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Saturday .. have a lay-in .. get up around mid-day, and my pet greyhound "Dotty' is having a grizzle at the bottom of the stairs for me to take her out .. so off we go up the fields on top of the hill. The wind is blowing so hard I can hardly get my breath. I let "Dotty off her lead and off she goes for a mooch in the hedges, when all of a sudden from out of nowhere comes this massive brute of a dog..' a Jack Russel !!!! eeks starts growling and then goes in pursuit of "Dotty' who in turn decides she's back on the track and goes into full gallop circling the rugby field with a wild Jack Russel (I wonder if it's called 'elsadog' ?) desperately trying to keep up, about 100yds behind ...aah bless "Dotty" win another race ..(what) ?? Well with that little episode over and safely back in doors, I sat down to watch some Racing on TV, checked the runners of the 1 35 ant Huntingdon and look who's running.. ...."Benny n the Jets".. ? Well how could I not have a bet, so I'm screaming at the screen as Benny n the Jets leads all the way to an impressive victory at odds of 3/1 ... and "Dotty" looking at me as if I've lost the plot !! I soon told her , "Behave or I'll set "elsadog' on ya again and besides do you want dinner later" ? The indignant look dogs give ya some times ?? So lets see who can I upset on the Skypoker forum tonight with my play at the tables, now what was the latest 'nut's' "Mere" ? 'Oh yes A6'hope you have a good nite benny. i wont be goin anywhere in this wind and rain its terrible. c ya later. x) Laters guys and gals I have a feeling .. tonights gonna be a good night for poker ....
Posted by bennydip2
I let "Dotty off her lead and off she goes for a mooch in the hedges, when all of a sudden from out of nowhere comes this massive brute of a dog..' a Jack Russel !!!! eeks starts growling and then goes in pursuit of "Dotty' who in turn decides she's back on the track and goes into full gallop circling the rugby field with a wild Jack Russel (I wonder if it's called 'elsadog' ?) desperately trying to keep up, about 100yds behind ...aah bless "Dotty" win another race ..(what) ??
Well with that little episode over and safely back in doors, I sat down to watch some Racing on TV, checked the runners of the 1 35 ant Huntingdon and look who's running..
...."Benny n the Jets".. ? Well how could I not have a bet, so I'm screaming at the screen as "Benny n the Jets" leads all the way to an impressive victory at odds of 3/1 ... and "Dotty" looking at me as if I've lost the plot !! I soon told her ,
"Behave or I'll set "elsadog' on ya again and besides do you want dinner later" ? The indignant look dogs give ya some times ??
So lets see who can I upset on the Skypoker forum tonight with my play at the tables, now what was the latest 'nut's' "Mere" ? 'Oh yes A6'
Laters guys and gals I have a feeling .. tonights gonna be a good night for poker ....
Oh I thought of you Anjie hope your ok with all that flooding near you !! tks for the glk and the same for you. x
cg on the win benny and gl for tonight ,il be knocking around so will pop in to see if it is indeed a good night
Its now about 10 minutes from time and the losing side (huddersfield) had come back to lead 2-1. Im getting a bit stale on cash by now so decide to wait till im UTG before cashing out, then on 1 table I get AJ (UTG+1) raise up get about million callers (even though iv playedl ike a rock for 2 hours) flop A,Q,J shortie goes all in i call, another shotish player then re-shoves I call that thinking its £5 into about a £60 pot but I fear the worse! They then turn over A7 and A9 LMAO!!! happy days take a big pot and double my original sit down just before leaving.
I then look back at the football scores. 2 minutes left and my 1 side that was drawing is still 0-0.. ah well was worth a go, just as all the fulltime scores come in leicester score!!! 1-0 GET IN! ... Its now down to Man UTD tonight, if they win it should be a nice payout
oyi oyi 'Flash" Get In !!! fingers x'ed for ya for that result !! "Does life get any better"