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I need some help with this hand,I didnt reraise pre becuse I wanted to keep him in the hand and becuse I had been playing tight I thourght that when I 4-Bet his range immediatlety goes to AK,AA,KK and I dont want to be getting my money in bad or as a flip.
When flop comes it is possibly one of the best flops, I place a value bet.
He calls and K on turn , very scary, what do I do? I feel if I put in a bet the pot is so big that i am commithed if he has hit his K. Do I call his bet? at the time I was convinced he had hit his king now I look again his line makes no sence.
At the time i felt he had made a spewy call on the flop, hit turn, checked hoping I would bet again, then value shoved on river. Now I llok back it looks bluffy do u just shove if u hit your king or put in a value bet?
Had too many people make plays like this in the past where i call he shows K2 and I sigh heavily lol.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancebladeboy07Small blind £0.15£0.15£30.21elbows7Big blind £0.30£0.45£29.96 Your hole cardsQQ manxman2Fold soliFold sighcallRaise £0.90£1.35£37.17SJspanky1Fold bladeboy07Raise £3.15£4.50£27.06elbows7Fold sighcallCall £2.40£6.90£34.77Flop 6106 bladeboy07Check sighcallBet £5.18£12.08£29.59bladeboy07Call £5.18£17.26£21.88Turn K bladeboy07Check sighcallCheck River 9 bladeboy07All-in £21.88£39.14£0.00sighcallFold bladeboy07Muck bladeboy07Win £16.39 £16.39bladeboy07Return £21.88£0.87£38.27
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not sure what you're hoping to achieve with the bet on the flop
think it also depends on our peceived range when we flat 3 bet and then bet flop
w/o reads checking flop is good