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I've just registered for an Omaha Hi Lo sng heads up against kidwiz10
He's been away from the first hand, I've been running down the time bar every hand and unticking muck winning hands and letting that run down too, giving him every chance to get back on line.
What's the correct etiquette in these situations? I hate the idea of just 'taking' peoples money, I want to win it or lose it fair and square, but at the same time you can only keep on tank folding for so long, what's the concencus here?
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If Maxally or 51'er..... 3/5 seconds !!!!
If Villainn been playing, then has conn issues for coupla hands & you fold to his Blinds, I'd say that is commendable, but not essential!!
JPW - it is not "bad etiquette" at all, do it as you wish.
Many people would not, it just depends really how bad you want to win.
It is perfectly acceptable to do, though.
However, there are two sides to every story, & it's not so nice when you are on the wrong end of it, though......
As long as you accept it with good grace when you are the one disconnected, then it's fine & dandy.
I feel a lot better now !!
Obviously if it's a friend then there are two options:
1)Wait for them and play all pally wally.
2)Rob them as quickly as possible and laugh maniacally as you do it!
No prizes for guessing which I prefer.
It's not bad etiquette to blind them down. If you don't you could be waiting forever.