Gutted, just went out of the 5k roller. Thought i had trip 4s on the flop turn another jack great i have a fullhouse and i know solack has a big pair, i shove he snaps i see he has aces, yes get in there im thinking....... why does the pot end up going his way if i have a fullhouse...... i had pocket 3s hand before i had pocket 4s first time i have made that mistake..... GUTTED !
Another pet peev is people who get "offended" by naughty words... He only said "damn", for goodness' sake. Put the news on and you can watch people dropping bombs on one another, then these folks feign indignation about the uttering of a word arbitrarily declared as rude. How foolish.
That's a genuine pet peev... though not one fit for broadcast, I suspect.
Hi all, have you had a good week? I made it to Hamburg and back safe and sound although 6/10 for the landing! I am now ready, so ready for my Holidays next week. In fact my mind is already there, which has made working sooo hard this week, and also I seem to get annoyed at the smallest things! Like people who don't know the width of their own know you sit behind them for ages because they won't overtake a parked vehicle because they don't think they can fit...aaaaaaaaaah!! A pet peeve! Got any!? So tonight; 7-8pm Live coverage from our Thurs TV timed tourno (now in the lobby) 600GTD, £5.50 buy in, 30 mins, starts at 7.10pm 8-9pm Poker Clinic - please get your hand requests in for this hour, Stuart can give you one on one analysis. 9-10pm Poker School looks at playing out of position in cash 10-11pm Top of The Pots- top 10 biggest cash hands of the week 11pm-12 Sky Poker Highlights- 12k Bounty Hunter coverage. We have a guess the hands competition for you tonight.... the prize? 1 seat in to Tuesday (21st Aug, I will actually be on holiday then...yesssss ) 6k Open. to send in your answers/banter and hand IDS..... As always I hope you enjoy the show tonight, and Stuart and I look forward to hearing from you... A xxx Posted by MissFowler
I think the hand for the competition is 9 10 of hearts
Anna, my LOVELY wife says Stu can swear as much as he likes as long as he gets the hole in his jeans fixed! I have no idea what she means!! Posted by Glenelg
b all to do with poker, ( life beyond the odd bad beat ) THE BEST OF MEN donking a few quid reality check guys a german guy realises the para olympics , work out those odds bleeping life affirming!1 (now im orf to lose a few quid with a smile ) watch it peoples and get a true persective on life, gl all
Gutted, just went out of the 5k roller. Thought i had trip 4s on the flop turn another jack great i have a fullhouse and i know solack has a big pair, i shove he snaps i see he has aces, yes get in there im thinking....... why does the pot end up going his way if i have a fullhouse...... i had pocket 3s
hand before i had pocket 4s
first time i have made that mistake..... GUTTED !
That's a genuine pet peev... though not one fit for broadcast, I suspect.
I think the hand for the competition is 9 10 of hearts
Congratulations to:
Who won free entry into the 6K Open on Tuesday (21st August) @ 20:00
Good luck!