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Did i overplay my hand here? Raising 4betting button ok with thes hand? Iso riase flop ok with player still to act?
Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
poolidol77 | Small blind | | £0.10 | £0.10 | £7.21 |
CANNONKID | Big blind | | £0.20 | £0.30 | £4.40 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
jams88 | Raise | | £0.60 | £0.90 | £19.80 |
CI | Raise | | £1.00 | £1.90 | £49.19 |
poolidol77 | Call | | £0.90 | £2.80 | £6.31 |
CANNONKID | Call | | £0.80 | £3.60 | £3.60 |
jams88 | Raise | | £2.00 | £5.60 | £17.80 |
CI | Call | | £1.60 | £7.20 | £47.59 |
poolidol77 | Call | | £1.60 | £8.80 | £4.71 |
CANNONKID | Fold | | | | |
Flop |
| | | | | |
poolidol77 | All-in | | £4.71 | £13.51 | £0.00 |
jams88 | Raise | | £9.42 | £22.93 | £8.38 |
CI | Fold | | | | |
jams88 | Unmatched bet | | £4.71 | £18.22 | £13.09 |
poolidol77 | Show | | | | |
jams88 | Show | | | | |
Turn |
| | | | | |
River |
| | | | | |
jams88 | Win | Straight to the Jack | £17.32 | | £30.41 |
Hand 2: preflop raise ok? limp/call or fold given position? is calling flop going to get me in trouble more often than not?
Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
CANNONKID | Small blind | | £0.10 | £0.10 | £1.67 |
moz1974 | Big blind | | £0.20 | £0.30 | £19.80 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
jams88 | Raise | | £0.60 | £0.90 | £29.41 |
CI | Call | | £0.60 | £1.50 | £48.96 |
09elnino | Call | | £0.60 | £2.10 | £21.88 |
CANNONKID | Fold | | | | |
moz1974 | Call | | £0.40 | £2.50 | £19.40 |
Flop |
| | | | | |
moz1974 | Check | | | | |
jams88 | Bet | | £1.20 | £3.70 | £28.21 |
CI | Fold | | | | |
09elnino | Fold | | | | |
moz1974 | Raise | | £6.10 | £9.80 | £13.30 |
jams88 | Call | | £4.90 | £14.70 | £23.31 |
Turn |
| | | | | |
moz1974 | All-in | | £13.30 | £28.00 | £0.00 |
jams88 | Call | | £13.30 | £41.30 | £10.01 |
0 ·
hand 1
Preflop: 4betting so small here is probably the worst thing to do with your hand, it give all 3 opos great value to call and see a flop. Make your 4bet size much bigger (3/4pot -full pot size reraise) your aim is to shut them out the blinds and get it HU
The 4 bet will kinda turn your hand face up most of the time if you only doing it with AAxx but at this level and with 3 other players in the pot it’s the best line in my opinion. Get it in if he 5bets
Flop: the flop isnt to bad for your hand. id call the allin from the shortstack and reassess on turn if btn calls
hand 2

Preflop. Opening with a raise preflop with a small rundown is fine most of the time. Easy to getaway from these hands if you mis the flop. - but if the tables agreesive with lotta 3beting/4beting you can probbetter to fold this pre.
Flop: you hit the flop pretty good. But wen the big blind 3bets you here what do you put him on ? is he raiseing his flush draws? or only is it only with sets? Its opo dependant but against someone with no reads id probably shove he’s reraise cause of stack sizes. calling isnt too bad and folding seems to nitty
Turn: A shove kinda screams a floped top set that filled up on turn but with no reads on opo i think calling here is fine at this level with opo only having a pot sized bet left, if he’s got jjj55 or quads too bad but hes range also includes 33355 which you are beating and also at this level i wont be surprised if he turns over a overpair with a fd. again this is very dependant on the villan vs a post flop nit id fold xd
disclaimer: kinda new to forums so im nubby at giving advise (xd and been playing PLO for 4months only
Hand 2 I won on the turn think he had 2 pair with the jack didnt feel great calling off but it turned out well for me in the end just felt the flop may have been abit spewy. table was passive havent seen any 4bets at all so we are happy riasing pre then from utg?
Pretty new to omaha like to dabble as i enjoy it but don't confess to have much knowledge about it at all
I did initialy say it was okey to open with this hand but i guess in the long run thats a losing play, its has massive negative implied odds. This is because with these small rundowns you can get into alot of trouble. Alot of the time you can be on the bad end of a wrap/str8/flush draw so id say becarefull and dont go too crazy with them. You should typicly stick to opening rundowns from 5to8 and up and 3 beting high rundowns such as AtoT suited with a single gap.
mind the spelling im so tired zzzz
Nice post, certianly got my brain whirling )
When evaluating a starting hand count the number of nut drawing hands you have of the 6 available as this will show how well you can hit the flop. Hand 1 You have 3 (AA AJ J9) hand 2 you have 6(34 35 36 45 46 56). So although the hands them selves in hand 1 are stronger there are less of them and therefore less likelihood to hit the board.
Now look at those 2 flops and see the outcome. Hand 1 ,1 pair plus OESD. Hand 2, 2 pair plus oesd. This happens because all your cards in hand 2 are working together.
Any hand no matter how strong preflop can be destroyed by the flop so always beware of getting too much in pre because there are streets to be played. The exception is if you can guarantee to get at least 40% of your stack in pre with aces with the intent of shoving on any board.
The main streets of value are the flop and the turn. This is where you need to be focusing your efforts with your big hands and big draws. Preflop is just muscle flexing and the river is not as profitable as in NLHE.
And last and by no means least.If position is deemed important in NLHE then it must be considered to be critical in PLO. Always try to play any hand in position against the others involved as this will allow you all the choices about strength and pot sizing.
Its easy someimes just to presume you have done the right thing because you have won the hand. I wasn't so sure this was the case, though ti would check with some of regular omaha players.