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I have tried this site to see how badly I play and find that I have been playing on other poker sites in my sleep.
The cash balances do not seem to tally either. I there any point in using it at all?
Onwards and upwards :-)
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1) Sharkscope doesn't count any money you get from heads in BountyHunters
2) Sharkscope doesn't count rebuys, so you could play a £2 tourney, rebuy 50 times, cash for £4 and it would show that you made a £2 profit.
3) Sharkscope will show satellite's won as the value of the seat, so if you satellite into a £100 MTT for £2, when you win the satellite, it'll show you as making £98 profit, then if you don't cash in the £100 MTT, it will count as you losing £100
your answers have been very helpful but i never play on other sites and it says that i do. there are other gollygoshes but when i check out the sky poker one (which is the real me lol) it gives me as playing these other sites.
onwards and upwards :-)
I explained that in my first post. When you win a satellite, if you win a £100 seat in a £10 satellite, it shows you made £90 profit, then if you bust out of the £100 tourney, it shows you lost £100, but it all works out cos you got +£90 and -£100 which comes to the -£10 you lost in the satellite.
More MTTs, less Frenzies
onwards and upwards :-)