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Tuesday 4th September LIVE on SKY POKER TV with Richard Orford and Ryan Spittles ***official show th



  • edited September 2012
    Hi rich a question to ryan about live play 

    I play at my local pub once a week play a league system where if u win u get 100 pts 2nd 50 pts 3rd 20 pts 4th 10 pts and 5th 5 pts 

    only 20 runners play every week only a small buy in of £10  and extra £2 for the monthly league whoever gets the most points at end of the month wins £160  as £2 x 20 for a for weeks

    With this structure and pays top 3 out each week no rebuy 5k starting chips blinds 25/50 blinds up every 15 minutes would u say sit back and just pick your spots and spot the loose players keep notes etc or just go for it from the start as stacks are pretty shallow and try and be chip captain i may add the people down there are recreational players none of them play online poker just the weekly pub game so is this more of an advantage to me as i have played online for few years and played more hands 
  • edited September 2012
    greetings gents, hope you are both well.

    my predictions for the future:-

    serena williams wins the mens final at wimbledon,
    golf becomes interesting,
    the world unites.... to outlaw justin beiber,
    tikay is proven to be an alien.

    have fun guys
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Tuesday 4th September LIVE on SKY POKER TV with Richard Orford and Ryan Spittles ***official show thread***:
    In Response to Re: Tuesday 4th September LIVE on SKY POKER TV with Richard Orford and Ryan Spittles ***official show thread*** : No.  I'm the one to rail for winning a free seat via Thursdays show! You fancy a last longer Paul?  Loser gets the winner a pint at Nottingham?
    Posted by cenachav
    Yeah sounds good to me Cenachav.
  • edited September 2012
    On the topic of SPT/Live stories...

    When I was at Cardiff, we were down to about 30 players, and I had TommyD to my left, was nice getting a chance to chat to him but I digress. I was pretty short, looking to jam any half decent hand in a good position. It folds round to me (or so I think lol) in the cut-off and I jam, TommyD on the button folds, both blinds fold and I breathe a sigh of relief with my 9T as I go to scoop the chips in.

    Then Tommy says 'hang on Paul, that guy is still in' and points to the guy UTG who'd raised pre and I hadn't noticed lol. He obviously saw how unhappy I was about this, snap called my shove with an overpair to my cards. To cut a long story short, I binked trip 9s lol and went on to come 12th :p

    Moral of the story, don't get distracted texting your girlfriend to say you're going deep in the SPT.
  • edited September 2012

    I have 1 prediction for the near future..

    Wales to win a Rugby World Cup ! Possibly in 2015 with 2 more 6 Nations Grand Slams before it!!

  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Tuesday 4th September LIVE on SKY POKER TV with Richard Orford and Ryan Spittles ***official show thread***:
    In Response to Re: Tuesday 4th September LIVE on SKY POKER TV with Richard Orford and Ryan Spittles ***official show thread*** : Yeah sounds good to me Cenachav.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Good luck mate and run well, just not as good as me obviously lol
  • edited September 2012
     I predict Stephen Lodge will become more like Donut64 but Donut64 will not become more like Stephen Lodge. 

    I also predict someone will develope a device that will wipe out all known diseases from human kind by re-working our DNA but will be then used to destroy us all!

     I also predict Tomorrow, will be today, tomorrow!

     I also predict my mind will live on long after my body as turned to dust!

     Bet you wish you had not asked now, I have a strange mind full of wierd concepts!
  • edited September 2012
    My prediction would be that there is going to be another Live Show on Thursday on Sky Poker TV on Channel 861 at Approx. 9pm Give or take an hour.

  • edited September 2012
    I predict that Richard Orford or Ryan Spittles will win the WSOP Main Event!!!
  • edited September 2012
    i predict that my wife will have a headache again lol
  • edited September 2012
    With my First Prediction being correct as I didn't say a Live Show will start at 9, just said there would be one on ;) 

    My other prediction is I will win a seat from one of the All in Sats also Diamond81 will donk out of the £55 £4k BH in about 42nd... i'll keep you updated ;)
  • edited September 2012
    Brag post from early in the Main if you're looking for hands :p

    If you do show it, the reason my bet was smallish on the flop was because they were a bit shorter than starting stack and to give them the impression they could rejam with big aces or smaller PPs and get me to fold.

    Hand History #560091735 (20:15 04/09/2012)

  • edited September 2012

     I predict the following

    1. Richard Orford and Tikay appear on Jeremy Kyle and the lie detector proves that Richard is in fact Tikay's son.
    2. Scotty and Miss Fowler finally tie the knot in the celeb wedding of the year.
    3. Hartigan fulfils a fantasy and lands the role of the new Mr Bond.
    4. Redmond appears on TV not wearing black.
    5. Yoyo buys a new pair of shoes.
    6. Carlo becomes the face of Ronseal.

     Great show, keep up the good work.
  • edited September 2012

    if rich keeps ageing as much as he has from challenge tv at 2pm today (some quiz show rich were you look about 17) Then by the time of the next live show he will be on his walking stick

  • edited September 2012
    i predict that that rich or ryan will say LATEEEEEEEEEEE REGISTRATION AGAIN are freind reg :)
  • edited September 2012
    I will predict that Rich will squirm a little if anyone mentions Groundhog day then will explain why to Ryan. :D
  • edited September 2012
    hi guys got a couple of i predicts for you 1. jamie oliver to become the new face of mcdonalds 2. arsenal to sell there two best players at the end of the season 3. i win the ticket to thursdays bounty hunter 4. i win thursdays bounty hunter  
  • edited September 2012
    can u show this hand please fom the mini open how is my line and is this a easy fold on the river cheers guys   

  • edited September 2012
    Predict the future - We,ll al be driving Cinese made cars

    Enjoying the show

  • edited September 2012
    heres a good prediction rich from the sun 

    hopefully the link works
  • edited September 2012
    I predict a riot oh wait you said the future right the end is nigh lol
  • edited September 2012

    I predict you might get around to reading my post on page one......

  • edited September 2012
    I predict by the time I'm 80 I'll be playing 100NL.... but inflation will mean it's the equivelant of 4NL now lol
  • edited September 2012
    I predict that poker will become more mainstream in the near future. Alot of young people are taking up the game and that is moving to a proper game rather than cowboys and hustlers.

    P.S I hope we see more of it on tv and it move away from the branding of 'gambling'
  • edited September 2012
    I  predict that i will forget to do  the lottery saturday and win i didnt say which saturday but i always forget to do the lottery 
  • edited September 2012
    I predict Sporneybol will tweet the show at least another 3 times before 11pm!
  • edited September 2012
    I predict I will still be a bad poker player
  • edited September 2012
    Just busted the ME sadly in 50th, bit disappointed because I know I was playing well but just last couple of hands didn't go my way.

    This hand happened first, then the next hand after that was what really killed me, it was just standard though, I had JJ, and he got there on the river. But I'd like to get some thoughts on this hand... I think it needs smoe background to explain that I'm not a complete fish lol. I'd be playing on the same table as the villian for quite a while and I can only describe him as weak, he limped too often, his open ranges seemed quite loose and he was happy to bet light. I genuinely believed I was ahead on every street, and saw no point in raising because it would just fold out all his bluffs.

    Hand History #560149951 (21:51 04/09/2012)

  • edited September 2012

    Can you give a shout out to Chris ( Scouse_red ) - forum hero and DTD hero.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Pen Fifteen
  • edited September 2012
    In Response to Tuesday 4th September LIVE on SKY POKER TV with Richard Orford and Ryan Spittles ***official show thread***:
    Hi all, Hot off the back of Sunday's shows with Redmond, I'm back again this Tuesday night with another top quality player-pundit, Ryan Spittles (Scotty77). We'll be live as ever from 7pm till midnight and you can watch the whole darn shooting match on Sky Channel 861 or, if someone else has commandeered the TV, you can have it streaming on your PC/laptop via the Sky Poker TV button on the right hand side of this site's homepage. More details as we get them, but the running order at this stage looks a bit like this.. 7pm – 8pm – TONIGHT ON SKY POKER A look at all the upcoming tournaments on that night and live Master Cash coverage. 8pm – 9pm – Ask the Expert We'd love your questions for Ryan in this hour, as well as your hand i.ds so we can cover up the opponent's cards and try to put them on a hand. Post them on this thread or email them to                                                                                                                                                                                                  9pm – 10pm - Sky Poker School Topic TBA 10pm – 11pm – Sky Poker Highlights Live tournament coverage TBC. Most likely the 6K OPEN 11pm – Midnight – Master Cash Live action from the Master Cash tables So, there's your show. We'll also read out all your forum posts, tweets ( #skypokertv) and emails ( so feel free to share your thoughts on anything that floats your boat. And- amongst all the poker, we'll also be asking you to... PREDICT THE FUTURE So, what do you think will happen in the future? For example, you might tell me.. Facebook will become obsolete. We'll invent time-travel. There'll be no TVs, only computer screens. Poker will be a completely different game with new rules. Swansea FC will win the Premier league this season. Adam Sandler will finally make a good film in 2019. You get the gist. Anything goes- any subject you like, and you can make your predictions wholly serious and sincere ( tell me what you genuinely believe will happen, maybe because you have some expert knowedge or experience in that particular field, however small it might be) OR you can have some fun and come up with some silly answers. Should be an interesting one. Our favourite response to this via email, tweet or forum post will win a free seat into Thursday night's £33 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter. So get writing, and I'll see you at 7 on Tuesday night!
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    hi Richyan can you show this hand 560163439 was it agood fold? regards carlo

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