The Community comes up with some really good ideas, and we're pleased to say lee100's idea on another thread has brought you all a new tournament.
Say hello to the....
Here are the details for you:
£11 buy-in, 10,000 chips.
Blinds will go up every 10 minutes
A whopping ONE HOUR late reg.
Play kicks off at 3pm.
As with any new tourneys, there are a couple of small points. We won't run these on the same Sundays as the Super Rollers, so you get these every Sunday EXCEPT the last of the month. That makes the first one NEXT Sunday - 2nd September.
We're also more than willing to move the start time a little but, with the slow structure, we will always want it to be an afternoon kick off. Call your 'range' here as noon until 4pm.
I'll stick a poll up on this post too, so you can all vote for preferred start time. The first one will kick off at 3pm on Sunday 2nd September. I know this because it's in the lobby already!
why cant it kick of later like the same time as the 20k super roller ? as i dnt like to play poker when the football is on mainly coz i be down the pub great idea tho rather it be on later tho cant please all i guess
The Community comes up with some really good ideas, and we're pleased to say lee100's idea on another thread has brought you all a new tournament. Say hello to the.... SUNDAY SUPER STACK! Here are the details for you: £11 buy-in, 10,000 chips. Blinds will go up every 10 minutes A whopping ONE HOUR late reg. Play kicks off at 3pm. As with any new tourneys, there are a couple of small points. We won't run these on the same Sundays as the Super Rollers, so you get these every Sunday EXCEPT the last of the month. That makes the first one NEXT Sunday - 2nd September. We're also more than willing to move the start time a little but, with the slow structure, we will always want it to be an afternoon kick off. Call your 'range' here as noon until 4pm. I'll stick a poll up on this post too, so you can all vote for preferred start time. The first one will kick off at 3pm on Sunday 2nd September. I know this because it's in the lobby already ! Hope you enjoy it! Dave Posted by Sky_Dave
Well done Sky, i'm sure this will be a very popular tourney and i'm very glad you have agreed with my idea, good luck all who enter.
Don't think that'll happen. I think it'd have more effect as a weekly tournament which people actually go on sky to play. Every evening would spoil it imo. But there should definitely be something every evening with the same buy in and with a good structure, like 3-5k 12m blinds. Need antes quick
Definitely like this one. If this one proves popular maybe consider running one in the evening too say 7.30 or 8.00 start? Posted by Kiwini4u
I don't think that would work, the whole point people make over and over again is that they have jobs and don't wanna be playing a tourney til 3-4am, so I don't think you can start a super deepstacked at 7pm and expect it to finish at a reasonable time.
orite yeah so it is so back to my original post y can they play this later or even same time ? Posted by IDONKCALLU
Because a vast majority of people have to get up early for work on a Monday. However on a bank holiday weekend, a vast majority of people have the Monday off and don't need to get up early.
Thanks for the comments so far - keep them coming please
Regarding start time, Lambert has pretty much nailed it. The idea of this tourney is that it allows players to play a slow structured, deep stacked tourney at a modest buy-in. This means that - should the numbers get up to 100+ - it could go on for quite some time. Sunday night finishes past midnight are pretty undesirable for many due to work in the morning, plus it definitely adds something different to the afternoon line-up.
As for a guarantee, we decided to get a guage on how well it's received before putting one on. On a personal level I am pleased we've got this tourney on the schedule. I am sure Lee is too. The one thing we'd hate though is for a big guarantee to miss and have the tournament condemned or - just as bad imo - have a relatively small GTD keep the runners artificially low. Those are my personal views, anyway.
Let's see how it plays out for the first handful of installments and then an guaranteed could be considered.
Thanks for the comments so far - keep them coming please Regarding start time, Lambert has pretty much nailed it. The idea of this tourney is that it allows players to play a slow structured, deep stacked tourney at a modest buy-in. This means that - should the numbers get up to 100+ - it could go on for quite some time. Sunday night finishes past midnight are pretty undesirable for many due to work in the morning, plus it definitely adds something different to the afternoon line-up. As for a guarantee, we decided to get a guage on how well it's received before putting one on. On a personal level I am pleased we've got this tourney on the schedule. I am sure Lee is too. The one thing we'd hate though is for a big guarantee to miss and have the tournament condemned or - just as bad imo - have a relatively small GTD keep the runners artificially low. Those are my personal views, anyway. Let's see how it plays out for the first handful of installments and then an guaranteed could be considered. Posted by Sky_Dave
Yes Dave very happy with this tourney being introduced, got to be a winner imo
I like this idea, again I voted for 4pm but would prefer a 6/6.30 due to the football. Maybe some sats throughout the day as well? Standard £2.20 1 in 5?
Great idea lee.Thanks for putting this on sky.It's normally a bit over my budget but i've been waiting for something like this so i might just treat myself.If there is sats even better.Gl in the tourney guys.
I'm very sorry to say i cannot play in this, i am gutted but my best m8 is having a post wedding BBQ and his and my family are all there and as i was bestman i simple have to and want to go. Some things just come before poker i guess! I hope this is successful and Sky run more of these and that evryone playing enjoys it, gl all
think its a great idea just registered i think if it was a gtd event thisncould easily draw in a large number of players i think it will easily top 100 today though which would put the prize pool around 1k which isnt bad at all
On a side note... i would like to see lots of turbo and velocity mtts brought back into the schedule too! thanks
Besides, it's nice to have a good tournament on in the early afternoon on a Sunday.