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Id like to discuss the table chat box and get peoples opinions on it.
Im a player who likes to use the table chat box to talk shop with other player because lets be honest sometimes its get boring poker waiting around for AA ha ha but also i must admit i like to use it to get under peoples skin! Now i dont go full out attack someone and start saying stuff about there mum but i will comment on play and try to get under there skin because at the end of the day im trying to win so winding people up makes them make bad decisions.
Im just wanted to know people opinions on me doing this? I do exactly the same thing in live but im wondering if on line its a different thing as im not face to face with the person?
Opinions please...
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All it does is to me is makes me focus even more on that person so I can find a weakness I can exploit! There is nothing better than knocking someone out of a tourney that is giving you lip!
Like i say i do it to basically get under people skin, some people it works with, some people like yourself it doesnt.
Mines just banter to get under people skin, like if i show someone a bluff i'll say 'look at that im too good for you' lol just general banter to wind people up
If you constantly play the same stakes/games then you'll be up against the same players and can create a dynamic with them anyway w/o the need to troll, just by your actions. Honestly its not difficult to create a dynamic like that, just show a few bluffs, 3bet with air a couple of times before your 3bet with the goods, make someone feel like your picking on them by playing overly agressive against them in position and they'll playback quicker then you expect!! normally a couple of orbits
To be honest, if someone tries posting stuff like that it makes me think that they're not good enough to win by just playing their cards
+1 to what FCHD said.
Miniview FTW!
most decent players are gonna be on mini view and the ones that arent are either gonna ignore you or tell you to grow up. the bad players are easy enough to take money from as it is
I disagree with people that says it doesnt work cause it does! No matter who you are or how good you are people dislike arrogant/cockey people, which in real life im actually neither lol Just my competitive side brings it out in me
I think the general opinion is its not the best thing to do but as long as im only being arrogant and cockey an not abusive its not to bad?
You like to get under people's skin online then? Do you swear or abuse them? I take it this is for a colossal amount of money. Or let me guess its for a £5 or less, isn't it? Are you proud of this? I wouldn't be. Personally abuse me and i will report you. Moan about my play when you get a bad beat? I'm chuffed as your more likely to tilt then. Anyway, i think as a scouser i'll be quick enough to come up with something to press your buttons in a civil way. By the way, how are UTD these days after being played off the park on monday? Its not so easy now that other teams have money too is it? Or maybe its their new 'Burberry' kit settlling in?
Why not just stick to being friendly and trying to enjoy poker or are your skills not quite honed enough so that you need to adopt other means to win your £5.
Actually i think you're brave for admitting to the this type of behaviour. I hope you can change because i don't think you'll benefit from it in the long run, mate.
Your a scouser and your commenting on Man United...really?? ha ha The bitterness and jealousy that Oozes out of everyone of you about Man United is a joy to behold!
Dont worry tho you'll always have the 80's to look back on hahaha
As i said in an earlier post i dont abuse or swear at anyone! I will banter people in a cilvil way about there play ie 'that way a bad call' etc etc and i will be arrogant and cocky ie when i show a bluff i'll say 'im to good for you'
Its stupid stuff like that! Im a bit like Mike the mouth i just chat S@*t in a non abusive way to get under peoples skin!
Dont really know what the stakes im playing for have to do with it? I want to win whatever im playing for! Also i think people think i just try this will bad players which is wrong i do it to every player i dont single any type of player out i'll try to get under anyones skin
Hi Manc, we met on 2 tables last night as i am sure you remember. Having had personal experience of your "banter" and your standard of play my advice would be stick to concentrating on your game as you can no doubt play and will be a profitable player.
However, the banter is a waste of time at the levels you were playing at last night and the thinly veiled racist taunt to 1 player in particular would lead to a chat ban if reported. Also, calling everyone a donk is hardly banter.
In addition, when playing at NL4 and £2MTTs it comes across as a bit laughable to be talking to people as if you are on the FT of WSOP Main.
You will eventually learn that, especially, on NL4 tables you should be applauding and encouraging bad play, not TAPPING THE AQUARIUM. If you cast your mind back you should recall that 4 players left the table within 10 minutes of you sitting down.
And finally i agree that you do come across as cocky and arrogant, but nevertheless i wish you luck at the tables and look forward to taking my cash back off you.
All the best, Bill.
yes i remember playing you and its your opinion and i respect that but i think you are slightly painting me in a bad light but its your opinion!
I did say during playing with you its all banter this pom and that im trying to get under your skin please dont take offence to it.
I'll be happy for anything i said to be reported and reviewed by anyone at sky.
Thanks for your feedback i appreciate people informing me on there opinion on me at the tables