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Where're the cutting back-handers and the dry, witty banter?

edited December 2012 in Area 51
Have started playing again after around eight months away. Have visited Area 51 a few times, and it now seems to be a lifeless, barren desert type place that nobody visits too often - whoops, that't the real one. Does seem to have lost some soul somewhere though?


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    edited September 2012
       Nice to see you back goethe ,ill see if i can sought something out for you ,all the best at the tables .
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    edited September 2012
    In Response to Where're the cutting back-handers and the dry, witty banter?:
    Have started playing again after around eight months away. Have visited Area 51 a few times, and it now seems to be a lifeless, barren desert type place that nobody visits too often - whoops, that't the real one. Does seem to have lost some soul somewhere though?
    Posted by Goethe
    simple really m8 fear.
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    edited September 2012
      G oethe .[german poet,philosopher] Never are they more enslaved than they who think they are free !
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    edited September 2012

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    edited September 2012
    welcome to the forum that fun forgot(or got banned).
    I'm afraid that little men given a bit of power have killed the 
    forum and area51 that you once knew.
    it is indeed an ex-forum,if it wasn't nailed to the perch
    it would be pushing up the daisies.
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    edited September 2012
    It's a shame but people are just too scared to post.

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    edited September 2012

                             [  o o  ]
            You have now entered a zip it zone.
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    edited September 2012

    not a case of scared to post just lost interest.
    no fun anymore, and few if any funny people
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    edited September 2012
     I was going to post earlier, but I was actually in Area 51 in Nevada--- Nasa heard about my communication skills from someone at Sky poker (Orford, obviously), and so they asked me to help them explain to some aliens exactly how an internal combustion engine works--- Flopwit aliens think I'm a comedian sent to entertain them!!--- they think it's fluppin hilairious I tell you!!--- When I told them about the valves being driven by a rubber belt, they all went mental!!!-- It was like a fikken instant mash advert!!!
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    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re: Where're the cutting back-handers and the dry, witty banter?:
     I was going to post earlier, but I was actually in Area 51 in Nevada--- Nasa heard about my communication skills from someone at Sky poker (Orford, obviously), and so they asked me to help them explain to some aliens exactly how an internal combustion engine works--- Flopwit aliens think I'm a comedian sent to entertain them!!--- they think it's fluppin hilairious I tell you!!--- When I told them about the valves being driven by a rubber belt, they all went mental!!!-- It was like a fikken instant mash advert!!!
    Posted by oynutter
    love this potato post xxx
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    edited September 2012
     You think thats funny?--- I have to go back on wednesday with a history of transport book and explain to them what 750 horse power is!!!
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    edited September 2012
    You grimmace at that? My eldest doesn't know what the difference is between diesel and petrol engines apart from "they sound a bit different" and "don't use the same fuel". According to my youngest, this is now part of the higher level technology GCSE, in contrast to when I was at school when this was taught in the second year as general science, as part of the general curriculum.

    No wonder the term "mechanic" is now used to refer to spotty faced kids whose technical competence seems to be limited to swapping out parts or to plug in a hand held diagnostic unit, and then tell you as nothing's being reported there's nothing wrong with the vehicle and I must be imagining things? No surpise that the UK manufactures very little nowdays?
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    edited September 2012
    goethe nice to see you back m8.
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    edited December 2012

    You are still allowed fun and's just for some reason sky decided that tilting losing player are no longer allowed to slander the company on their own pages with allegations of fraudulent behaviour ............weird that....
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