Hi All. I'm starting a new challenge to see just how profitable timed tourneys may be, so thought I would start a thread to make it easier to keep up with my progress and give me a real incentive to give it my best shot.
I mainly play MTT's as most of you will know and feel I have learnt so much from the players, the TV channel and community since joining Sky Poker that I am now at a level where I am comfortable with my game.
The first 2 years for me were a massive learning curve and I don't mind admitting my stats showed a massive downslide for MTT's, but I was and am comfortable with that, as I was only losing less than £0.44 per MTT that I played which is well within my bankroll.
I am gradually clawing my stats back, but I know due to the variance in MTT's, it may be quite some time before they show a clear profit. Again i'm comfortable with that because, i'm not in a race and i'm only spending what I can afford, its a bit like a hobby for me and I enjoy it. Infact it's a lot cheaper than the amount of money I used to spend down at my local every week
When & What I will start my challenge this evening with a mix of 15min, 30min & 1 Hour Timed tournies. I may alter and see if it helps if I only play all 15min Tourneys or all 30min Tournies in one evening etc and I will be playing them on most nights that I am on and reporting my progress below.
Its wednesday, so that means its time to play Rich Orfords Timed Toueny challenge. Not a great stat, out of the first one early doors. Seems my shoves are getting no respect - Must try harder. will post up results later, but it may be a minus ROI tonight as playing a few other tournies. Posted by POKERTREV
Have you tried typing "GRRRRRRRRR" in the chat box just before you shove? Just a thought ;o)
Well its back to the Timed Tourny Griding today, been out of it a little due to other commitments.
So far it's been a little up and down, but at least we are showing a profit.
The longest downswings I think are going to be in the £11.00 1 hour tournies, as there is only one of them on in the evening (10pm) so you can't just reload another one, you have to wait until the following evening.
Not played too many of the 15min ones yet, as these are a bit of a shove fest with a starting stack of only 1K chips, but if I keep grinding the others then I will hopefully get my bankroll to a stage where I can afford to take a bit of a chance one evening and be able to absorb any losses.
I also have noticed that my ROI seems to be better in the £3.30 (30min) ones as apposed to the £5.50 (30min) ones but its too early yet to make any conclusions.
So heres the chart so far...................................
Very nice results so far Trev, in profit at every length of tourney, and making some pretty sick returns on the £11 1hr ones! Very impressive profit for so few games too
I'm starting a new challenge to see just how profitable timed tourneys may be, so thought I would start a thread to make it easier to keep up with my progress and give me a real incentive to give it my best shot.
I mainly play MTT's as most of you will know and feel I have learnt so much from the players, the TV channel and community since joining Sky Poker that I am now at a level where I am comfortable with my game.
The first 2 years for me were a massive learning curve and I don't mind admitting my stats showed a massive downslide for MTT's, but I was and am comfortable with that, as I was only losing less than £0.44 per MTT that I played which is well within my bankroll.
I am gradually clawing my stats back, but I know due to the variance in MTT's, it may be quite some time before they show a clear profit. Again i'm comfortable with that because, i'm not in a race and i'm only spending what I can afford, its a bit like a hobby for me and I enjoy it. Infact it's a lot cheaper than the amount of money I used to spend down at my local every week
When & What
I will start my challenge this evening with a mix of 15min, 30min & 1 Hour Timed tournies. I may alter and see if it helps if I only play all 15min Tourneys or all 30min Tournies in one evening etc and I will be playing them on most nights that I am on and reporting my progress below.
I hope very much I will show a profit at the end of it all, but the 15min Timed can be a bit of a shove fest at times, but they are beatable I think.
I play a lot of the the Timed Tourneys every wednesday in Richard Orfords timed tourney challenge, so hope my experiance in this will help.
Tournament ID: 6833816
30min Timed Tourny - £3.30 Entry
Tournament ID: 6834173
15min Timed Tourny - £5.50 Entry
Tournament ID: 6834195
30min Timed Tourny - £5.50 Entry
Not a great stat, out of the first one early doors.
Seems my shoves are getting no respect
will post up results later, but it may be a minus ROI tonight as playing a few other tournies.
I'm still plugging away at the timed tournies.
I will update the table this evening as I am saving all the results.
It's pretty much break even at the moment and I will explain later why this appears to be the case.
So far it's been a little up and down, but at least we are showing a profit.
The longest downswings I think are going to be in the £11.00 1 hour tournies, as there is only one of them on in the evening (10pm) so you can't just reload another one, you have to wait until the following evening.
Not played too many of the 15min ones yet, as these are a bit of a shove fest with a starting stack of only 1K chips, but if I keep grinding the others then I will hopefully get my bankroll to a stage where I can afford to take a bit of a chance one evening and be able to absorb any losses.
I also have noticed that my ROI seems to be better in the £3.30 (30min) ones as apposed to the £5.50 (30min) ones but its too early yet to make any conclusions.
So heres the chart so far...................................
Finding it really hard to facus on these with the lure of the main events, DTD on Monday's & the Friday Orfordable, but gonna keep at it.
Starting to get results in the £11 1 hour timed tourney's, just a pity there is only 1 each evening.
Here is the latest table............
Regards Alan
Good Luck with this Trev
Me Daft
Regards Alan
Yes, the 30min ones are a combo of £.30 & £5.50
I also think the 15min ones also have a similar combo but not played too many of those yet.