Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
FAO Sky_Dave Sky_Someone Sky_Anyone
Myself and some others i know have been eagerly waiting for the software updates to come about.
I just mentioned in another thread that it would be great if Sky could consider putting up some of the updates to the software online in picture format or via the youtube channel. This would be great for whetting the appetite and letting those of us that can't attend SPT's to get some insight into what it's going to look like.
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Morning Mr Died.
Better visibility of "behind the scenes" Updates?
As Blandy notes, we have come up with a way of doing that. Won't be pretty - you will have to look at, & listen, to me - but we are hoping it will help.
I'm not sure how deep I will go into Software Updates, we learned the hard way that it just gives peeps a stick to beat us with if we give dates. As in any business, priorities change in the light of all sorts of stuff, & the business has to retain that flexibility to change priorities. Needs must as the devil drives & all that.....
It has always been the case, however, that all the latest "in-train" software developments are taken to each SPT by Adam, & he shows them & demonstrates them to anyone who is interested. We have always done that.
We have a sort of open house at each SPT where any Sky Poker regulars can chat with Rich Milner, Adam, Claire Haynes, Sam, Dan or even, if desperate, myself, about any Sky Poker related stuff, Community included, like a sort of informal real-life "forum".
Incidentally, talking of Blandy, he is due to become a Dad this week!
Good luck to him & his very better half, fingers crossed all goes well, & the Content is safely delivered.
Ahh, MISS Died! I asumed wrongly, sorry.
You also assumed wrongly! No, not on 861, think more "You Tube".
Just a few tinsy-winsy technical details remain to be sorted.