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7pm – 8pm
Live cash coverage from the Master Cash tables.
8pm – 9pm
Ask the Expert – Good for newbies, this. Back to poker basics– with coverage of the New Player Freeroll @ 7:30.
9pm – 10pm
Sky Poker School. We continue the theme of poker basics – with the topic of 'Playing your first poker tournament' – With continued coverage from the New Player Freeroll.
10pm – 11pm
Live coverage from the 6K Open
11pm – Midnight
Live action from the Master Cash tables
Usual story- we need your input to make the show work- the more good stuff you send in, the more you get featured. We're always looking for good hands to show so have a look through your hand histories over the last couple of weeks for those hand i.d. numbers from any main or mini-events and/or Mastercash tables.
Also- in amongst all the poker let's have a bit of a laugh and get to know you guys better. So please give us...
An interesting fact about you!
Can be anything: for example, a hidden talent, an achievement big or small, a strange story, a minor claim to fame, something quirky about your life that marks you out amongst the rest of the Sky community. The stranger or more obscure the better!
I'll read out all your messages throughout the show and the one I like best will freeroll in Thursday's Sky Sports Bounty Hunter at 8pm.
Get typing then and I'll see you Tuesday night at 7 o'clock sharp!
hi all set up a league in skysports fantasy football DTD FB LEAGUE
8015692 password is monday
1st - 50%, 2nd - 25%, 3rd - 15%, 4th - 10% fill it up asap it will add to banter on monday nites during the year!!!!
Like · · Unfollow Post · 4 hours ago
Looking forward to a good show tomorrow night (posted this on Monday night)
An interesting fact about me, well I did post this recently when Anna asked a similar question but I'm so proud I thought I'd post it again lol... I can solve a rubiks cube in about 60 seconds. Have to show you next time I make it to an SPT.
Seen as I've used that before, here's another... I made my 'TV debut' on a show called Teenagers From Hell on ITV lol. It's not half as bad as it sounds, all the other stories were maniac kids like one who set fire to an ice cream truck. My input was much more tame... basically ITV had given a mate of mine a camera to record a house party they were having, so they could discuss teenage drinking habits.
More input tomorrow night no doubt.
Interesting fact?........
Well i've just earned my squaddie colours for Tean Hitsquad if that counts and i'm thoroughly chuffed. You need to get in top ten of DTD to receive your THS shirt. I was desperate for it so i was playing very conservatively and needed a few more places to ladder up in order to get a good score when i came across AA. Suddenly the mouse falls off the pad and i'm scrambling round on the floor for it ... grabbing it just in time to AI my opponents min raise from sb. He shows Q9 diamonds...and flop is 3 diamonds!!! Ouch but wWAIT there's an ace there. Turn was blank but then that glorious river gives the missing ace. Our team skipper HITMAN_RV (who went on to win that particular tournament, by the way) was at the table and falls of his chair, i think! Two hands later i get AA again and my AI is called and i double again(same player too...Ouch! Sorry!).
This enabled me to get to FT bubble and overall 5th in DTD and that team shirt. Doubly chuffed!!!. Still on a high which surely is why we should play, isn't it?
DTD has great banter at tables and a real friendliness comes through. I recommend it. Join a team and come and play.
A question for you guys concerning malfunctions, dropping mice etc. Has that ever happened to you when you've had a good hand and you could feel the panic rising? Any funny stories?
The hand id is 544888003
Absolute class
You need to start a new comp Rich mate cos this answer has this comp locked up imo, really made me lol
Keep them coming please!
If you're struggling to think of anything 'interesting' to say about yourself, then at least tell us something we didn't know about you- e.g. what you do for a living, how long you've been married, how sort of haircut you've got etc etc so we have a little fact to air about you!
We'll certainly endeavour to show this hand, but it does need to have come from a TV table. i.e. the 8pm main events on every night on the site, the 8.15 mini events, or any Mastercash table. Anything with a TV icon next to it in the tournament lobby.
Let us know where this hand came from and if it qualifies we'll do our best to get it on screen!
Thanks for the request. I've had a look at the hand and unfortunately its not from one of our TV Action Tables, which means we won't be able to show the hand on the channel I'm afraid.
If you have any other hands from TV tables that you'd like the guys to take a look at then please post the IDs on here or email them in and we'll do our best to get them on the show.
All the best,
From 10pm - 11pm, instead of the 6K Open we will be covering the brand new 4K Bounty Hunter that starts at 9pm.
My obscure claim to fame is that my dads uncle was the manager of the 1978 Austrian football team at the world cup finals in Argentina and managed to knock the defending champions, West Germany, out in the match known as the miracle of Córdoba. I can also touch my eyebrows with my beard now. Not sure how that fits in but I thought I would put it out there!
Have a great show. I have a feeling this will be watched by loads of ladies due to you both being eye candy
have a great show. i have already shared some of the most interesting things about myself so am at a dissadvantage regarding the competition tonight but thats ok. i could mention that i am sooo in love with my adorable, sweet boyfriend (arro54). i thought that i was going to spend the rest of my life alone. he introduced me to poker so its all his fault lol.
run well in barcelona ryan.
onwards and upwards :-))
great show
i was close to fame when i auditioned for the Xfactor in 2008 and i got throught the first 3 stages in the cast so i had to wait on a phone call for simon cowell himself to see if i got through to the judges.
but however that was the year i kept getting prank calls on my mobile by witheld numbers and when i got the phone call i never answered gutted
my brother answer his phone and noticed when he was up there that my name was crossed off the list.
my poker claim to fame is cashing in a freeroll and turning a 11c sat investment and running it into a $12400 payout
SICK ROI of 111600%
Does that achievement matches Richard Orford's 30min Time Tournement though
Enjoying the show
Have a good show.
My hand request for tonight at the risk of making myself look spewy once again
Is this crazy play by me once i miss my draw and with me thinking my oppo has me crushed at the mo ?
Btw when i called the turn raise i always intended to rep one of the flush draws if they came in ( is this wrong ? )
Once again flame away guys
Hand ID : Mastercash 3 552728653
Cheers Daz.