Barry made a good fold with the aces nothing else he could do it that spot however i think eastgates fold is horrific as he should know what dwan is capable of. Against someone else we could lay it down but not against dwan.
lol brilliant I thought at 1st he overplayed his hand but at the end he knew what eastgate had and he still bet in2 two of them he is something aint he.
its like dwan has hypnotised hes opponents the silent assasin and the stares u cant get a read form that just FEARLESS which makes him a awesome player
this is the alltime classic hand if u not seen this this is how u empty the clip talk about big kahooooonas just awesome play to do this against ivey 9 mins long but well worth watching
limaboi he knew he was bluffing he knew when eastgate cold called dwans raise he knew eastaget had a 2 but to bet 104k into a 32k pot geeeeeeeeez talk about polarize ya hand
limaboi he knew he was bluffing he knew when eastgate cold called dwans raise he knew eastaget had a 2 but to bet 104k into a 32k pot geeeeeeeeez talk about polarize ya hand Posted by IDONKCALLU
I know that now m8 after watchin the full clip but watchin the hand before it finished i was like your overvalueing your hand but he knew exactly what he was doin lol nad after he put side bet with doyle that he said eastgate had best hand by far lol.