in the clinic for saying exactly that a few months ago. I think it might have even ended up in the donisms thread (a thread for the stupidest things ive ever said). So im slightly confused. 

    It might not be in the donisms im pretty sure it is though. 
  • edited July 2012
    had 2 players in a hand and the flop was dealt one player went all in on the flop and the other player involved said he may have seen his hand and the guy that went all in said if you did it dosnt matter ive got you beat call me if you want, so after some chat about it at the table and if it was a dead hand or not and a re-deal should be done it was left up to the player that shoved all in. He said carry on so they did and he lost. He then started ranting after he saw the other guy had him dominated and then decided he wanted a mis deal the other player said you were fine with it after i told you so you cant change your mind now and he started getting really agro and called the floor manager and ended up getting a mis deal. It should have been the dealers decision from the start and not the players imo but still think it was really bad all round.
  • edited July 2012
    dont laugh but a few of the big online winning players in mtts have started to just cold call pre fold such is there confidence in playing post flop

    this sounds stupid but all poker is cylical....

  • edited July 2012

      THE most annoying players at a live table for me are the guys who possess (or think they do) X-Ray eyes/glasses and proceed to predict what every player involved in a hand has or had. I remember a guy doing this once but he got every prediction wrong. Eventually after 3 or 4 hours i asked him could i borrow his glasses for a second. He duly passed them i over and having looked through them at the back of my cards returned them to him telling him they didnt work and he shudda gone to specsavers. Thankfuly it worked and he desisted from this annoying practice.
  • edited July 2012
    hand request from the mini open , spoke to the don after this hand
    did i fold a street late or was i massively ahead was curious to hear ryans opinions


  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: Tonight's live Sky Poker TV show with Rich and Ryan ***official show thread***:
    hand request from the mini open , spoke to the don after this hand did i fold a street late or was i massively ahead was curious to hear ryans opinions #548042253
    Posted by lol_i_call
    I think im going to maybe explain my reasons more here. I think imo we should be folding the flop if we fold this turn. Expessially given the sizing from the opponent. I might be wrong and i think Ryan would be able to offer Mel far better advice than me
  • edited July 2012
    hi Rich and Ryan

    cant enter the comp coz ive only played live once and the drunk that annoyed me and the guy who jumped up shouting about people cheating scared me it would just be boring...

    it was nice chatting with you the other night Ryan. i ended up 13th. ive not seen much of the show owing to grandkids and FOOTBALL but will watch the repeat asap. have a good one

    onwards and upwards :-)) x
  • edited July 2012
    Evening guys

    Re live casino antics, to be honest though there are a lot of idiots out there, casinos for me are full of entertaining characters. At my local northwest casino one guy when the seats have first been drawn in a tournament will approach his table seat and announce to the players on his table, "Wow, what a good looking table! I feel like I'm in a boy band" Then pointing at a random player on the table say "Except for you of course, you shouldn't be on here, you're dragging the table down!"

    To anyone watching, my best advice is, play live, its just more fun!

  • edited July 2012
    Good evening chaps.

    Speaking of late registration: I entered the newly renamed DTD 1 tournament last night inside of one minute of the end of the buy-in period... and I only went and won it! (BRAG)

    It's not in anyway relevant to the poker school topic but you were talking about late registation and I saw my opportunity. Late registration is clearly a good thing.

    Have a great show and what-not.
  • edited July 2012
    Hand ID 548058217 £5k Open
    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to play tonight.
    Could you tell me if I made the correct fold or whether I should have been more aggressive with the hand
  • edited July 2012
    Thanks Ryan,

    Am glad your accross the happenings on the forum :-)

    And Rich I was trying to push your Timed Tourney night !!! - Dont know why gives us all less chance of winning the 12K Sky sports Bounty hunter seat.

  • edited July 2012
    as always good to see the hole cards covered

    will be most interested in hearing from ryan were possible how his image of his opponents affect his decision making during the hands

  • edited July 2012
    Evening lads,

    One thing I remember from a pub game I play sometimes... one week there was a guy playing who played literally 90% of his hands blind, and would essentially just raise/call any better preflop and postflop. The funny thing was (or at least funny for me because I didn't get stung by him), he was hitting boards SO well. I remember a hand in particular, where he called pre, then called, flop, turn and a shove on the river.... the guy betting turns over a FH, and the guy playing blind turns over a bigger FH lol.
  • edited July 2012
    Hi Rich & Ryan

    Heres what rips my knitting at the poker table........No matter where you play im sure everyone can relate to this.  You are sitting at a table in a warm stuffy card room and every single time there always seems to be someone at your table who has ate a dodgy curry the night before and finds the need to let his/her wind blow free!!!! Making everyone at the table tuck their nose into the top of their t-shirt!


  • edited July 2012
    Can i say thanks to Ryan for advice to mel, every time i discuss a hand with her she often thinks im being critical, i guess is such as partners helping eachother learn.
  • edited July 2012
    hi rich and ryan can u show this hand from lucky 7s mtt this guy has been doing this all in every other hand crazy u discuss ? lol  548071752
  • edited July 2012
    and this 1 u could say hes crazy loose i would never call this shove against any 1 else but against this guy im all over hes range i am abit tilted now playing people like this makes me arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nevermind have a good nite guys  548073236  lucky 7s tourney
  • edited July 2012
    Hi guys, would you mind showing this hand from the SPT Quarter final sat tonight (it is a TV table)

    HAND ID #548089646

    I always find these spots tricky, when I don't want to let them in cheaply and go multi-way but also want to get maximum value from my hand. I was especially unsure on what line to take because it was a satellite so I was thinking when I cold 4bet at this early stage, I worry people may only be calling/raising with JJ+ and AK so what dya think?
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