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Sunday Night on Channel 861 LIVE with Rich and Redmond ***official show thread***

edited September 2012 in Poker Chat
 This happened to my brother and friend they were coming in to land at Stanstead as the plane approached to touch down suddenley the pilot applied full throttle and went around again they came in to land agian only for the same thing to happen again after a third failed attempted it was annoced they would have to go to Luton as runway was closed for repairs


  • edited September 2012
    Hi everyone,

    Sky Poker TV goes live again tonight from 7pm to midnight on Channel 861 and streamed from the homepage of this website.

    Richard Orford will be keeping the sofa warm. That's me...

     and joining me for the first time in ages will be LoluFold himself, Redmond Lee. That's him...

    On the cards this evening:

    7pm-8pm – A preview of all the night's upcoming tournaments and live Master Cash coverage.

    8pm-9pm – Analyse My Play – watching the one of tonight's Primo players compete live in Sky's biggest event and covering the opponent's cards so Reds, I and you at home have to guess.

    9pm-10pm – Now on Sky Poker – Tournament or Cash coverage TBC

    10pm-11pm – Top Of Sky Poker – Tournament or Cash coverage TBC

    11pm-12pm – Sky Poker Highlights – Live coverage of the 10K Primo coverage


    As usual, we have a seat into Thursday’s 12k Bounty Hunter (buy-in £33) to give away. And it'll be for our favourite viewer message to the show whether on this thread, by email or via Twitter #skypokertv

    Tonight's side-topic from the poker:

    Planes, trains and automobiles.

    No, don't worry this is not some vehicle-spotting geekfest subject for the likes of Tikay.

    What I'm asking is: has any car journey, plane journey, boat journey, train journey etc stuck out in your mind as being particularly different, or weird from all the others you've ever taken? 

    Rough weather, odd passengers, emergency landings, stuck in traffic for an eternity, massive detours, etc etc etc?

    The most interesting or entertaining answer gets the prize.

    Please note- keep any stories relatively short. I can't read out long essays on live TV! 

    Look forward to your answers and see you at 7!


  • edited September 2012
    3 and a half hours to showtime.

    The excellent Redmond Lee in the pundit chair tonight so expect some world-class analysis from a man who almost went all the way in the WSOP Main Event.

    Questions in for Reds please, plus all your banter, and let's have some anecdotes about travel nightmares too.

    I was once in a plane to the States that had to turn around an hour across the Atlantic and dump fuel all the way back to Heathrow due to some major technical problem and was met on the runway by the full fleet of firetrucks and ambulances. Despite what the pilot kept telling us, which was there's nothing to panic about, clearly ground control had other ideas and had prepared for a major catastrophe!

    Not the most relaxing trip I've ever been on...
  • edited September 2012
    Not quite on topic as it was a sea problem but managed to miss the only car ferry of the day from Belfast to Liverpool when driving a half working, non UK registered race car home. Basically the engine was goosed and had no power whatsoever. Didnt want to stay the night in Belfast so had to get a ferry to stranraer instead and drive a car that couldnt do more than 50mph home (to London!) from Stranraer billowing smoke with a race seat stuck in its furthest back position with no padding or support. Took a total of 12 hours of solid driving, £150 in fuel to get back to south London. NEVER AGAIN!!!

    sorry for the essay! have a good show :)
  • edited September 2012
    Great- loving these but we need more!

    Most memorable journey- anything out of the ordinary. 

    You name it, we'll read it out on the show tonight.

    Also, have you got any good hands from your hand histories that took place either in a 8pm main event, an 8.15pm mini event or on a Mastercash table?

    We'd love to show it tonight and cover up our opponent's cards so that Redmond has to play the hand as you did and guess what the opponent had before we reveal the truth to him.

    Get 'em in, people!
  • edited September 2012
    Breaking news!!!!

    Tonight's Analyse My Play from 8pm till 9pm will feature the play of one, (maybe two players if Player 1 gets busted) competing in tonight's Primo.

    Would you like that player to be you?

    We'll cover your opponent's cards and get Reds to  guess their holdings along with the viewers at home.

    A whole hour dedicated to YOUR play. Fancy it? Register for the Primo and then email or post to tell us you'd like to be featured. We'd also like a quick phonechat with you if poss live on air.

    Get in touch!

  • edited September 2012
    I'll do it Rich if you fancy paying the £55 to buy me in ;)
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night on Channel 861 LIVE with Rich and Redmond ***official show thread***:
    I'll do it Rich if you fancy paying the £55 to buy me in ;)
    Posted by Lambert180
    Yes, nice try Paul! ;-)

    There's satellites for £12 running all the way up to it. 1 in 5 get in.
  • edited September 2012

    in scotland we had a pilot of a small 12 seater plane operating a service to the highlands and islands who was sacked after these two events.... a true story

    dressed in his raincoat, he sat in a passenger seat until everyone else was aboard.  he remained seated until some became agitated at the delays. he then complained out loud that he was not waiting anymore, rose to his feet, strode into the cockpit and started the engines to the passengers horror.  he was disciplined.

    a few weeks later, during a flight, he put the plane into autopilot.  he tied two strings to the joystick and walked backwards out of the cockpit reversing down the cabin aisle feeding the strings through his hands but keeping them taught.  in his pilot's uniform and appearing as if he was still steering the plane he asked each passenger how they were enjoying the flight.  he was sacked.

  • edited September 2012
     Hi Rich and Red! Tonight Im playing in a tourney were Im guarateed to play on the final table and cash, thanks to the Top of the posts compotition!

     My strangest car journey was when I was about 9 years old. My family were going to look at a new house so we all got into the Capri and went to our potential new home!
     When we got there, we all got out and walked up the garden path and as we arrived at the door it slowley creaked open and out flew a dozen or so vampire monkeys.
     We all raced back to the car and tried to drive away as the monkeys covered the windscreen and banged on the roof! I dont really know what happened next as I woke up in my bed!

  • edited September 2012
    pmsl Rob!!! Was he a HitSquaddie??

    OK!! Can you wish GL, to these 6 players in tonights 'TOP OF THE POSTS' at 9pm!!!
    maybe give a shout out during play!! & give final Result, TY!!!

  • edited September 2012
    I may be slow on the uptake but any chance of some news on what is replacing the poker league on tonights show, been looking around the forums and havent seen anything
  • edited September 2012
    HI Guys, have a good show.  My "nightmare" is also plane related.  About 10/12 years ago I was on a climbing expedition to Nepal which entailed an internal flight from Kathmandu to a place called Lukla near Everest.  The "airport" is basically a sloping runway 350 mtrs in length cut into a mountainside at 9000 Ft.  I'm not the best air traveller and a few weeks before I left home I was watching a TV programme called (don't ask me why!) "the world's scariest airports"  Imagine my shock/horror when Lukla came first (by a long way I may add!).   The flight from Kathmandu (which was about 45 mins ) was in a 16 x seater "YETI Airlines"  twin-otter plane completely stripped of internal fittings except aluminium seats!  The pilot wore cowboy boots, complete with spurs and the co-pilot handed out cotton-wool & sweets prior to take-off which greatly affected the nerves I can tell you!  6 x weeks later, after the expedition,  on our return to Lukla for the flight back to Kathmandu imagine our horror at seeing the burnt-out shell of a 16xseater Twin-otter plane that had crashed, with multiple fatalities, whilst we were away! Our flight was the next morning & not many in the party slept that nite. Thankfully the return flight was uneventful. ;-)
    If you google "lukla" it still comes up as "No 1 extreme & dangerous airport" & some of the youtubes vids are scary!

  • edited September 2012
    I suffer from motion sickness so was not looking forward to the ferry bit , on a day trip to France. Out going journey  was great. Decided to abstain from booze while over there to give myself the best chance of a nausea free homecoming.However, If I'd known In advance, that we would be returning In a force 9 gale (well It seemed that hectic) and that I would spend the entire journey lying on the toilet floor surrounded by bile, I would have got completely wasted over there. (At least I would have had something to throw up!)

    Have a good show both
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night on Channel 861 LIVE with Rich and Redmond ***official show thread***:
    in scotland we had a pilot of a small 12 seater plane operating a service to the highlands and islands who was sacked after these two events.... a true story dressed in his raincoat, he sat in a passenger seat until everyone else was aboard.  he remained seated until some became agitated at the delays. he then complained out loud that he was not waiting anymore, rose to his feet, strode into the cockpit and started the engines to the passengers horror.  he was disciplined. a few weeks later, during a flight, he put the plane into autopilot.  he tied two strings to the joystick and walked backwards out of the cockpit reversing down the cabin aisle feeding the strings through his hands but keeping them taught.  in his pilot's uniform and appearing as if he was still steering the plane he asked each passenger how they were enjoying the flight.  he was sacked.  
    Posted by aussie09
    OMG Rob, that is truly unbelievable. Still, you've got to hand it to the pilot, he understands comedy. But there's a time and a place...
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night on Channel 861 LIVE with Rich and Redmond ***official show thread***:
    pmsl Rob!!! Was he a HitSquaddie?? OK!! Can you wish GL, to these 6 players in tonights 'TOP OF THE POSTS' at 9pm!!! wynne1938 2000     rancid 2000     Lambert180 2000     HITMAN_RV 2000     GaryQQQ 2000     Donut64 2000     maybe give a shout out during play!! & give final Result, TY!!! GL
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    Nice one for highlighting this Dave. Does anyone know if this has  TV icon on or not? Would be interesting to see a few hands from it.
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night on Channel 861 LIVE with Rich and Redmond ***official show thread***:
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night on Channel 861 LIVE with Rich and Redmond ***official show thread*** : Nice one for highlighting this Dave. Does anyone know if this has  TV icon on or not? Would be interesting to see a few hands from it.
    Posted by Lambert180
     Im not to keen on everyone seeing how bad I am! Only kidding, everyone knows, so video evidence would not matter! :P
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night on Channel 861 LIVE with Rich and Redmond ***official show thread***:
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night on Channel 861 LIVE with Rich and Redmond ***official show thread*** : Nice one for highlighting this Dave. Does anyone know if this has  TV icon on or not? Would be interesting to see a few hands from it.
    Posted by Lambert180
    No TV icon on it I'm afraid, I'll try to get it flagged though!
  • edited September 2012
    Hi Rich and Redmond.

    Was involved in a hand in last nights main event and was wondering what either of you would do if you found yourself in this situation.

    First things first we are on the bubble i'm sitting with an above average stack in a healthy 13th out of the 41 left on a 5 handed table decide i want to try pick up a few chips while play is tight and open the pot under the gun with a 2 and half big blind raise with qween jack suited but 2 my dismay i've only gone and made a gross over raise committing over have my stack!!!! Dam plz every1 fold and wouldn't u know it a larger stack in the small blind decides to shove in over the top oooops what 2 do.

    I know i'm now tecnically committed now due 2 this and should be calling and I wouldn't think twice about it if we were earlier in the tourny or even already in the cash. I decide to let it go because there is still 5 players with less chips than what i've left myself so still in with a good chance of cashing and in my mind i have to be at best a 60/40 underdog he must be holdin at worst AK or bigger than QQ.

    He later told me he was holding 10's weather or not this is true (cause u know how we poker players tell little white lies) if i new this i would of takin the race. Anyway i managed to cash finishing 34th i think so not to disappointed.

    Would be interested to here your opinions and weather you would just bite the bullet and go for it keeping in mind i'm not operating a big bank roll atm and every cash is welcome.

    Regards Chris

    Hand ID 01/09/2012 at 22.47 hand number 559129832
  • edited September 2012
    Top of the Posts tournament is now flagged for TV.
  • edited September 2012
    Thanks alot Louis!!

    Very speedy response, I'm sure there will be lots of fun to be had in that game.
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night on Channel 861 LIVE with Rich and Redmond ***official show thread***:
    Thanks alot Louis!! Very speedy response, I'm sure there will be lots of fun to be had in that game.
    Posted by Lambert180
    I'm not sure when or if any of the action will be shown but at least now there's the possibility of it being shown at some point. I'll make sure to post on the forum to let you all know before if it is shown!
  • edited September 2012
    Im playing in the primo tonight and would love Redmond to analyse my play
  • edited September 2012
    While i was living in ameria, we sent a friend home.  Three hours into the flight serving dinner one of the engines caught fire.  So a decision was made to turn round and go back to the original airport.  On the way back another fire was spotted in another engine.  Dinner was cancelled and everyone was on tenderhooks for the next five hours as they had lost two engines.  Upon arrival at the airport everyone assumed the crash positions while all the fire trucks were standing by.  Plane landed safely and another plane found and they left for home the next day. As compsenation they were given vouchers for a free flight.  I  dont think so tina
  • edited September 2012

    The creature in Groundhog Day is a groundhog strangely..  They are also known as Woodchucks.
  • edited September 2012
    Are you having a laugh Rich the animal in Groundhog day is a Groundhog!
  • edited September 2012
    Rich and Reds, In which Italian town can you find the leaning tower of pisa?
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night on Channel 861 LIVE with Rich and Redmond ***official show thread***:
    Rich and Reds, In which Italian town can you find the leaning tower of pizza?
    Posted by Donut64
    FYP! ;-)
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night on Channel 861 LIVE with Rich and Redmond ***official show thread***:
    Rich and Reds, In which Italian town can you find the leaning tower of pisa?
    Posted by Donut64
  • edited September 2012
    hi its lerky just to explain the hand from earlier. the guy sat to my left was constantly flat calling then calling any c bet on flop only to fold to bet on the turn this happened several times thus i put out the c bet on flop expecting the call.when i then bet the river he calls again this worried me as u had been folding to any turn bet .this explains the check on river as he had previously check called with the nuts on the river a few mins earlier.
    hope this explains why i adjusted mybet sizing to suit the player.
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Sunday Night on Channel 861 LIVE with Rich and Redmond ***official show thread***:
    Rich and Reds, In which Italian town can you find the leaning tower of pisa?
    Posted by Donut64
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