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GUKPT Goliath

edited August 2012 in Poker Chat
Hi all I will be playing day 1c and hopefully days 2, 3 and the final table lol at the Goliath this week from Friday.
Is any1 else going and maybe meet for a beer or 10?


  • edited August 2012
    In Response to GUKPT Goliath:
    Hi all I will be playing day 1c and hopefully days 2, 3 and the final table lol at the Goliath this week from Friday. Is any1 else going and maybe meet for a beer or 10?
    Posted by macapaca

    Best of luck  
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: GUKPT Goliath:
    In Response to GUKPT Goliath : Best of luck  
    Posted by JockBMW
    Thanks mate, will prob donk by 500BB in the first few levels lol

  • edited August 2012
    hi macapaca,
    i played 1a yesterday & after chipping up steadily i dribbled away during the last few levels & busto'd with half an hour to go.
    gonna head back for another crack this afternoon, it's a good structure & 1st will pay north of 35k i'm sure...if that doesn't pan out i'll have to go punting in the 1k main event on saturday.
    pretty sure happynige is playing 1c as well
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: GUKPT Goliath:
    hi macapaca, i played 1a yesterday & after chipping up steadily i dribbled away during the last few levels & busto'd with half an hour to go. gonna head back for another crack this afternoon, it's a good structure & 1st will pay north of 35k i'm sure...if that doesn't pan out i'll have to go punting in the 1k main event on saturday. pretty sure happynige is playing 1c as well
    Posted by yoyo
    Was grand to see you there yesterday Mr T!

    If I may offer a little well-intentioned advice, you need a bit of help with "wardrobe" mate, that get up you wore yesterday was an embarrassment to the brand. Just saying.   
  • edited August 2012

    I might just pen a blog about yesterday at Goliath, saw so many people, & old friends, & Thewy, by THE most amazing & remarkable coincidence was on the Feature Table, sat smack bang next to a special friend from back in the day when he first became a poker pro, & I shared Tables with a mutual friend from the same era.

    So much water has flowed under so many bridges since then. I'm pretty sure I could write 10 Blogs about different folks I bumped into yesterday, in fact.  
  • edited August 2012
    could you pen one for me pls?

    back again today??
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: GUKPT Goliath:
    could you pen one for me pls? back again today??
    Posted by yoyo
    No, my Goliath adventure ended when I bumped into David. But I'll pen a blog and tell that "smokin" story if you like!

    Good luck today Big Man.

  • edited August 2012
    GL mate

    Won't be playing the Goliath but will be there for the GUKPT Main.  Maybe some sides too.

    GL all Sky players and if you're in two minds then its a great casino/event there and well worth the trip
  • edited August 2012

    Hi chaps

    Played the Goliath yesterday, my first attempt lasted 5 levels and at best can be put down to a poker education. On my back from getting some cash to rebuy in I bumped in to thewy going home early he seems not to be able to make day two of the Goliath I think he has had two or three goes, good luck to day thewy .

    I sat down at my new table with a new feel good factor and by the end of level 6 had got my 25000 starting stack up to 65,000 chips without getting to the river once.

    Then this happened one of those spots you don’t often see. With the binds at 200, 400 ante 50. I am sat in seat 8 on the button  with Qh 10h we are 10 handed and it is folded around to seat 5, who limps all the time and then over bets the flop with air then folds to any re raise. As normal seat 5 puts In his 400 it is then folded around to me I make it 1200 small blind folds then the big blind without saying a word pulls his 400 back and puts in 10200 two 5000 chips and two 100 chip, dealer  said “raise to 10200” big blind nearly has a heart attack he was an old man older than Tikay. He complains that he was only calling and he only wanted to put two 500 chips in. The floor is called and the bet stands. He is put out by this and keeps saying I only have a calling hand I can’t raise with this. The young lad in seat 5 then goes all in for about  9000 chips, is the young lad at it! Oh yes!  This is confirmed when I make it 20,000 all the colour drains from his face and I feel  smug.  Then the smugness departs as the old man calls this was not in my plan. Then i have this feeling I have been had. I have seen tikay put a 1000 chip in and say he thought it was a 100 get a 2 or 3 callers only for him to have AA have I been out played by this saga lout. The flop comes 7d Ah 9s I check  so does the old man 2c on the turn check check again Qs on the river.  I check thinking I have been had by the old man as I expect the bet on the end and he checks!! I turn over my cards old man mucks his SIGH. Young lad turns over 2c3c and a nice 50,000 plus hand comes myway.

    Finished day 1b with 244,000 chips which I am pleased with being one of the 87runers out of 520 making day 2.  Now we start all over again tomorrow with the blinds at 3000, 6000 ante 600. I hope I have some more run good for day 2  



  • edited August 2012
    nice one son,

    apologies for lack of communication, you caught me at a bad time lol, will cu saturday
  • edited August 2012
    Nice one Dai

    Would love to be playing it but the SPT + Golliath = DIVORCE.  I'd need to win both to affoard the settlement ;o)

    GL to all Sky Players that are in it 

  • edited August 2012
    lol what a life Dai!
  • edited August 2012
    Hi All,

    Having gone out in last year's Goliath at 11:30 pm on the first day, I decided to have another go this year. I joined in excess of 400 other hopefuls on Thursday for day 1b and whilst initially down to 12,000 chips by level six, was able to regain some chips as my all-in with KK against AK held up to bring my stack back to a reasonable level.

    This was followed at level 9 when my raise with QQ was met by two all-in bets. I called, was OK to see both held AK and the Queens held up for a treble up. Soon after my Big Blind of 8,7 saw a flop of 10,9,6 rainbow and with the big chip stack going all-in with what turned out to be top pair and a gutshot I was quite happy to call, with the straight holding up. This took my chip stack to over 200k and I eventually finished day 1b at 276k chips following a reasonable run of cards.

    This gave me 29th place out of 341 starters at the beginning of day 2 and I was able to build on this slightly throughout the early stages. However I then went card dead and it was only when I was down to six big blinds later in the afternoon that I saw KK again. The initial raiser called my all-in with A,7 and I was back in business.

    However I was soon card dead again and with antes and blinds chomping at my chip stack I ended up folding right the way down to around two blinds before I was left with no option but to call with 7,6 suited in the BB which promptly walked in to QQ - and that was it.
    Finally finished 70th out of 1,965 buy-ins and a very enjoyable way of spending the two days.
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