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League table....why has it gone?
Hi folks
Can anyone tell me why the league table has gone and whether it will ever be brought back. the software is there for it and , i feel, it helps players to look at their own play and compare it to similar players. The poker points mean little but the league allows you to look at say non-cash players who have similar points and you can compare how they're doing (yes, via another site!) as to their success for similar amounts/types of play.
I enjoyed comparing my play with others and enjoyed seeing that i was playing against regularly playing /successful players who's play i could learn from.
There is now no central axis to the site and no reference area for comparison. If not for forum teams and competitions made by players themselves then there would be nothing. Does anyone else feel the same?
Please bring it back Sky or could you explain why you haven't please.
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Afternoon Proffy.
I have no idea, I'm afraid, Promotions & the like come & go, & I cannot recall why this one was dropped, & whether they plan to bring it back in the Autumn.
I'll try & find out for you, but it won't be today, as I'm prepping for the Show, & I have a pile of stuff in the In Tray, & an empty Out Tray, so I gotta shift some paper first.
Please remember, though, that Sky Poker are trying to keep things fresh, trying out lots of new ideas, some replace existing ones, others complement them, but it's not possible to keep everyone happy all of the time, so not all their decisions are going to hit the spot.
Some fail, too, but you know the old saying - better to have tried & failed than not to have tried.
I hear you Jeffter, but you'll need to give me a little more time before I can furnish you with a reply, sorry.
And of course, from time to time, we see the same questions repeated again & again, ("when will this month's C4P be paid?") so that is a bit of an uphill task.
Morning everyone
The poker league ended on 30th June. However, the final events still run and in the next few days we will be announcing some great new things in its place. We just have a short transition period first.
Watch this space.
Sky Poker
Thanks for the reply Tikay
its nice to be informed. I must have missed the first post telling us even though i'm fairly involved in the forum. Maybe a more prominent place?
The league really is a win win thing for sky as it makes for a competitive nature amongst all players at different levels. Consequently, more rake is created. Check it out. I'd be surprised if this wasn't so. Mind, maybe the olympics will affect levels of play. For instance i gave myself an aim to get in top 3000 players. Since its gone my play levels have lowered so bringing less cash for sky. Others, i am sure, will do the same as there is nothing/no one to compare yourself to.
It really does help any player to see if they are improving in some way. I hope the NEW stuff will incorporate a league of some sort (not just poker points please as apart from the top 1000 who lock themselves in a cellar all day probably,no one really cares). I even used the league to get an idea if i was playing a 'goodish' player in DYM's or not. Now i've no idea, TBH.
These are only opinions, Tikay, but i really feel the absence of a league will be to the detriment of the site. After all thats partly why the DTD is so popular as it allows people to compare themselves with one another over time.
Hope you are in fine fettle.
Agree with Prof. Never near the top enough to worry about prizes!
Some players tried very hard to win the monthly league even when the top 150 all got exactly the same prize; a seat in a freeroll. I'm sure bringing back the league would increase competition between some players and possibly give turnover a slight boost.
Well dug out Gary. Perhaps the few days was a typo.
Looking back on this post, it seems that a wide spectrum of players want it back. Good players AND novices. In some ways it the glue that binds the site together as otherwise we cannot compare, view/avoid/learn from 'good' players, and set goals for ourselves concerning points won etc.....I'm glad people feel the same way too and hope the league returns very soon...
Also like that phrase of it being a barometer for our play....cheers Drumahai05
May i say that you are obviously an excellent player and carried yourself in an assured way for the site when you were on tv and in vegas. You have my respect. However, i couldn't disagree more. How are you "fairly certain..."etc? You are an accomplished regular player who knows the games of people you play with. You've probably forgotten more than the average Joe on this site who struggles to make the cap each month.
I can assure you that as an individual who has been playing for just over a year that i do look and record players STT points when i play DYM's and certainly feel like it gives me an idea of their ability. I even used it in MTT's to see if the good players were in my 'minis' (remember win both and get jackpot) so i could watch them play. What harm is there in that, i ask? Surely the more you play the more accomplished you become. Well, maybe statistically, this will vary somewhat but the the very poor players will move to another game once they lose what is too much for them. The inchworm concept holds true methinks.
If you were playing in one of these games on another site you would have a HUD telling you % wins et and god knows what. Here there is no such thing so we have to make do with whatever info we can get. Some of us don't subscribe to sharkscope because the outlay isn't financially worth it for or level. What harm does the league do? I noticed that the regs were talking about how many poker points they had for the vegas freeroll so they would be in a better position for that tournament as the stacks were given out in a pro rata basis.
Some of us don't lock ourselves in a cellar for 8 hours a day in order to make a living. I'm not saying you do but i am saying that the league is a chance for me to make all kinds of comparisons for nothing. It helps me to feel competitive and what harm does it do as the software is there and its done by computer?
I really am surprised by your response Jakally. You don't need the poker league as you play in high end games where most players are regs . Some of us play for fun and see the league as fun. If poker can't be fun and we don't earn a living from it then why should people bother playing it.
TBH, as an ex- maths teacher who would like to see how i can organise and adapt my game with information if there is no league then i may as well join stars, get a HUD, and see how that goes.
I've stayed with SKY because of the community spirit. No league reduces that surely? Please reply Jakally as i'd like Sky to see a Regs points of view. This isn't a personal affront as i find you to be a credit to the site but active debate may get SKY to consider it more. Cheers and have a good time at the tables...
Although I have never made the League Tables, I looked at them every week to see what percentage I was off them as a benchmark and also refered to it to see where players I was against in MTTs were placed.