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£1500 BH crucial hand
Hand from the BH last night, If i won this there is a very good chance of me winning it but as it ended I was left crushed.I am not sure on my raise pre for starters, I did this becuse the two players i was raising into had been passive an happy folding most hands, Also I hadnt done this before and was playing quite tight so thourght it was believable.
On the flop I bet small, both to entice a shove from the short stack and also to not commit myself if the large stack decides to move all in. As it stood was the shove right?
Was I just unlucky or should I fold pre/on the flop? The fact that he had Q3 was I lucky to see that hand and most times he has 77+. Should I be scared that the big stack could have me beat and fold in case he has 77+ and puts me out of the torny?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceHitman0127Small blind 500.00500.0050059.00annie001Big blind 1000.001500.0013170.00 Your hole cards36 JibbzFold macccaaaFold sighcallRaise 2500.004000.0031140.00Hitman0127Call 2000.006000.0048059.00annie001Call 1500.007500.0011670.00Flop 256 Hitman0127Check annie001Check sighcallBet 3000.0010500.0028140.00Hitman0127Call 3000.0013500.0045059.00annie001All-in 11670.0025170.000.00sighcallAll-in 28140.0053310.000.00Hitman0127Fold sighcallUnmatched bet 19470.0033840.0019470.00annie001ShowQ3 sighcallShow36 Turn J River 9 annie001WinFlush to the Queen33840.00 33840.0
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