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Hullo! How's your 4 day week so far!? Sarah Champion and Ryan Spittles with you tonight, here's what we've got lined up...
7pm-8pm Live coverage of TV Timed tournament 600 GTD, £5.50 buy in, starts at 7:10pm
8pm-9pm Poker Clinic YOUR hand requests from the TV tables, email your hand ID to
9pm-10pm Poker School talking Poker Leaks in cash and MTTs
10pm-11pm Top Of The Pots Top 10 biggest cash hands of the week from the Televised cash tables
11pm-12pm Sky Poker Highlights 12k Bounty Hunter – Live coverage
So! What are your biggest poker leaks? Let us know and we'll get em plugged!
We’ll also be playing guess the hand testing your hand reading skills, did you guess the 33’s last week? Entries via email with a seat into next Tuesdays 6K open up for grabs!
And finally James loves his movies, Tikay loves his trains, Carlo loves his tan, thought I'd bring what I love to the table tonight in the form of MUSIC! A shared love I'm hoping from the excellent 'sky poker mix tape' thread a while back! So are you a headphones in player? do you keep your play patient with classical tracks or do you rock out with the 'Ace of spades'? And while we're on rock...the Rolling Stones celebrate their 50 year anniversary this week, 50 years that have seen some major changes across the music industry, so what was the first record you ever bought? and where did you buy it from? Mine was a 'Now!' album from 'Ourprice' in the highstreet on double cassette! Not the vinyl sadly, heard they're worth a few quid these days!
There'll be a prize on offer for a post on this thread, picked at random so get involved!
GL on the tables! see you from 7
Sarah xx
First "record" I ever bought was Californication by the Red Hot Chili Peppers in 1999.... I was 8!

Sorry if that makes anyone feel old haha
Hi. Sarah & ryan
My biggest leak has to be playing without any maths, Just Intuition. Something i wished i learnt before playing poker for real money.
Looking forward to another good show tonight.
My first 'record' I bought was naturally very embarassing, as they normally are, it was PJ & Duncan's first album 'Psyche'... I thought it was great at the time lol... I was VERY young.
I'd say my biggest leak is not paying enough attention to the players at the table, so sometimes making calls which I probably wouldn't have if I'd realised they'd folded every hand for the last 20 mins.
The biggest leak in my game is a difficult one to choose as there are quite a few. I would have to go for the the fact that sometimes I overplay hands and don't know when to apply the brakes as I am clearly behind!
The first record I ever bought was "Bad" by Michael Jackson.......I'm still proud of my purchase as even though it is not his best album it is still one of the classics IMO
And I still Have it!
i popped my cherry on Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. Unique at the time amongst so much dross.
The first record I ever bought was "is this the way to Amarillo" way back in 1971
The sad reason behind buying it was I'd watched it performed on the Kid's programme Crackerjack with Peter Glaze and Lesley Crowther and was singing it so badly for weeks. My mum gave me the money to buy it provided I promised to stop singing
Wow i'm old!
I think I bought it from a store/toy shop called Horton & Hollenders in Wetherby
I'd love to know if the store still exists! I can picture it vividly stood opposite the the River Wharfe where as kids we used to catch tadpoles and sticlebacks with jam jars.
my biggest leaks i defo think is i play too aggressive at the wrong time and find myself betting into the nut hand.
my first record was eminem first album was a big thrill as i was under the advised age im just a rebel lol
i got both guess the hands correct so im going for 3 in a row tonight
p.s. ryan is the best analysis on sky there you go ryan said it to them
The first record I brought was Hanging on the telephone by Blondie in 1979. I may of had a little crush on Debby Harry! I also own every Led Zepplin single released in the 70's.
As for poker leaks, playing cash was my biggest leak by far but I've plugged that by not playing it anymore. The other leak I know I have is being aggressive on wet flops after I've raised pre and missed. I am trying to plug this but it is taking its time! I know I have other leaks too but I haven't identified them, yet
my first record was 'greatest hits' by olivia newton john. had just watched 'grease' on tv and had a huuuuge teen crush on her. bought on vinyl and wore it out! oh those days!!!
have a great show
ps thanks for the analysis, thought i played things a bit iffy. turns out i was right. still live and learn they say.
my first record i purchased was the bluebells, "young at heart!" sigh im old
miss click guys i was hoping you would'nt show it,meant to fold lol
I'm not embarrassed to say that the first album I ever bought was Britney Spears' "...Baby One More Time" in 1999. What can I say? I was a 14-year-old boy.
Britney's music (as well as Britney herself) has become less appealling with time as I've matured and become more intellectually minded...
...I'm all about the Saturdays and Pixie Lott nowadays. lol
Have a great show.
first record: Chaka Khan "I feel for you"
Hi, Sarah.. Ryan..... Smashing show, really enjoying it.
can you please check this hand out.. Hand History #556887217It's from sunday's Super Roller.
should i have shoved pre flop? Or was my bet sizing ok. thoughts please Ryan
Regards, Alan