UsernameGames PlayedAv. ProfitAv. StakeAv. ROITotal ProfitFormAbility /100NetworkFilterunknown6,592$1 $12 6%$4,862 Super Hot71Sky PokerSNG Only xwebby234 1,942$2 $11 8%$3,452 -72Sky PokerSNG Only x
ok guys these are my stats and another one of sky's fantastic players stats, now i never play cash and am 95% certain neither does this guy, looking at the stats to me they look pretty decent stats for sit and go play, but what i cant understand is this guy has got the bankroll of david beckham but i have only got the bankroll of michael barrymore! why am i not making money from the game, and most days i wont be able to afford a game , not all down to poker of course, sky bet and sky vegas plays its part in reducing my bankroll significantly!!
what i want to know is with these stats should i be making a profit on poker or not?
hmmmm I saw the sharkscope breakdown between you and unknown when I first open the thread, but having just refreshed the page, your first post is now blank, so im guessing it was there, unless there was additional text to go with the graphic.
I can only thin k there has to be an issue with the graphic that you've pasted. Was it copied direct from a website, or did you save it as a graphic file prior to posting on here.
Just thinking if its a direct link to another web site, then it may be blocked, or timed out
there was loads of writing to go with the first post and if you click reply to this post it will show you what i wrote, gonna do it now and hope it appears!
Username Games Played Av. Profit Av. Stake Av. ROI Total Profit Form Ability /100 Network Filter jimifloyd 6,592 $1 $12 6% $4,862 Super Hot 71 Sky Poker SNG Only x webby234 1,942 $2 $11 8% $3,452 - 72 Sky Poker SNG Only x ok guys these are my stats and another one of sky's fantastic players stats, now i never play cash and am 95% certain neither does this guy, looking at the stats to me they look pretty decent stats for sit and go play, but what i cant understand is this guy has got the bankroll of david beckham but i have only got the bankroll of michael barrymore! why am i not making money from the game, and most days i wont be able to afford a game , not all down to poker of course, sky bet and sky vegas plays its part in reducing my bankroll significantly!! what i want to know is with these statsshould i be making aprofit on poker or not? Posted by webby234
this is so frustrating, why did it just not appear on the first post for crying out loud, it has got me so stressed out because it wouldnt let me copy what i had wrote to paste it in after!
Username Games Played Av. Profit Av. Stake Av. ROI Total Profit Form Ability /100 Network Filter jimifloyd 6,592 $1 $12 6% $4,862 Super Hot 71 Sky Poker SNG Only x webby234 1,942 $2 $11 8% $3,452 - 72 Sky Poker SNG Only x ok guys these are my stats and another one of sky's fantastic players stats, now i never play cash and am 95% certain neither does this guy, looking at the stats to me they look pretty decent stats for sit and go play, but what i cant understand is this guy has got the bankroll of david beckham but i have only got the bankroll of michael barrymore! why am i not making money from the game, and most days i wont be able to afford a game , not all down to poker of course, sky bet and sky vegas plays its part in reducing my bankroll significantly!! what i want to know is with these stats should i be making a profit on poker or not? Posted by webby234
Are you asking if, with a total profit of $3.4k on poker, you should be making a profit on poker?
i dont understand your question. According to scope, you've made a very tidy profit, to the tune of $3452. Does this not iclude losses or something. If so, its a clear profit, so well done.
this is what i dont understand, i'm not really sure i have made that much money off poker because i'm very rarely flush with the cash, on my cards it shows that i am in profit of around £360 since i joined skybet. have a really won all that on poker and probably lost it on sky vegas or skybet then? are these stats 100% correct and if so, lets get a button that bans me from vegas, i could be quids in at this game!
Webby, Sharkscope will only track your SNG or tourny play so any money yo uhave leaked playing cash will not be subtacted from your overall amount. If you cash out after good days / weeks then you will prob be in profit but have a bankroll the size you do as you take your money off. If your not taking it off and your not playing cash the for GODS sake stay off sky vegas cos ya sent all your money their way lol
You may find Jimi concentrates just on his poker and doesn't remove money or gamble on other things. Another thing that i know you won't want to hear is jimi probably plays with very strict roll managment meaning he has to maintain such a high bank roll to play at stakes that you may just buy into because you fancy it (not that i think if your just playing fo a laugh these anything wrong with that).
he is disciplined you are not and from a thread the other week you have no sense of BRM and also like the sky bet/vegas games. if your results are that good on poker, then surely it would be best to stop playing the games where you have no edge and concentrate fully on poker. Posted by scotty77
this is my problem i cant seem to stay off the games after a bad hand at poker, i am currently thinking of smoking again so i can go for a smoke instead of going to vegas, surely it would be better for me to start smoking again rather than dumping cash in sky vegas?
From previous threads I understand that the stats on Sharkscope can't be relied upon, for one thing, as far as I can tell, it doesn't cover cash games just MTT & STT's
i never play cash anyway, and i did change the name to unknown but for some reason this whole thread will not do what i ask it, for a start the first post wont show the writing that is hidden there!
in defence of webby, i think he had removed the name of the other guy when he posted initially, but with the problems he had getting his text included, he has overlooked that when he resubmitted the post.
I'm sure webby will remove the name when he sees your post mate. And quit the slow-rolling would you
In Response to Re: where am i going wrong? : this is my problem i cant seem to stay off the games after a bad hand at poker, i am currently thinking of smoking again so i can go for a smoke instead of going to vegas, surely it would be better for me to start smoking again rather than dumping cash in sky vegas? Posted by webby234
yes cos dropping a few quid />>>>>>>>>> lung cancer
surely tho its a good thing that you can pay for your house game habit thru poker, at least it isn't affecting your real life money
From previous threads I understand that the stats on Sharkscope can't be relied upon, for one thing, as far as I can tell, it doesn't cover cash games just MTT & STT's Posted by Kiwini4u
yes it can. it is 99pc accurate. the only issue sharkscope has is when you satellite into tournies.
I'm not sure what you are looking for from this thread Webby. You are saying this guy is a god, or similar. Your average profit is double his. He plays 3x as many games to achieve an ROI of 6% compared to your 8%. If you want someone to say well done I'll say it.
I'm not sure what you are looking for from this thread Webby. You are saying this guy is a god, or similar. Your average profit is double his. He plays 3x as many games to achieve an ROI of 6% compared to your 8%. If you want someone to say well done I'll say it. Well done! Posted by elsadog
lol elsa, i wanna know why i cant afford a game most days and hes playing 6 hours a day at least lol
my stats say i should be playing more than i am doing!!
ps: scrumdown not sure if anyone has asked you this but why oh why does everyone of your posts have massive spaces in them ?
Username Games Played Av. Profit Av. Stake Av. ROI Total Profit Form Ability /100 Network Filter elsadog 193 $6 $13 49% $1,250 - 78 Sky Poker x webby234 2,397 $2 $9 7% $4,447 - 72 Sky Poker Well your making more than me for a start Posted by elsadog
Very impressive, and only a month ago you were off the rails lol. Your defo a shark lol
weeeeee my other ID, which is now closed, back in the day when you was allowed multiple accounts cos sky would only let you put one card on your account
In Response to Re: where am i going wrong? : Very impressive, and only a month ago you were off the rails lol. Your defo a shark lol Posted by loonytoons
Not really, and this is where these type of numbers can mislead. I'm not taking the game very seriously at the moment and what you see is a strong decline from where it was some time ago. Interpretation is everything, misconception is dangerous.
ok guys these are my stats and another one of sky's fantastic players stats, now i never play cash and am 95% certain neither does this guy, looking at the stats to me they look pretty decent stats for sit and go play, but what i cant understand is this guy has got the bankroll of david beckham but i have only got the bankroll of michael barrymore! why am i not making money from the game, and most days i wont be able to afford a game , not all down to poker of course, sky bet and sky vegas plays its part in reducing my bankroll significantly!!
what i want to know is with these stats should i be making a profit on poker or not?
I can only thin k there has to be an issue with the graphic that you've pasted. Was it copied direct from a website, or did you save it as a graphic file prior to posting on here.
Just thinking if its a direct link to another web site, then it may be blocked, or timed out
i dont understand your question. According to scope, you've made a very tidy profit, to the tune of $3452. Does this not iclude losses or something. If so, its a clear profit, so well done.
you are not and from a thread the other week you have no sense of BRM and also like the sky bet/vegas games.
if your results are that good on poker, then surely it would be best to stop playing the games where you have no edge and concentrate fully on poker.
You may find Jimi concentrates just on his poker and doesn't remove money or gamble on other things. Another thing that i know you won't want to hear is jimi probably plays with very strict roll managment meaning he has to maintain such a high bank roll to play at stakes that you may just buy into because you fancy it (not that i think if your just playing fo a laugh these anything wrong with that).
in defence of webby, i think he had removed the name of the other guy when he posted initially, but with the problems he had getting his text included, he has overlooked that when he resubmitted the post.
I'm sure webby will remove the name when he sees your post mate. And quit the slow-rolling would you
surely tho its a good thing that you can pay for your house game habit thru poker, at least it isn't affecting your real life money
Well done!
my stats say i should be playing more than i am doing!!
ps: scrumdown not sure if anyone has asked you this but why oh why does everyone of your posts have massive spaces in them ?
But w/e
Anyway, instead of smoking, or spewing at table games, just take a trip to palm springs imo.
Give it a month without Sky bet and come back and tell us how your balance is.
Once a fish always a fish.
[ ] $5 per game
[ ] volume