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update needed to sort out late reg

you need an update to sort out the late reg problem 9 times out of 10 you miss your first hand even tough you have been dealt cards anoying to hell when youve got cards you should have played  this happens in all 6 seats inc your sb and bb you should never not have the option to not play end of the day we are paying for this. just to confirm i have a very fast laptop and use a few different ones. no issue with broad band speed i have 40meg and had the problem in multiple locations hope this post helps some how

thanks james


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    edited June 2013
    In Response to update needed to sort out late reg:
    you need an update to sort out the late reg problem 9 times out of 10 you miss your first hand even tough you have been dealt cards anoying to hell when youve got cards you should have played  this happens in all 6 seats inc your sb and bb you should never not have the option to not play end of the day we are paying for this. just to confirm i have a very fast laptop and use a few different ones. no issue with broad band speed i have 40meg and had the problem in multiple locations hope this post helps some how thanks james
    Posted by rosjim1

    Totally agree, that should be sorted at some point :)
     please look into it dear sky!
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    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: update needed to sort out late reg:
    In Response to update needed to sort out late reg : Totally agree, that should be sorted at some point :)  please look into it dear sky!
    Posted by TONYFISH
    VWD on the concise and prompt reply.
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    edited June 2013

    In Response to Re: update needed to sort out late reg:
    In Response to Re: update needed to sort out late reg : VWD on the concise and prompt reply.
    Posted by davelufc
    are you mocking a first time poster for agreeing with the OP??? this is still a problem so time is irrelevant
    I also agree with OP this needs fixing ASAP pls SKY
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