Good day all,
I am back
I woud say with a tan that would rival Carlo, excpet I am alredy peeling.... what's up with that!? I want my money back! Lovely to be back on the show tonight, and most glad to be joined by the godfather of SkyPoker himself...Tikay
We shall be kicking off the show tonight at 7pm sharp
7pm Live coverage from the TV Timed Tournament (in the lobby now) 600GTD, £5.50 buy in, 30 minutes, starts at 7.10pm.
8pm Poker Clinic hand requests from the forum, please ost for tonight's show
9pm Now On Sky Poker Coverage of the 5k Sky Roller.
10pm Top Of The Pots Top 10 biggest cash hands.
11pm Sky Poker Highlights 12k Bounty Hunter Coverage.
So the competition for tonight is another Guess the hand! The prize is a seat into Tuesday's 6k Open
Get in touch with us tonight via the forum, or on twitter #skypokertv
Can't wait to see you in person at the weekend, many of you I have of course met before, but there may be a few newbies coming to Nottingham this weekend?? I will be at DTD on the Friday night..
It's our big one, the final... if you are playing and you won.. I will be interviewing you and one of the questions I will of course ask is..
"what are you going to spend your winnings on!??" On average that win should be roughly £17,500 - £20,000!
so.. forward planning, positive thinking........what are you?
See you tonight
GL on the tables 
A xx
If I won the main event the first thing I would do, after paying off a credit card or two, is buy my girls a big bag of sweeties each. I would then put the majority of the rest towards a holiday next year when I'm feeling better. I wouldn't bankroll much as I'm happy playing low stakes and am not good enough to play with the big boys lol. I would keep a bit so I can go to as many SPT's as possible next year!
Good luck all playing tonight especially to everyone in the SPT semi. I hope to join you all in there
question for tk if you come across me at a table and we are involved in a hand together will you be scared or rubbing your hands together
Question for Tikay
If you decide to play in a 5 pound rebuy game for example and you,ve already put aside money for a rebuy and addon when is the best time to take your rebuy
If you do it str8 away you can,t dbl up as most ppl have already still got there starting stack
Would you wait a level or 2 and then if you still have slightly less than your starting chips get the rebuy then or maybe wait
How do you normally approach it ?
Gr8 show btw
Really enjoying the show have'nt laughed this much for ages
tk remember anna cant have beauty and brains
have a good time at DTD
1 day I will be there when im good enough
im currently off work through sickness do you think it be naughty to try go to the spt final (naughty)
tikay i was playing a live game last night and my mate got his cage rattled by a player doing a bit of speech play and my friend ended up going out tryin to bust the player. Seeing how anoyed my friend was after it made me think bout speech play. Personaly i love talking at the table i love tryong to talk people into doing exactly what i want and so on but as i said after seeing how anoyed my mate was i might reconsider it in future if it has that affect on people. I dont want to ruin someones night when we all meant to be there for fun and banter what is your opinion on the speech play or table talk in poker?
just on tikay talking bout karma im not a big believer of karma but i 100 percent believe that positive things happen to positive people
for example keepin it in the poker theme ever notice the "worse bad beats" always happen to people that only go on bout badbeats but positive people always seem to get bit luck when needed