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I usually only pay NL4-10. I think I'm very successful at NL4 and make a consistent but more modest profit at NL8.
After a good start at NL10 I had an horrific run. I dropped back down to NL4/8 to give me a break and since returning to NL10 I seem to be doing fine. Although I am still 'down' overall at NL10, since returning to the level I have been making a profit.
I am now hoping to be able to 'dip my toes' into NL20 soon (and start to play some 'proper' poker!) and was looking for some general advice.
I know at the lower levels I can sometimes be guilty of not paying full attention to the tables (e.g. watching TV) and playing somewhat on auto-pilot. I get away with it at these levels, but I presume I would have to be more focused at NL20.
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p.s. why you wanting to move up too fast if your still down at a level your not ready to move up. be patient
If your game is good enough to beat nl10 i think you will be fine at nl20 not much change tbh.
When you get comfrtable you can expand your 3bet range slightly. Take more aggro lines against regs as yo will ahev to play against them to. Good luck
If your only after the fish then play tight ABC solid and you will be fine
If you want to beat the regs then good luck )
imo stay away from regs as much as possible and outplay the fish who are always at whatever level all to eager to donk off with TPGK
As long as their is one person at the table you can win money from then thats' all you need to worry about.
Quote takens from someone, think Neil Channing FTW !
Worst advice ive seen imo
The orig poster has already said that he is moving up to 20nl so jumping straight into 50nl would be far too big a step for him and also he NEEDS to be playing the type of players you say he should be avoiding and NOT playing the type of players you say he should be sitting with.
TBH i dont know if your advice is a wind up so if it is you got me
just make sure you dont change your game too much. when moving up a level it can be far to easy to start thinking that everyone is better and that they will all be trying to put moves on you or all be taking lines you've not seen before.
not a lot changes. regs dont bluff any more often. fish still play like fish.
easy game
if it's 20NL it means the max buy in is usually £20 which will mean that the blinds are usually 10p/20p
if you're new to the forums you really should go onto general poker chat and introduce yourself on the thread there for new players.