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Community Liason Officer Required.

edited August 2012 in Poker Chat
If this position already exists then bluntly put, I am sorry but you are not doing your job.

 Sky poker as a business like any other needs to communicate with its customer base, whether it be advertising, notification of schedule changes, ie cancellation or changes to its regularly run events / promotions. 
 I am not talking about instances where due to unforseen circumstances changes have to be made, or asking to be informed of the reasons behind the policy changes however if a decision is taken then please ensure that the community / clientelle are given as much notice as is possible.
 As an example the Thews @ 10 a regular tournament that has been running for quite some time all of a sudden doesn't appear in the lobby, somebody made this decision in advance & therefore by use of the tickertape or a post on the forum people could have been informed earlier, as opposed to having to contact customer care to be informed. 
 Sky poker also makes changes to buy ins & guarantees for various tournaments, which it has to do due to the fluidity of the market place, but when these decisions are taken, they should be announced at the earliest opportunity thus allowing people to change their own plans to accomodate such changes.
 A non-debatable bulletin board is required to keep people informed of changes to the schedules. 


  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Community Liason Officer Required.:
    If this position already exists then bluntly put, I am sorry but you are not doing your job.  Sky poker as a business like any other needs to communicate with its customer base, whether it be advertising, notification of schedule changes, ie cancellation or changes to its regularly run events / promotions.   I am not talking about instances where due to unforseen circumstances changes have to be made, or asking to be informed of the reasons behind the policy changes however if a decision is taken then please ensure that the community / clientelle are given as much notice as is possible.  As an example the Thews @ 10 a regular tournament that has been running for quite some time all of a sudden doesn't appear in the lobby, somebody made this decision in advance & therefore by use of the tickertape or a post on the forum people could have been informed earlier, as opposed to having to contact customer care to be informed.   Sky poker also makes changes to buy ins & guarantees for various tournaments, which it has to do due to the fluidity of the market place, but when these decisions are taken, they should be announced at the earliest opportunity thus allowing people to change their own plans to accomodate such changes.  A non-debatable bulletin board is required to keep people informed of changes to the schedules.   
    Posted by Woogie8688

      BIG +1 m8.  The lack of communication lately is a bit frustrating. We all understand it is summer, the olympics are on etc etc but as you say it needs some sort of structure in place to inform the customers.
     Recently the League was removed and a post put on a thread that an announcement will be made in a few days about its replacement, that was 5 weeks ago.
      The 10.30 100 pound freeroll was replaced by the Main + and Mini+ was introduced but these appear to have disappeared.

     As LED ZEPP would put it "Communication Breakdown"  and "Dazed and Confused"

  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Community Liason Officer Required.:
    In Response to Community Liason Officer Required. :   BIG +1 m8.  The lack of communication lately is a bit frustrating. We all understand it is summer, the olympics are on etc etc but as you say it needs some sort of structure in place to inform the customers.  Recently the League was removed and a post put on a thread that an announcement will be made in a few days about its replacement, that was 5 weeks ago.   The 10.30 100 pound freeroll was replaced by the Main + and Mini+ was introduced but these appear to have disappeared.  As LED ZEPP would put it "Communication Breakdown"  and "Dazed and Confused"
    Posted by pomfrittes
    This !
    Don't know why Sky would feel the need to blatently lie to their customers.
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Community Liason Officer Required.:
    In Response to Re: Community Liason Officer Required. : I don't think Sky Poker has ever blantantly lied to customers about anything, to be honest. As for the lack of communication lately, it's a comment which we can definitely take on board and improve on in the future. Would you guys prefer have one thread with updates on changes? I would also like to say that I think Sky Poker have more of a dialogue with their customers than pretty much any other poker room. As a business, there are some things we'll never comment on in public (business sensitive data, etc), but we do try to converse with you guys as much as possible. :) I'll mention it to some of the others here and we'll try to keep you in the loop where possible. Thanks all.
    Posted by Sky_Dave
     Thank you for the reply, I personally was not debating the efforts that yourself & Tikay make to communicate with the forum. To me the situation is not about a 2 way dialogue, Sky can make any business decision it sees fit, the point I was trying to make was all about information to the players & doing a far better job than is currently achieved. 

    As I said above I would have a non debatable notice board along with utilising the other options that are available to sky ie in the chatbox, on the tickertape or even better utilising a small section of the home page to the R/H/S of the lobby with changes to schedules, buy ins or guarantees etc. In fact Sky already has the facility to keep people updated. If you go to "see all promotions" on the home page you can then click on "Latest News" This could be utilised to keep people informed. WSOP: Esfandiari Wins Big one is hardly latest news or pertinant to 99.9% of sky player. The facility is already there it just needs to be kept updated with any changes to schedules etc. 

  • edited August 2012
    i totally agree with woogie hee,  we all know olympics is on, but give us warning if changing things SKY,   i see TIKAY and DAVE trying his best to do so,  but 2 men cant tell us all, as proves to be the case.

    NO-ONE has mention the new SUPER ROLLER starting this month on here, unless you see on promo page, SKY is all about the community so please stick with that or you will LOSE customers.

    GL all at the tabes.
  • edited August 2012
     Thanks Dave for the introduction of Sky Joe & the new thread, I would make sure it is locked as it would be unfair if an information thread was hijacked with questions & other comments.

    Good luck Joe & hopefully you can be the bearer of good as well as bad tidings. Don't worry no one will shoot the messenger. Please stick a pin in it & make it Red.

    I hope that this information can also be relayed to other areas of the Sky poker site for the players who don't actually visit the forum.


  • edited August 2012

    Betfred and pokerstars never feel the need to inform me when they change gtd prize pools or cancel tourneys.........I don't know why sky would be any different?
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Community Liason Officer Required.:
    Betfred and pokerstars never feel the need to inform me when they change gtd prize pools or cancel tourneys.........I don't know why sky would be any different?
    Posted by DAVEYZZ
    So you got poor service from two companies and expect the same poor service from another? This is exactly why sky should and could be different from the others!
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Community Liason Officer Required.:
    In Response to Re: Community Liason Officer Required. : So you got poor service from two companies and expect the same poor service from another? This is exactly why sky should and could be different from the others!
    Posted by loonytoons
    It not that I think it is poor service....I think it's pretty standard that sites swap,change tourneys etc without giving prior notice?
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Community Liason Officer Required.:
    In Response to Re: Community Liason Officer Required. : I don't think Sky Poker has ever blantantly lied to customers about anything, to be honest. As for the lack of communication lately, it's a comment which we can definitely take on board and improve on in the future. Would you guys prefer have one thread with updates on changes? I would also like to say that I think Sky Poker have more of a dialogue with their customers than pretty much any other poker room. As a business, there are some things we'll never comment on in public (business sensitive data, etc), but we do try to converse with you guys as much as possible. :) I'll mention it to some of the others here and we'll try to keep you in the loop where possible. Thanks all.
    Posted by Sky_Dave
    Well done Dave, good man yerself! ---A lot of players are here because they believe sky is a name they can trust.
     This belief is enhanced by yourself and Tikay.

    ps. what did happen to that 56p?
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Community Liason Officer Required.:
    In Response to Re: Community Liason Officer Required. : It not that I think it is poor service....I think it's pretty standard that sites swap,change tourneys etc without giving prior notice?
    Posted by DAVEYZZ
    Sky Poker cant claim to be different ... and then follow other companies "suit" !!
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Community Liason Officer Required.:
    Betfred and pokerstars never feel the need to inform me when they change gtd prize pools or cancel tourneys.........I don't know why sky would be any different?
    Posted by DAVEYZZ
    I,m a customer with a few sites and when they change something they often email me

    And if you don,t want the emails you can always opt out or unsubscribe but its a good way of letting there customers know whats going on and whats new etc (normally just a weekly email)

    I,m not sure if they do it already but as most ppl are on facebook these days perhaps any late changes could be posted on Sky pokers FB page

  • edited August 2012

    As Dave mentioned, we DO want to communicate better, & I think the evidence of the last few weeks proves that. (Rome, builders, a day, & all that).

    I would like to add, for balance, that poker players are a tough audience to please!
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Community Liason Officer Required.:
    i totally agree with woogie hee,  we all know olympics is on, but give us warning if changing things SKY,   i see TIKAY and DAVE trying his best to do so,  but 2 men cant tell us all, as proves to be the case. NO-ONE has mention the new SUPER ROLLER starting this month on here, unless you see on promo page, SKY is all about the community so please stick with that or you will LOSE customers. GL all at the tabes.
    Posted by ms-tree
    This is fair comment Miss Tree.

    The Suits informed me about this at 11am on Monday, for me to make it known on Forum, but I was otherwise engaged Monday & Tuesday, & so it was Wednesday before I made it known on Forum.

    My bad entirely, but I cannot be on Forum 24/7, 7 days a week, it's just not possible. 

    I then decided to try & make some noise around it, & so I ran that "Usain Bolt Free Entry Competition", which, as it happened, proved popular with most, if not all.  
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Community Liason Officer Required.:
    As Dave mentioned, we DO want to communicate better, & I think the evidence of the last few weeks proves that. (Rome, builders, a day, & all that). I would like to add, for balance, that poker players are a tough audience to please!    
    Posted by Tikay10
    Totally agree Tikay,

     Yourself & Dave do more than you should have to,to keep the Sky community informed & no way was the origional post meant as a slight on the work you both do, far from it in fact I was hoping that the introduction of a "non debatable information" thread would lighten the workload on you both.
     The thread that Sky Joe is running is a massive step forward & it was a pleasure to play the 1k Guaranteed at 5.00pm as a result of reading the thread. My concern is that it has already dropped off the 1st page & in several peoples opinion including mine should be pinned to the top of the page in red.
     As you have said in other threads communication is key & there is no reason as to why Sky can't set the trends for others to follow, hopefully with this in place it will allow you more time to devote to the blogs, competitions & other contributions that make this forum something special.

  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Community Liason Officer Required.:
    In Response to Re: Community Liason Officer Required. : I,m a customer with a few sites and when they change something they often email me And if you don,t want the emails you can always opt out or unsubscribe but its a good way of letting there customers know whats going on and whats new etc (normally just a weekly email) I,m not sure if they do it already but as most ppl are on facebook these days perhaps any late changes could be posted on Sky pokers FB page MP
    Posted by MP33

    that makes sense,at least some info would be out there.

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