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super tilt, how does everyone deal with it?
at the moment i'm super tilted. Last couple of weeks have been consistenly losing nearly every flip, when I'm crushing someone half the time they're sucking out on me, or I'm being cold decked lol. I end up playing more in an attempt to even out the 'variants' (not working) What does everyone else do?
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Another option though is to have a piece of paper and two columns.
One for suck-outs you give out and one for badbeats you receive.
Do it on a weekly basis, do it over a few weeks and months and you'll
be surprised. If then you find your badbeats outweight the suck outs you give.
Go to your nearest church and pray.
Why don't you go about trying to improve this aspect of your game. Get 'the mantal game of poker' by Jared Tendhler and study it so that when you play you recognise the signs of tilt and take the appropriate action. Take 3/4 days off from poker to study the works and will pay for itself...promise. There is real work to be done in this book.
Taking time off would be the right way to do it however the reality is i don't know any poker players who actually do it.
Seriously the variance can be horrible but, and this is hard too, you have to console yourself with the fact it's going in good and and over time you will be winning more of these situations than you're losing
Ask yourself a question do you need to shove all you chips in because you have AA Answer NO
Ask yourself can i possible get beat with my 9 10 and flop comes down JQK Answer YES
Use your position
Don't raise to much on flop if you have not hit this is a big tell you have only hit second card
If you have hit flop hard then check or just call players bet then raise big on turn.
Final thought watch out for that Ace it always seems to be the card that knocks you out when you are on Tilt.
The big tell comes in the fact you're suggesting doing particular things with particular hands. Slowplaying is also massively over-rated apart from the odd circumstances. Slowplaying is a good weapon but becomes blunt when used too often
Like everything there has ro be a balance otherwise you just become bipolar
Make poker a part of your life, not your life.
...calms me down every time.