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KK fold pre think it was right!
Hand History #549083852 (19:08 03/08/2012)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceleeroyGSmall blind £0.15£0.15£47.61kidwiz10Big blind £0.30£0.45£69.36HawkySit out Your hole cardsKK XXXXXRaise £0.90£1.35£112.24jayne155Fold jd44Fold leeroyGCall £0.75£2.10£46.86kidwiz10Raise £3.00£5.10£66.36XXXXXRaise £13.20£18.30£99.04leeroyGFold kidwiz10Fold XXXXXMuck XXXXXWin £7.50 £106.54XXXXXReturn £10.80£0.00£117.34
Okay me folding this is gunna look bad but ive played with this player enough to no he isnt doin this as a bluff eg
Hes extremely tight and he always has it when he makes this move ive noticed.
His 3bet is rather big and i cant see him making this move with AK or JJ
Which leaves me with QQ AA ?
Reason i folded im extremely deep and i cant call then fold to a low flop and i dont think i can 4 bet fold either
Input be good
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basically to fold here you gotta be sure oppo only 4 bets like this with AA :S
I already planned ahead of what i thought and goin broke 200 BBs deep im not to keen on at all
And yes he is extremely tight and every time ive seen him get his money in its always with the goods never sene him get outa line eg
And im actually really loose play alot of hands so this might be a reason for his bet 4 bein so big thinking id call and ino he aint doin this with nothing less than QQ fact!
Only you know just how tight he is mate and to be honest if he is as tight as you are saying there is no shame folding here because it is only 1 hand and there will be plenty more chances when you feel alot more positive about your chances.
How many players in your position here and thinking the same way still go ahead with the hand only to kick themselves once he flips over the AA ?
At least you have the discipline to be able to trust your instincts and follow them through when alot wouldnt.
Imo if you feel strongly enough about this player to make this fold here you would be right more times than your wrong and that makes it a good enough reason to fold i think.
And it begins with the letter V mate lol ( i fold before they are even dealt
Yea spot on arazi so many time you see "I new he had that but couldnt fold" all the time and yea it is only one hand.
My main point bein i cant raise fold and i cant check fold once flops came its just not good at all n im most certainly not getting it in pre with the tightest of players who only 4 bets here with the goods!
Had a few ppl calling me a joker eg saying he does the same thing with "10 10" but not a chance was he
Gunna try see if i can get the hand shown on one of the live shows
Rule out 10 10 JJ he isnt doin that
He is extremly tight so i cant see it bein anything else but KK AA in all honest.
I wouldnt have folded it against any other player on the table but him actually feels like 5 way when he plays he folds that much
Hope they show it tonight to make me feel better:)
If not they wont be able to show it.
He doesnt play a hand or 4 bet unless it is that very hand!
But if he did start doin it then fair enough ill mix it up with him more
I guess its gott 5 bet to £16 if he 6 bets or jams which is most likely then i can fold
Agh dont think it was a tv table arazi to bad:(
Yea but is 5 bet folding actually bad? he isnt gunna 6bet or shove anything less that KK when wer both relativly deep so im gunna be crushed and getting stacks in against the tightest of players that deep i think is very bad play all together
5 betting with 72 against this guy is not very good at all
At least if i 5 bet with KK then fold to a 6 bet/shove atleast ino where i stand with my hand as long as it dusnt make to much of a damaging blow to my stack or has me commited eg