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How do I deal with donk bets?
Please can I have some help. I seem to be having problems dealing with donk bets.
I'm playing NL4 cash, trying to play tight and usually enter a pot with a raise. I raise with a decent hand (3x BB), get called, then face a pot-sized bet on the flop. This seems to happen about once a session and I don't know how to deal with it.
I think about the range and automatically assume they have the best cards to fit the flop.
In this case I'd been playing on the table about 90 minutes, and this was the first hand I'd played in the last 8.
The table was fairly passive (though they would occasional fireworks with 4bet/5bet/shove hands), it seemed fairly typical of the tables at this level.
xxx | Small blind | | £0.02 | £0.02 | £5.30 |
xxx | Big blind | | £0.04 | £0.06 | £3.16 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
neb01 | Raise | | £0.12 | £0.18 | £5.62 |
xxx | Fold | | | | |
xxx | Fold | | | | |
xxx | Fold | | | | |
xxx | Fold | | | | |
villain | Call | | £0.08 | £0.26 | £3.08 |
Flop |
| | | | | |
villain | Bet | | £0.26 | £0.52 | £2.82 |
neb01 | Fold | | | | |
villaiin | Muck | | | | |
villain | Win | | £0.24 | | £3.06 |
villain | Return | | £0.26 | £0.02 | £3.32 |
Thinking about it. I seems strange to make such a big bet if they are ahead, esp if I'm likely to make a c-bet which they can call.
Any general advice would be appreciated, though I realise that it will depend on each particular situtation.
One last question - In this case is the fold too tight? . As I said these bets confuse me and I think the safest course is to fold (even if it's not the best play)
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the donk bet can be many things, from a super strong made hand to weak top pair to botom pair to total air so dont always assume its super strong. its worth calling at times to gain more information as to what the flop bet represents.
your fold in this hand is super nitty. you have flopped a decent hand and the pair on the board makes it less likely they are holding a queen. i'd be calling here to see what they do on the turn as on the flop i dont know for sure what hes doing it with. it could be a queen, worse jacks, an underpair, K10 for a draw or total air. if the villain continues with this line of showing strength on the turn then its time to make your decision wether to carry on in the hand.