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Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your PlayTHREE
In the third of this week's hands - all three will be debated on the Show - we look at a RIVER BET
Blinds £1 £2
Stacks - High-Jack £535
Button (us) £622.50
We have Qd Qh.
High-Jack RAISES to £6, we Re-Raise to £22, High Jack flats.
Flop 4s, 9c, 7c
We CALL the £45.
Turn 2h - so now 4s, 9c, 7c, 2s.
Check-check. (!).
River - 4d - so now it's 4s, 9c, 7c, 2s, 4d. Well raggyy!
HJ now....SHOVES!
a) Call
b) Fold
0 ·
We only hvae ourselves to blame tho. We should have raised flop to around 125 and insta got it in.
I think that JJ might play it like this. We have played it so weird and gay that he has no reason to think that the JJ is behind. He never has a set. There is an outside chance he has a 4. Something like 45s, which is excellent to play in pots this deep. His bet OTF is to find out where he is and fold out AK/get value from club draws. Once you flat he checks for pot control and then the river is the nutz so overbet which looks bluffy.
We are probably miles ahead like 90pc of the time but the pot is only 130 and it costs us nearly 500 to call so we can't call.
He never ever ever has AA/KK in a million years, not this deep.
We lost 'position' on the turn by check checking, if we wanted to know where we were or thought we were winning a bet of 80 would have either taken it down there, or given us all the information we needed...if he re-raises !! ... all the answers are now available , !!
Nurse TK's given me a headache
As I always say "I knew I should've folded"!!! Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing, if only you could see it before hand!
Difficult to say though, as there's no way I'd get to the river without having a bit more idea where I am. I don't have him on AA or KK as he surely would have come back over the top of me pre-flop. A set is a possibility, but if he's hit then there is a good chance he would have checked to the raiser after the flop. I would have definitely re-raised his flop bet, probably to about 200, if he calls I'm putting on a draw (flush or up & down straight) and I push with that blank on the turn. If he's slow played a set and calls my all-in on the turn then so be it, it does happen but most times I'm going to be in front in that situation. If he re-raises me on the flop then I fold putting him on a set.
Looks like ak clubs - push on flop, check turn, missed flush on river so over bet. If you are massively rolled for this level and you have seen this guy make this move before then a call could be justified.
The right answer is obviously to fold and then think - I wish I had raised on the flop/ turn to find out where I was.
The other scenario is that the high jack has a4 clubs and checks the turn to slow action down and goes all in on river once draws miss, and hitting trips, hoping for a call, putting opponent on aa/kk - or is this just my FPS kicking in?
A raise on turn from 'us' would of been best move.
You have under-represented your QQ on the turn specifically to induce the big bet from him on the river so now you have to call and take your medicine if he has outplayed you with a bigger pair or flopped set. On a reasonably wet flop, he has played it very sneakily if he has you beat. If he has 2 clubs and a 4 (say Ac4c or 4c5c) you're very unlucky but I can see no reason why he would be in a HU pot for that much pre-flop with these types of hands. If it was a multi-way pot he might have a hand like this trying to catch a big flop but not HU where his chances of hitting and getting paid are remote.
No way would i have played it throughout but i have opponent on busted flush, pp, A9 or K9.
In a way the check by us on the turn has helped this situation as he has now committed his hand. The betting pre rules out a 4 in his hand so we're losing to set, AA or KK. If we'd bet properly the money may well have still gone all in earlier.
I call / shut my eyes and either whoop or reload (kicking myself for playing the hand so poorly in the process!)
The reason being that if i have played this hand SOOOO bad that i havent raised yet to ask the question, then im obviously playing so bad anyway that i may as well call and hope for the best (THE WORST THING YOU CAN EVER DO)
I would say that its a coin toss as to whether you are ahead or not tho, so if you fancy a gamble why not call....
Obviously if your opponant is a complete shove bluff monkey you may have played it this way to trap him... but i still l dont like big decisions.. Id much rather ask the questions my self and raise big on the turn...
If you are well rolled for 200nl+ then its a call. I mean like 2.5BIs isn't anything to a well rolled reg so yeah call.
If you are not its a fold and you should also insta-stand, cashout and self exclude for 5 years for playing QQ so bad.
I reacon he has at least 1 4 in his hand, maybe even quads, either that or a bluff, either way, we cant call
Good lord..
Firstly I cannot believe both players checked the turn. One or the other surely has to bet. I bet big myself, and win the pot there and then. Having made the mistake of checking, Im left with a horrible decision. The check on the turn from the other guy makes me more inclined to call, as he could be shoving with any of 2 missed flush draws, or be convinced his 10s or jacks are good, as 'i' checked the turn.
Betting the turn is key to the hand, as it tells me so much about the opponents hand!
Having got myself in a mess in the hand, I fold on the river as I have no idea where I am, and the method is to fold when this is the case, and make sure I know where I am in the next one!. If he shows a bluff, It just goes to show that aggression always pays!